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Recently, I have taken to xBoot with Syslinux. :wub:

Looks like it's only for linux based ISOs. Or is it?

It can certainly be used for Windows — all BootCDs / BootDVDs use either a Linux / WinPE based boot system. ;)

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UltraISO did the job :thumbsup:

Keep that BootUSB intact — it might prove a life-saver, someday. 7HSB47o.gif

I always keep one handy in my haversack — never know when a Customers CD/DVD ROM decides to conk-off. :dunno:

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@dcs what happens if with ur config we eliminate the below 4 rules and use only 1

nsaneforums.com##.ipsAdnsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin: 0 0 0 -8px; overflow: hidden;"]nsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin-top: -16px;"]nsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin-top: -8px;"]

and use this only?


Just optimized those rules and guess what — I don't need any of those 5 rules (not even a single one.) :lol:

Furthermore, the following custom Element Hiding Rules were used — the following entries are sorted in alphabetical order (and include rules for the FrontPage, too):


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Is it possible to liberate Eset 9 from the new gui ? :)

LoL, I guess so — unfortunately, I'm still running the older V8:—


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Is it possible to liberate Eset 9 from the new gui ? :)

LoL, I guess so unfortunately, I'm still running the older V8:


I'm on v9 :dance:. I like the UI though. Better than Ccleaner.

Yet, I have no idea why most of the vendors started fapping their GUI on metro.

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@hihello has adguard been able to retain activation and is still updating successfully?

Everything is good except this

Updates fine here maybe just block the one responsible for license check and allow others, maybe it will then update normally.....

otherwise i will give u another trick.

btw has 14 days happened since u started using this method?


Filters are also working fine.

Pm the trick

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@dcs what happens if with ur config we eliminate the below 4 rules and use only 1

nsaneforums.com##.ipsAdnsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin: 0 0 0 -8px; overflow: hidden;"]nsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin-top: -16px;"]nsaneforums.com##CENTER[style="height: 45px; margin-top: -8px;"]
and use this only?

Just optimized those rules and guess what — I don't need any of those 5 rules (not even a single one.) :lol:

Furthermore, the following custom Element Hiding Rules were used — the following entries are sorted in alphabetical order (and include rules for the FrontPage, too):—


hope the look is same logged out as well ;)

No problem while logged-off — however, two of those rules are essential and have been reinstated (ATM, checking out on the other two.)

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Hello Dcs18;

what about the http://ouo.io
it doesn't allow you access, unless disable the adblock plus,
in fact it is a advertisement site , But it could be better if we eliminate at list some of ad..
take care

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I just browsed that site as a guest, without encountering advertisements — can you publish some screenshot/s where those ads. are reflected.

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I just browsed that site as a guest, without encountering advertisements — can you publish some screenshot/s where those ads. are reflected.

no body use the web directly..it is a link crypter which beeing use while trying to destination adress.

during to try reach to destination adress I must clic at least 5 times on the http://ouo.io by the way it couse to pop up below adresses and it has already its own ads.

some of it's popups






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I just browsed that site as a guest, without encountering advertisements — can you publish some screenshot/s where those ads. are reflected.

no body use the web directly..it is a link crypter which beeing use while trying to destination adress.

during to try reach to destination adress I must clic at least 5 times on the http://ouo.io by the way it couse to pop up below adresses and it has already its own ads.

some of it's popups






Strange, I don't see any pop-ups — not even a single one. Wl2LIwk.gif

Anyways, you can use the following rules:—



Click the following image for the bigger picture:



Click the following image for the bigger picture:


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Strange, I don't see any pop-ups not even a single one.

afaik, ouo.io is solely used by free-premium sites as one of the multiple link-shorteners one must click through before gaining access to the download. ouo.io employs image reCAPTCHA for anti-botting (eg. try http://ouo.io/g5ad1)

the popup he saw depends on which site ouo redirected him to. so unless he exposes the exact ouo url, investigation is futile.

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Strange, I don't see any pop-ups not even a single one.

afaik, ouo.io is solely used by free-premium sites as one of the multiple link-shorteners one must click through before gaining access to the download. ouo.io employs image reCAPTCHA for anti-botting (eg. try http://ouo.io/g5ad1)

the popup he saw depends on which site ouo redirected him to. so unless he exposes the exact ouo url, investigation is futile.

I see — BTW, the rules mentioned at post # 3593 allow me get the shortened URL without having to go through any of those loops & hoops.

More importantly, the site homepage now loads-up instantaneously (without any pop-ups — just as usual.) ^_^

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sorry I have now uninstalled AG <snip>

What are you using instead of Adguard, then — the almighty uBlock which boasts of Dynamic Filtering? :lmao:
:yes: :notworthy: :lmao:

uBlock FanBoyz seem to be blissfully unaware that the great Dynamic Filtering is also available in Adblock Plus . . . . . . . . . and Adguard . . . . . . . . . in fact, almost every other ad. blocker already has the damn feature. :lol:

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sorry I have now uninstalled AG <snip>

What are you using instead of Adguard, then — the almighty uBlock which boasts of Dynamic Filtering? :lmao:
:yes: :notworthy: :lmao:
uBlock FanBoyz seem to be blissfully unaware that the great Dynamic Filtering is also available in Adblock Plus . . . . . . . . . and Adguard . . . . . . . . . in fact, almost every other ad. blocker already has the damn feature. :lol:
That was never out of question.....

Also I can realise how ppl fail to see the so called dynamic filtering aspect in other blockers bcuz they even fail to see the bugs in ublock program...

FWIW they don't know the nuances of it all, I can make ublock even more light than it already is but then I can't hide its functional deficiencies,

Still it has the same problem - I can fail its element hiding, blocking feature, the point is the dev is now much more focussed on other aspects ignoring the key areas.

uBlock Apologists have also been dealt with a (long overdue) reality check which shakes them out of the delusion that other ad. blockers do not block:—

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sorry I have now uninstalled AG <snip>

What are you using instead of Adguard, then — the almighty uBlock which boasts of Dynamic Filtering? :lmao:
:yes: :notworthy: :lmao:
uBlock FanBoyz seem to be blissfully unaware that the great Dynamic Filtering is also available in Adblock Plus . . . . . . . . . and Adguard . . . . . . . . . in fact, almost every other ad. blocker already has the damn feature. :lol:
That was never out of question.....

Also I can realise how ppl fail to see the so called dynamic filtering aspect in other blockers bcuz they even fail to see the bugs in ublock program...

FWIW they don't know the nuances of it all, I can make ublock even more light than it already is but then I can't hide its functional deficiencies,

Still it has the same problem - I can fail its element hiding, blocking feature, the point is the dev is now much more focussed on other aspects ignoring the key areas.

uBlock Apologists have also been dealt with a (long overdue) reality check which shakes them out of the delusion that other ad. blockers do not block:—
Personally, I have stopped giving them the advise, maybe sumtym when the sun rises from the west they will realise it on their own. :dunno:

btw u tried out AG - i haven't been able to track its progress after I got engaged in work and then health issues but uptil alpha it was developing as a nice product. :rolleyes:

Yep, I keep trying the top 3 ad. blockers — and, sometimes uBlock . . . . . . while trying the bottom 3. <_<

BTW, which one are you using, right now — if not Adguard?

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Most recently, I tried out Edge — nothing rave to write home about, since it is just a clone of the original Adblock Plus.

BTW, why don't you create a post with detailed findings on your experience with uBlock? :) F3h9xqz.gif

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i m using ublock origin atm.

what all adblockers have u tried - i know ABP, Adguard and ublock for sure, dunno abt others.

adblock > admuncher > adguard > ublock > ublock with umatrix (current)

What i liked most about about the ublock+umatrix combo.

it completely blocks all third party sources by default, until your manually whitelist. you can either whitelist locally (which you should for most sites), or global whitelist (i only do that for common services like youtube). It also flags in red advertisement sources based on list sources, so you can easily know which are ad stuff you should not unblock. I think this functionality is from umatrix.

Then whatever is left, ublock deals with it by using the list, and blocking those ads.

Most recently, I tried out Edge — nothing rave to write home about, since it is just a clone of the original Adblock Plus.

BTW, why don't you create a post with detailed findings on your experience with uBlock? :) F3h9xqz.gif

I have only bad things to say...... :hehe:

+ I can't afford another ban.

+ If you remember I quoted psyko666 and stated an instance where ublock's blocking will fail, looks like nobody paid any interest or chose to ignore as nobody likes their goody product to be criticised.

when kantry and I used to have TV sessions earlier, every session intentionally or unintentionally we wud find one or the other flaw. and thats why he decided to make the shift to another one.

what instance example was that ? And what adblockers work in comparison under the same scenario :think:

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i m using ublock origin atm.

what all adblockers have u tried - i know ABP, Adguard and ublock for sure, dunno abt others.

adblock > admuncher > adguard > ublock > ublock with umatrix (current)

What i liked most about about the ublock+umatrix combo.

it completely blocks all third party sources by default, until your manually whitelist. you can either whitelist locally (which you should for most sites), or global whitelist (i only do that for common services like youtube). It also flags in red advertisement sources based on list sources, so you can easily know which are ad stuff you should not unblock. I think this functionality is from umatrix.

Then whatever is left, ublock deals with it by using the list, and blocking those ads.

Most recently, I tried out Edge — nothing rave to write home about, since it is just a clone of the original Adblock Plus.

BTW, why don't you create a post with detailed findings on your experience with uBlock? :) F3h9xqz.gif

I have only bad things to say...... :hehe:

+ I can't afford another ban.

+ If you remember I quoted psyko666 and stated an instance where ublock's blocking will fail, looks like nobody paid any interest or chose to ignore as nobody likes their goody product to be criticised.

when kantry and I used to have TV sessions earlier, every session intentionally or unintentionally we wud find one or the other flaw. and thats why he decided to make the shift to another one.

what instance example was that ? And what adblockers work in comparison under the same scenario :think:

U just don't say what adblocker is gud and what is not without any supportive argument.

and here is that argument instance : http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/252092-adblock-plus-accused-of-paying-off-other-ad-blockers-to-let-some-ads-through/?do=findComment&comment=982296

i did explain how it worked for me... how is that not supportive argument... lel...

hm.... i don't use firefox ;_; so hm.... so i can't comment on that. but doesn't sound like that affects me a chrome user :x

Is there anything else ?

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U edited your post, at that time the argument was not there :sigh:

The same can be checked even on Chrome but I'm not here to teach you how to use your own browser. :lol:

Anything else? - u tell me? is it perfect 4 u?

Btw by your statement highlighted in red above, u seem to be saying adblock is superior to ublock and in the later part u seem to be providing reasons for the counter. That is no problem of yours but the uBlock effect :lmao:

well it seems to work for me. but you seem to know something i don't. so how will i learn if you don't take time to explain :/

you misinterpreted what i meant... i was showing the history of the adblockers i've used over the years and migrated from >> to

-_- this what you call the troll effect... sigh :rockon:

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hello dcs18
I guess it is better if you re arrange the NSF rule,
why don't you add a seperate title to your signature..for it?
you have mentioned about NSF rules somewhere in addition Taker
involved in to the thread by offering new rule for NFS
furthermore how can I bbring back the search button on it

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