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tried updating on numerous occasions but get message, tha server's response was incomplete or corrupted, please try again and contact us if this problem persists.any thoughts why this happens.thanks

I need more info which method did you update. Did you use crack if you do what version admucher you instal possibly send screenshot please. Than i will help you more.

I strongly suggest try to re install the latest version [on the download link] and then use AdVor register and update [use method one]

Follow the screenshots on the topic and don't forget the register with polish computer name and code:

Site: http://pastebin.com/

Sharecode: FKyAAxAs [?]

i used method one and installed the blacklist file and used the polish computer name

Well be patient try to update different time of the day as you see new proxies on AdVor. You will be update surelly.

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Posted Image

If you are getting this error same as me it means proxies you are using through AdVor not working at the moment Sunday is not a good day to get more proxies
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Thanks madeinheaven,worked eventually

I told you it will be a matter of time to find a working proxies. Good luck.

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Thanks for the update ^_^

This admuncher is really amazing , if it was cheaper I would pay for it :ph34r:

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Thanks for the update ^_^

This admuncher is really amazing , if it was cheaper I would pay for it :ph34r:

Seriously!!! 29$ is not expensive.. less in euro :lol:

I don't use admuncher anymore because ABP is far better with the latest release of firefox. the ABP team has improved the performance considerably. And with the latest release of FF, IE9, Chrome you can see that the pages are not loading as fast as before and they are aware of that. At least murray the developper told me that. the bottom line, AM doesnt filter https and there is lack of support for some protocols.

But if you use more than one browser, I think it is the best choice. With IE9, don't forget to enable your personalized tracking protection list because AM doesn't block all for privacy. This was verified.

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Supremo Phantom

this update came out pretty soon .. there was a good long gap between test1 and test2,,, i hope they release the final soon.

thanks dear :)

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Here is automatic updater for premium filters(only work with unlimited trial)

Download site: http://www.mediafire.com/

Share code: ?wpm14vzdwvvxwac

Its in russian,but here is some explanation:

copy AdMunchUDa.exe and proxy.ini into ad muncher installation folder

run it,wait about 10sec.

Posted Image

after that click on 3akp...see image

then settings window will show up

Posted Image

and here is google translated (: (in archive is readme file also translated in same way)

1. Add to Startup.

2. Sound messages.

3. Restart Ad Muncher.

4. Exit updater after the update check

5. Manual selection of filters

Virus Total Link


1/ 42 (2.4%)

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Sry i forgot that,but if you want virus total link why you not download the file and then upload them to virustotal and post link ? :wub: Anyone know that if you not execute file then you cant get infected,also archive is not password protected so you dont need to extract them! anyway i updated my post :D

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Jordan de Souza

Well you can always complain with our admins... just re-inforcing the rules.

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Well you can always complain with our admins... just re-inforcing the rules.

Including virus total scan results is not something we force upon anyone at this time. However the effort of including the virus total report is much appreciated and members are welcomed to include the results of virus total or any similar online virus scan tool. :rolleyes:

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Well you can always complain with our admins... just re-inforcing the rules.

I explain why i wrote that,anyone can download and upload fille to virus total or similar site safely and be useful for community without flooding.

Virustotal is not accurate at all, if you use safe file and compress it with eg. pe compact there will be over 50% FP, but if you write key*en with your own malicius code in it,

results will be 0 and should pass weeks or months before they detect it...

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Well you can always complain with our admins... just re-inforcing the rules.

I explain why i wrote that,anyone can download and upload fille to virus total or similar site safely and be useful for community without flooding.

Virustotal is not accurate at all, if you use safe file and compress it with eg. pe compact there will be over 50% FP, but if you write key*en with your own malicius code in it,

results will be 0 and should pass weeks or months before they detect it...

cooina if you get more detail about instruction i am thinking put it in the main topic. I only need more detail how to as an English. I seen this downloader several Russian side but not much info how to use.

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Here is automatic updater for premium filters(only work with unlimited trial)Download site: http://www.mediafire.com/Share code: ?wpm14vzdwvvxwacIts in russian,but here is some explanation:copy AdMunchUDa.exe and proxy.ini into ad muncher installation folderrun it,wait about 10sec. Posted Imageafter that click on 3akp...see imagethen settings window will show upPosted Imageand here is google translated (: (in archive is readme file also translated in same way)1. Add to Startup.2. Sound messages.3. Restart Ad Muncher.4. Exit updater after the update check5. Manual selection of filtersVirus Total LinkResult: 1/ 42 (2.4%)

@mediahaven: i explain everything in previus page....when settings window appear there is 5 checkboxes also i number them 12345 and write what is behind them (: ....left all setings default is enought(maybe to unthick checkbox 2 becouse this is sound notification after filter update) updater will start with windows and will automatically update ad muncher when new filters come out...also after initial configuration icon will show up on desktop,dont delete it!
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Utility AdMunchUD.exe [Designed to download and install the new files to the premium filters]

Utility should be placed in the folder containing the Ad Muncher.

For users of Windows older than XP:

This version of the utility only for those who have administrator rights and wants to Ad Muncher has been installed in the system folder (Program Files, Program Files (x86)). For this version of the utility must have Administrator rights.

Posted Image

Utility can not be renamed.

Tested on Windows utility XPh86, Windows 7h86, Windows 7x64.

Management tool is made through the menu in the tray.

When you first start to configure the utility.

Posted Image

1. Add to Startup
If you choose this option, the utility is written in the startup of the current user (the registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, Registry key: AdMunchUD.exe). In this case, when the computer is waiting for the utility for 1 minute before testing.

2. Sound messages.
If you choose this option, the conclusion and closing windows messaging tool will be accompanied by sound. 23:00 to 08:00 sounds will not in any way.

3. Restart Ad Muncher.
When you select this option when you run the utility will run Ad Muncher, if he is not running when you install a new filter, the utility will restart the Ad Muncher.
Run Ad Muncher utility is only in the event that does not work any other copy of Ad Muncher.
Ad Muncher restart the utility will be only if the work that Ad Muncher, which is located in the utility.

4. Exit after the inspection.
If you choose this option, the utility will be closed after checks (setup) update, regardless of errors.

5. Selection window filters.
If you choose this option only if you do not select Startup (see point 1), when you run the utility will open a window for selecting filters for installation. To install you can choose from the last ten filters. New filters are highlighted in blue.

Modify settings or can be via the tray menu, or by running the utility is not a label, a exe-file.

For those who get Internet through a proxy:

The utility itself should take the proxy settings from Internet Explorer. If not, then next to the tool needed to put a file with your Proxy.ini proxy settings (sample file Proxy.ini is in the archive). In this case, the utility will first take the proxy settings from this file. More detailed instructions are in the sample Proxy.ini. If the utility still does not work, alas, but you do not need it.
You can manually download the new filters with my sites (http://amupdate.nxt.ru/ or http://amupdate.narod2.ru/)

After starting, if not selected 4 (Exit after checking), every 6 hours it checks for new files with the premium filter, if necessary, installs and displays a message about it. In the event of any error, the utility will change the icon in the tray and will repeat the test every 2 minutes. After three inspections, the presence of errors, the next round of inspections (3 times) will be made after 1 hour.

On the desktop shortcut will be created to run the utility. Configured to run the utility only needs a label.

Download Link

Posted Image

Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: files/SLG7WLG6/AdMunchUDa.7z_links [?]

Virustotal result 1 /36 (2.8%)

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