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Would this command work to delete the data value?

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Would this command work to delete the data value?


yes if you use your number instead of XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

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Would this command work to delete the data value?


yes if you use your number instead of XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

I just took out my number to avoid confusing people. It's seems to do the job whereas deleting the whole MiscStatus folder caused issues with the problem when launching it.
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For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


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dnsmo : Nothing works for v.12 - 16.0.1017. You can use v.15.0.968 with a patch done by @shajt

What about the Trial Reset batch file? :huh:
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i tried uninstall and after I install, I can't open it now. maybe i need to use an uninstaller to fully uninstall it again. but right now i am back to 15.

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It would seem that an update to the program is in order. It seems like many are having issues with uninstalling the program. :think:

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dnsmo : Nothing works for v.12 - 16.0.1017. You can use v.15.0.968 with a patch done by @shajt

Yep, 15.0.968 + shajt patch works like a charm :showoff:

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Trial Reset works perfectly! If you want to try Jofre's test of changing the computer date forward 60 days, don't forget to run the trial-reset program after you change the date and before you check the results! That's what people forget to do before when they said it did not work. Basically remember the trial-reset program will run everyday, so any time based test will need to also run the trial-reset program after you set the date forward. :D @dnsmo -- it sounds like your uninstall is borked! Unfortunately simply using the normal uninstall process does not completely remove all Diskeeper contents from the registry. There are a few posts up from this where people explain how they uninstalled, but basically run the uninstall, then do a registry cleaner, then manual search the registry for "diskeeper" or "condusiv" and delete results. This was the only way I completely removed all Diskeeper registry "junk" before reinstalling new version.
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put this in notepad and make sure to save it to "all files" whatever.cmd and post results.

REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /spauseexit

This scans, sets it as a variable and deletes it.

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)exit

Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /download.php?82322f21ws54z3l [?]


/download.php?khjxjmkad8a2hdm [?]

Both of them up ends with: "Error: too many command-line parameters"

See below:



Btw.:Am I missed what to do with "DK_TrialReset"??!

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You have to put the statements into a .bat (or .cmd) file and run it from DOS prompt. Afterwards put shortcut to .bat file into your Programs --> Startup menu to be executed everytime you start your computer or use computer task scheduler. Best would be to read thread from point where Johndough introduced trial-reset solution. :)
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You have to put the statements into a .bat (or .cmd) file and run it from DOS prompt. Afterwards put shortcut to .bat file into your Programs --> Startup menu to be executed everytime you start your computer or use computer task scheduler. Best would be to read thread from point where Johndough introduced trial-reset solution. :)

As you can see from pictures if a command -"has too many parameters from Dos promt"-than it is nonsence to put anywhere!!!! :duh:

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Just letting you know what worked for me and the others who have Diskeeper running :) .... Not really sure what you are doing. I'm sure you already know but "Cut & Paste" at Dos prompt will not work. Also it obvious your OS language is not English and may not matter but the scripts may need tweaking.

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You have to put the statements into a .bat (or .cmd) file and run it from DOS prompt. Afterwards put shortcut to .bat file into your Programs --> Startup menu to be executed everytime you start your computer or use computer task scheduler. Best would be to read thread from point where Johndough introduced trial-reset solution. :)

You have to put the statements into a .bat (or .cmd) file and run it from DOS prompt. Afterwards put shortcut to .bat file into your Programs --> Startup menu to be executed everytime you start your computer or use computer task scheduler. Best would be to read thread from point where Johndough introduced trial-reset solution. :)

Try to put and run those "scripts" without "exit" at the end and see what is the result! :wub:

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My script runs every day and has "exit" at the end, and is from Johndough's original script. I believe the script suggested for you to run also had "exit" at the end, so not sure exactly what problem you are having unless you are using a different script.

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (

Set Var=%%A)



If you go back a few pages (post #280 or #286) Johndough provides a "packaged" solution that includes all elements this solution requires. You might want to download it and see if it works for you: //www.nsaneforu...280?do=findComment&comment=484577
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REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /spauseexit
For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)exit

Both of them up ends with: "Error: too many command-line parameters"

It seems the REG command doesn't accept the same parameters with the different OS.

In Windows XP, it doesn't accept the /t option and it seems the /s and /v options can't be used together.

To test, open a DOS window (run cmd.exe) and type this line alone :


In Windows XP it displays the "Error: too many command-line parameters" message.

type REG QUERY /? for the REG command help.

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REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /spauseexit
For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)exit

Both of them up ends with: "Error: too many command-line parameters"

It seems the REG command doesn't accept the same parameters with the different OS.

In Windows XP, it doesn't accept the /t option and it seems the /s and /v options can't be used together.

To test, open a DOS window (run cmd.exe) and type this line alone :


In Windows XP it displays the "Error: too many command-line parameters" message.

type REG QUERY /? for the REG command help.

The above statements are proved on pictures in my post page 22!

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Maybe this should be like Acronis: no fix for the 2012 version but maybe there is hope for the 2013 version. :beg:

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I'm going to downgrade to Diskeeper 2011, it doesn't have any problem, and it works forever with no flaws, if you think about it, there isn't any major new advantage of going to DK 2012, there isn't any enticing feature, that will halt you to upgrade to 2012 version, and the DK 2011 doesn't require .net Framework 4 to run, even better for Windows XP users.

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I'm going to downgrade to Diskeeper 2011, it doesn't have any problem, and it works forever with no flaws, if you think about it, there isn't any major new advantage of going to DK 2012, there isn't any enticing feature, that will halt you to upgrade to 2012 version, and the DK 2011 doesn't require .net Framework 4 to run, even better for Windows XP users.

I totally agree with you. My DK 2011 is working perfectly, besides, DK 2012 doesn't have any new compelling features in the engine & I like 2011's interface better.

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