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Не понравилось имя ключа кое-кому: #2079

Do not like the name of the key to someone: # 2079

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Here is he, watching our forum i am watching his 4968. This is the internet world. :rolleyes: :D

Does not matter if he share the key within his forum or everywhere on internet it will be black listed less than 24 hours.

Sharing is caring.Nice to see you here time 2 time Crystal have a fun.

We never get offended sharing the nsaneforum key in your forum@

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sly131@ Thank to calguyhunk not me

No mih - Real thanks to you for starting this thread when the blutmagie proxies were blacklisted and we did'nt know where to go :thumbsup:

@ Crystal, if you're reading this - I was one of the first non-Russian guys to have discovered crystal.ucoz (also Dany007) along with an Arabic and a Vietnamese forum. Did not acknowledge because I did not want the devs to find out 'bout you guys. They were already keeping a tab on us as it is.

I apologize to Crystal and the members of your forum if you've taken offense to my sharing of your keys without proper acknowledgement.

BTW, those were the days when you were trying to hide your posts by changing a letter and then posting a photograph of the instructions on how to derive the correct name/code combo so as to stop translations :hehe:

But where there's a will, there's a way :P My mom took Russian in college. She's rusty, but still does alright. Whenever I did anything wrong as a kid, she'd go 'nyet, nyet' ;)

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Wow, thanks to ll the guys here for keeping AM alive, as far as the crystal guys are concerned, all I can say is: Мне очень жалко что раньше не узнал для вашего форума, и не смог поздравить вашу работу и сильнейший труд. Но я вам сейчас скажу: Большое спасибо!

(P.S. I realise that Nsane is an English-only forum, but I find it a matter of good manners to thank the guys over there by giving them the extra treat of hearing a word of praise in their native tongue. :))

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I'm on 4089 want update to 4100 the backup method still works right?

The answer is simple >>>> go>go>go

Don't for get the Backup And Reset Program Data method!!

How To>> Just read instruction by Supremo Phantom

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Thanks for all your efforts guys, you're amazing! :lol:

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Site: http://www.pastebin.com/

Sharecode: Bpz56cY4 [?]

Acknowledgement - crystal.ucoz.net/

EDIT: Sharecoded.

calguyhunk, what method should I use to keep this code alive? How do I keep the cow from getting red?

I had time stopper before but for some reason, I couldn't get it to work. i was down to 2 days.

Any help would be creatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Thanks madeinheaven for the PM, thanks koaask and calguyhunk for the key. :D :win:

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calguyhunk, what method should I use to keep this code alive? How do I keep the cow from getting red?

I had time stopper before but for some reason, I couldn't get it to work. i was down to 2 days.

Any help would be creatly appreciated. Thank you!

Here is the answer for your first question:

Don't for get the Backup And Reset Program Data method!!

How To>> Just read instruction by Supremo Phantom

And the answer for your second question #2017

They are two different method please do not mix them up!

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Thanks again from you guys :showoff:

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Thank you guys.

Finally got mine registered.

Thank you madeinheaven and Supremo Phantom.

@ Supremo Phantom :

I tried your original, untouched state with full registration few days ago and couldn't get the registration with this. Are you sure it can work on other computers than your ?

Else, about Ad Muncher when it's registered and with Supremo Phantom method, what we have to do ?

Next step is when the key is blacklsited, then nobody can use it anymore to register their Ad Muncher. But what about the versions which registered with this key ? When can it turn red ? Do we need to disable the checks for updates ?


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And the answer for your second question #2017

They are two different method please do not mix them up!

Yes, I am aware. Thanks!

One more question:

I still have timestopper on right now. Should I take it out and redo it? Or just make a backup and leave it alone?


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spootnack@ If you are activating Ad Muncher with basic license key you can only use back up files in your PC

But if you are back up trial period files that can be use another PC.

When the key is blacklisted or after update advert list you just need to copy back up files then your cow will be white again/

Its like keep copying back up files every time you have a red cow just after new advert list.

Video Instruction about this method by koaask

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Yes, I am aware. Thanks!

One more question:

I still have timestopper on right now. Should I take it out and redo it? Or just make a backup and leave it alone?


I would suggest back up and save it somewhere, just in case, be a safe site if there is anything goes wrong you have other option to play around.

Of couse the other alternative is back up option use this basic key to activate and save it in your computer too.

a.) config.dat

b.) customstrings.dat

c.) license.dat

d.) registration.dat

location of these 4 files on win 7 systems is: C:\ProgramData\Ad Muncher


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Supremo Phantom

Thanks for sharing your key koaask..

update: key has changed as it says now that the user has asked for name change.


I have just updated my post and removed the files i shared. registered files from one system DO NOT work on another. but yes, once successfully registered with the key shared here, immediately backup your files and then on the day the key gets blacklisted, follow the instructions as i have written, and you will be able to get all the latest updates and still stay registered and protected using the same blacklisted key forever, without the need to change mac address or using timestopper etc.

and yes, it is a good idea to change the update setting to "notify only". do the update manually using the instructions and you will stay registered and protected, otherwise in the automatic update, it will see the key got blacklisted and then turn your cow red. there is no need to disable update check completely, just keeping it at "notify" is just fine, it fails registration ONLY IF you attempt to go ahead with the update, NOT if you are just checking for available updates.

hope this helps you and all other users who managed to successfully register with the keys shared here, to stay registered as well as get all the latest updates.

Big Thanks to ALL the users here who have shared any kind of information that has helped other members to get this to work for them.

I would like to specially thank MIH, calguyhunk, danny, koaask and all other I might have missed here who have helped with all the instructions and videos and workarounds and testing and sorting and bringing together all the working solutions here for everyone to use.

Cheers guys :)

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