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lee i not want to make problems  for u guys but sometimes its best to think like criminals do




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I can't edit SOME (only some) my posts.  

When I hit EDIT button -  I would get a blank edition window with non-active (greyed) buttons :




I tried this with different browsers and during couple of days (it doesn't seem to be a temporary problem).


Examples of non-editable posts :

1./   http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/260808-amazing-photo-of-the-day-ii/?do=findComment&comment=1098989

2./   http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/270853-mass-shooting-at-orlandos-pulse-nightclub-50-dead-53-injured/?do=findComment&comment=1100335


PROBLEM #1A  (might be related to the above)

Besides, in both those examples you can spot the same error of a spoiler (the upper bar is doubled) :



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2 hours ago, Kalju said:

Try to click with right mouse button and select => open in new tab or open in window



Doesn't work.  :(

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"Likes" system doesn't work correctly.


1./    Let's take the same post mentioned already above :  

That post was "liked" by 4 (four) members (according to notifications), but nonetheless  -  in the thread itself you can see 3 (three) of them. 

After page being reloaded - again only 3 (three) "likes" can be seen, however they are NOT the same 3 (three) members.

Each reloading causes the set of "likes" to change - but they are always 3 (three) of them seen.


2./    Another issue with "likes". (Looks like the system is totally fu...d up.)

Just got a notification that my old post was "liked" :

Here you can see clearly the same issue :  the post was marked as POPULAR (means it received > 7 "likes").

Nevertheless only 3 (three) members are specified as those who liked it.

Exactly the same here :

and here :  This time it's  @Batu69's post  (so it's not only an issue with my posts) :

POPULAR , but only 3 members shown ....


But the following (consecutive) post by @Reefa shows the number of "likes" correctly (POPULAR = 7 "likes")


All the posts quoted here are from the single page ( # 1 ) of the popular C-c's topic. Probably the same mess can be found elsewhere.

Even on that single page you can find many more my (but not only my) posts with screwed "likes" count.

So what's going on there ? Staff, could you please do something about it ? 


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6 hours ago, mona said:


I can't edit SOME (only some) my posts.  

When I hit EDIT button -  I would get a blank edition window with non-active (greyed) buttons :


I tried this with different browsers and during couple of days (it doesn't seem to be a temporary problem).


Examples of non-editable posts :

1./   http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/260808-amazing-photo-of-the-day-ii/?do=findComment&comment=1098989

2./   http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/270853-mass-shooting-at-orlandos-pulse-nightclub-50-dead-53-injured/?do=findComment&comment=1100335


PROBLEM #1A  (might be related to the above)

Besides, in both those examples you can spot the same error of a spoiler (the upper bar is doubled) :





Since I was getting a blank edition window - I managed to place there a fullstop (edition toolbar didn't work) and saved the new post version.

This way I got rid of the culprit -->  the wrong spoiler thing (above) and everything got back to normal.

However  what causes  PROBLEM #1A  remains still unclear.

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@mona: Can confirm everything you are saying.


Problem 1A looks like bug and will probably be fixed on next IPB update.


Problem 2/1 is not a bug. IPB might well have done it purposely. Originally, I believe member names were sorted as per date of member registration, but now they are rotating the names. I consider this as a good thing. Eitherway, you can always see the full list of likes by clicking on x others, with x being a number of others who have liked in addition to the ones appearing in open.


Problem 2/2. This post seems to have been made before relatively big update that we had done not so long ago. Something seems to have messed update after the update. A lot of things did. Including this. It might or might not be fixed on next IPB update I think.

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1 hour ago, DKT27 said:

@mona: Can confirm everything you are saying.


Problem 2/1 is not a bug. IPB might well have done it purposely. Originally, I believe member names were sorted as per date of member registration, but now they are rotating the names. I consider this as a good thing. Eitherway, you can always see the full list of likes by clicking on x others, with x being a number of others who have liked in addition to the ones appearing in open.


Problem 2/2. This post seems to have been made before relatively big update that we had done not so long ago. Something seems to have messed update after the update. A lot of things did. Including this. It might or might not be fixed on next IPB update I think.


ad problem 2.1/  

Actually I think problem # 2.1 and  # 2.2  is exactly the  same problem. I noticed it just a few days ago only (so it seems to be a new issue).  

The only difference is that  # 2.1 concerns current posts, while  # 2.2 concerns older posts dated January, 2016.


@DKT27   You misunderstood my description a bit.  Here is why ....

I wrote :


That post was "liked" by 4 (four) members (according to notifications), but nonetheless  -  in the thread itself you can see 3 (three) of them. 


If you go to the link provided in  # 2.1,  you would see 3 (three) members mentioned by name and NOTHING ELSE.


The info about number of "likers" not mentioned by name  is MISSING.  

THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM - both in  #2.1 i  #2.2. 

So the available info is highly misleading.


You can learn, that there is more than those 3 likers mentioned by name - in indirect way only.  

If you reload the page - the mentioned names might be different that before.

But you will never learn the most important info - what is the total number of members who liked the post.  (this info had been available before).


Is it clear now for you ?


Please examine the situation by checking 2 consecutive posts :

@dMog's  post   -  if I remember well it has 6 "likes"  (displayed only 3), and the following ....

my post  -  which has 4 "likes"  (displayed only 3). 


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@mona: Looks like it is indeed bugged. Turns out, except guests, new members and the staff, everyone have problems with it.


Either way, I have tried fixing 2/1. Please check if it's fixed. If it is not, then IPB will need to fix it.

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6 hours ago, mona said:

Please examine the situation by checking 2 consecutive posts :

@dMog's  post   -  if I remember well it has 6 "likes"  (displayed only 3), and the following ....

my post  -  which has 4 "likes"  (displayed only 3). 


This display seem correct to me, your post & dmog.



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I don't understand why, in most cases, the spoiler is open if the page opens. Only very rarely is closed.
Normal mode or by default it must always be closed and user must open, if is interested, what it contains. After refresh it should be again closed, but often not.

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21 hours ago, DKT27 said:

@mona: Looks like it is indeed bugged. Turns out, except guests, new members and the staff, everyone have problems with it.


Either way, I have tried fixing 2/1. Please check if it's fixed. If it is not, then IPB will need to fix it.


No, it seems not fixed.

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15 hours ago, Batu69 said:


This display seem correct to me, your post & dmog.




Thanks for a feedback.

This issue is strange since it shows in many but not all posts and by various posters....


@DKT27   -  these details might be important in case IPS guys will try to fix the problem.

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44 minutes ago, TheMountain said:



Confirming -  the same issue here even I'm not on mobile.

The editing menu content vary randomly.

Generally speaking -  posting and editing them afterwards is a pain in this new upgrade.

It's been quite a bit of time from innitial releaze, but the amount of bugs is still  enormous.

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18 hours ago, Kalju said:

I don't understand why, in most cases, the spoiler is open if the page opens. Only very rarely is closed.
Normal mode or by default it must always be closed and user must open, if is interested, what it contains. After refresh it should be again closed, but often not.


Please give some examples to check. I think something is preventing for the page to be loaded completely on your side. I suggest cache refresh.


3 hours ago, TheMountain said:



This is done by IPB on purpose. Mobile screens are small, clogging them with more buttons will cause problems.


3 hours ago, mona said:


Thanks for a feedback.

This issue is strange since it shows in many but not all posts and by various posters....


@DKT27   -  these details might be important in case IPS guys will try to fix the problem.


We will look into it.

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4 minutes ago, DKT27 said:


This is done by IPB on purpose. Mobile screens are small, clogging them with more buttons will cause problems.



3 hours ago, mona said:


Confirming -  the same issue here even I'm not on mobile.

The editing menu content vary randomly.

Generally speaking -  posting and editing them afterwards is a pain in this new upgrade.

It's been quite a bit of time from initial release, but the amount of bugs is still  enormous.



What about the same situation on desktop ?   It's very frustrating. I never know which tools will be present on edit toolbar since the problem arrives randomly, but pretty often.

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What the hell has happened with the most recent input in this thread ?


Among others - there were also my comments there, describing latest findings about yet  UNSOLVED  problem #2 (started on the previous page).   There was nothing wrong with them.


There is no info about the deletion - who and why did it ?  I consider it not fair, when posts are vanishing silently without even mentioning them to be removed. It causes a lot of unnecessary confusion, when visitors to a thread can't find input that they know to be there before.


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Turns out - not only the latest posts in this thread vanished into thin air  ...

I got to my profile a moment ago - just to learn that 13 of my followers disappeared over the last night.   :eek:  Only one has left.  I don't believe they all miraculously changed their mind during last 10 hours.....




I don't care about about number of followers that much, but their avatars served for a convenient shortcuts, besides it must be really something wrong with this forum software !


Could somebody please fix it.


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19 minutes ago, mona said:

Turns out - not only the latest posts in this thread vanished into thin air  ...

I got to my profile a moment ago - just to learn that 13 of my followers disappeared over the last night.   :eek:  Only one has left.  I don't believe they all miraculously changed their mind during last 10 hours.....




I don't care about about number of followers that much, but their avatars served for a convenient shortcuts, besides it must be really something wrong with this forum software !


Could somebody please fix it.


13 followers disappeared over the last night

do u no the names of the  followers

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21 minutes ago, knowledge said:

13 followers disappeared over the last night

do u no the names of the  followers


Yes, at least some of them (you included  ;))


I checked 2 other profiles so far and their followers' list is fucked up too  !

@Crazycanuk  has only 2 followers --> total  :shit:

@WALLONN7's  list disappeared completely ...


How about you @knowledge  ?   You've got only 1 follower too .....   :tooth:


Means Nsane has follower's lists problem IN GENERAL.

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6 minutes ago, mona said:


Yes, at least some of them (you included  ;))


I checked 2 other profiles so far and their followers' list is fucked up too  !

@Crazycanuk  has only 2 followers --> total  :shit:

@WALLONN7  his list disappeared completely ...@knowledge  ?   You've got only 1 follower too .....   :tooth:

i just look and u are right shit all my friends removed aswell  admins need to fix this shit

if people  can remove my follows and things like this how about inbox ?

i am not happy  now my friends follows removed this sucks bigtime as i  use my follows to no whos  my real friends

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1 hour ago, mona said:
1 hour ago, knowledge said:

i just look and u are right shit all my friends removed aswell  admins need to fix this shit

if people  can remove my follows and things like this how about inbox ?

i am not happy  now my friends follows removed this sucks bigtime as i  use my follows to no whos  my real friends

Yes, at least some of them (you included  ;))


I checked 2 other profiles so far and their followers' list is fucked up too  !

@Crazycanuk  has only 2 followers --> total  :shit:

@WALLONN7's  list disappeared completely ...


How about you @knowledge  ?   You've got only 1 follower too .....   :tooth:


Means Nsane has follower's lists problem IN GENERAL.


Confirmed... Lack of compassion... :rolleyes:

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Now I just clicked like / thanks and a window popped up saying I wasn't allowed to give reputation to that member...

Things are getting weird...

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