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This is definitely a problem with your computer, look at a screenshot of my installation:

Try 'Repairing' ESET(Start > All programs > ESET > Uninstall > Repair).

I have installed the program several times, including the beta version, which didn't have this option either. Perhaps it's because I am running Windows 7?

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This is definitely a problem with your computer, look at a screenshot of my installation:

Try 'Repairing' ESET(Start > All programs > ESET > Uninstall > Repair).

I have installed the program several times, including the beta version, which didn't have this option either. Perhaps it's because I am running Windows 7?

This is from ESET help file: "Starting with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008, the new Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) architecture is used to check network communication. Since the WFP technology uses special monitoring techniques, the Browsers section is not available."

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This is definitely a problem with your computer, look at a screenshot of my installation:

Try 'Repairing' ESET(Start > All programs > ESET > Uninstall > Repair).

I have installed the program several times, including the beta version, which didn't have this option either. Perhaps it's because I am running Windows 7?

This is from ESET help file: "Starting with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008, the new Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) architecture is used to check network communication. Since the WFP technology uses special monitoring techniques, the Browsers section is not available."

That clears things up. Thanks.

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What is the purpose of checking utorrent in this list? Are you speaking of the active list submenu? Should other file sharing programs such as orbit be checked as well?

Chris out.


| Support information |


Delayed updates:

Don't worry about your updates being delayed, it is possible that you will be a few days(maybe even a week) behind on the updates. This is due to the fact that ESET's servers are overloaded by the heavy usage of many users that want to try out the new version. There is no way to fix this and all you can do is wait, posts concerning this will be either deleted or ignored.

Internet problems:

If ESET v4 is causing some Internet problems, please try the 'Repair' button in the Uninstall window first, before you get rid off it ;) This could solve some(or all) problems ;)

Extra process 'dllhost.exe':

This process is used by ESET to check your system for missing Windows updates, I however have never 'missed' a Windows update and I can't think of a way in which that would occur, so it's probably safe to disable this :( How to: Double-click the ESET logo, switch to Advanced mode, enter Advanced setup(Setup, Advanced setup), go to Tools, System updates and set the drop-down box to 'No updates'. This option has nothing to do with updates from ESET ;)

ESET and uTorrent:

If you are using uTorrent and ESET you should set this option: Double-click the ESET logo, switch to Advanced mode, enter Advanced setup(Setup, Advanced setup), go to Antivirus and antispyware, Web access protection, HTTP/HTTPS, Web browsers and put a (blue) cross at uTorrent.exe :o

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No, you're not 'checking' uTorrent, you're 'crossing' it. So there shouldn't be a (red) check but a (blue) cross. This is to prevent compatibility issues known in the past.

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Hello again.

I now see tnovak post from 20-03-2009. I have found this same issue to be the case. I have unchecked utorrent from the active list, even though it says active setting works. My torrent activity has been inconsistent for several days at my hotspot. My problems began before nod32 installation. I'll have to wait for the problems to subside. Probably related to router/port issues that arise from time to time.

chrisTM out.


What is the purpose of checking utorrent in this list? Are you speaking of the active list submenu? Should other file sharing programs such as orbit be checked as well?

Chris out.


| Support information |


Delayed updates:

Don't worry about your updates being delayed, it is possible that you will be a few days(maybe even a week) behind on the updates. This is due to the fact that ESET's servers are overloaded by the heavy usage of many users that want to try out the new version. There is no way to fix this and all you can do is wait, posts concerning this will be either deleted or ignored.

Internet problems:

If ESET v4 is causing some Internet problems, please try the 'Repair' button in the Uninstall window first, before you get rid off it ;) This could solve some(or all) problems ;)

Extra process 'dllhost.exe':

This process is used by ESET to check your system for missing Windows updates, I however have never 'missed' a Windows update and I can't think of a way in which that would occur, so it's probably safe to disable this :( How to: Double-click the ESET logo, switch to Advanced mode, enter Advanced setup(Setup, Advanced setup), go to Tools, System updates and set the drop-down box to 'No updates'. This option has nothing to do with updates from ESET ;)

ESET and uTorrent:

If you are using uTorrent and ESET you should set this option: Double-click the ESET logo, switch to Advanced mode, enter Advanced setup(Setup, Advanced setup), go to Antivirus and antispyware, Web access protection, HTTP/HTTPS, Web browsers and put a (blue) cross at uTorrent.exe :o

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Another quick fact, I guess we all know most installations leave a lot of registry errors after they are uninstalled/installed, uninstalling ESET v3 and installing ESET v4 caused exactly zero registry errors on my computer ;)

I have Vista Ultimate SP1 x64. I am considering uninstalling v3 and installing v4, but im curious how do you do what you did, and check for registry errors? (I find that interesting, and may help me solve my other problem, of ET6 not uninstalling).

For everyone else here: Can anyone confirm the 64bit version will not download? I get a strange upload page instead of an expected version 4 download file. Hmmm... It says it was updated as of March 21st... thats today, yet it seems like a misdirected link to me.

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Yeah, the guys at WHFF still didn't upload our files...

It is updated today, but to add a fix, not to change the links.

Edit: Updated the listings, there you go :)

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Is there a way to get NOD32 v4 to not scan zip files? I see default archive scan settings for the real time scanner but no way to disable it. It takes very long to scan within zip and rar files that are split into 100+ part files. I think I worked around it by setting the limit to 5MB files only and 1 depth level, but still I would prefer if there was a way to disable it since viruses don't really do harm unless extracted from the zip file anyway.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I think the only way you can avoid scanning zip files is to add it in the extension exclusion list.

Setup (press F5) > Real-time file system protection setup > ThreatSense engine parameter setup > Extensions

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I think the only way you can avoid scanning zip files is to add it in the extension exclusion list.

Setup (press F5) > Real-time file system protection setup > ThreatSense engine parameter setup > Extensions

Yes! Thank you very much, I will do this. ;) I don't know why they removed the checkbox for archives though :D .

Update: I already had the option to scan all files disabled, only the default file extensions are scanned and extensionless files and I rechecked the list, .rar and.zip are not there but I saw it scanning a .rar and .r01 etc files when I checked the protection status statistics. The only reason I checked the stats was because my system was taking incredibly long to open a rar file with a movie inside so I decided to see if NOD32 was scanning the archive and it was which is confusing. If not for you telling me to add it to exception list of extensions I would not have seen that I already use that feature. Back to square 1 I guess, Nod32 isn't listening to human commands, I hope they don't grow into robots and take over the world, lol. The most I could do at the moment is set the limit to ensure it does not scan archives bigger than 5MB and 1 nesting level.

Let me add some screenshots to help explain what I'm seeing.



So why isn't nod32 listening? Any ideas on what else I could try or why it is scanning extensions that are not on the list?

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Could it be a bug in v4?

How about disabling Self-extracting archive files?

Setup (press F5) > Real-time file system protection setup

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Could it be a bug in v4?

How about disabling Self-extracting archive files?

Setup (press F5) > Real-time file system protection setup

Unfortunately I don't see that option in there :lol:. When I go to that page, under objects are only 3 things: Bootsectors, Files, and Runtime packers. I know in v3 there used to be a whole list with archives etc but it isn't there in v4. I can't determine if it's a bug on my own, I need to know if it happens with other people too to be sure. I will do some searching around to see if I figure anything out.
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I think the only way you can avoid scanning zip files is to add it in the extension exclusion list.

Setup (press F5) > Real-time file system protection setup > ThreatSense engine parameter setup > Extensions

Yes! Thank you very much, I will do this. :lol: I don't know why they removed the checkbox for archives though :ablow: .

Update: I already had the option to scan all files disabled, only the default file extensions are scanned and extensionless files and I rechecked the list, .rar and.zip are not there but I saw it scanning a .rar and .r01 etc files when I checked the protection status statistics. The only reason I checked the stats was because my system was taking incredibly long to open a rar file with a movie inside so I decided to see if NOD32 was scanning the archive and it was which is confusing. If not for you telling me to add it to exception list of extensions I would not have seen that I already use that feature. Back to square 1 I guess, Nod32 isn't listening to human commands, I hope they don't grow into robots and take over the world, lol. The most I could do at the moment is set the limit to ensure it does not scan archives bigger than 5MB and 1 nesting level.

Let me add some screenshots to help explain what I'm seeing.



So why isn't nod32 listening? Any ideas on what else I could try or why it is scanning extensions that are not on the list?

Odd here too, when I go to

Real-time file system protection setup > ThreatSense engine parameter setup > Extension

I see 'Files with the extension listed below will not be scanned for threats' and below it is empty.

All I need to do was to add: .ZIP and .RAR to the list.

Different from what you have, and we are both using v4 of Nod32

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on the gateway vista 64 i reinstalled nod este suite. it will not connect to the internet afterwards without disabling the firewall. i get no popups asking me to allow or not allow either.

i just dont know what is causing it or how to get it to work right

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Odd here too, when I go to

Real-time file system protection setup > ThreatSense engine parameter setup > Extension

I see 'Files with the extension listed below will not be scanned for threats' and below it is empty.

All I need to do was to add: .ZIP and .RAR to the list.

Different from what you have, and we are both using v4 of Nod32

No, not to worry :lol: that is how it is supposed to be. You see in mine I unchecked "scan all files" to avoid scanning all files, but if you select scan all files then the extension list becomes a list that nod32 will exclude. Whereas since I unchecked "scan all files", mine only scans the extensions listed in the set. It is supposed to achieve the same result in the end, your will scan all files except what's on your exclusion list, mine will scan no files except those on the inclusion list.

on the gateway vista 64 i reinstalled nod este suite. it will not connect to the internet afterwards without disabling the firewall. i get no popups asking me to allow or not allow either.

i just dont know what is causing it or how to get it to work right

Perhaps you could try removing it cleanly then reinstall it. I am not 100% sure where ESET stores all its program data in vista but after you uninstall it, check the c:\program data and c:\program files folders and delete any remaining ESET folders. You might also want to try a custom uninstall using jv16 power tools if it works on vista 64 or something similar to remove all the ESET registry entries. I hope this helps.

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if i put the rule to auto it would connect to the internet. but that is bs. so im going to factory reset and go from there.

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i reisntall everything. they only wya i can figure out why my system didnt work was that i must click remmber and deny on the basic popups when clicking on internet. thats they only logical thing i can think of that would cause my problem and no popups afterwards. though i still dont think i did lcick on them that way. oh well.

i went with just nodlogin9.9b. going to setup the scheduler. did you all come up with a time frame for it to check on the task? i rmember reading one person said they thought 24 hours and another thought 3 days would be good.

oh you neeed to put in your notes about when the license is expired that when you get a new license tha tyou have to click on tools and then verify license validity to get it to realize it. :welcome:

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I disabled NogLogin in my ESET scheduler since it's unlikely for the license to be blacklisted.

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I disabled NogLogin in my ESET scheduler since it's unlikely for the license to be blacklisted.

yeah i have the two schedulers they said to input. but have them unchck also. i did notice 2 days ago that when i had nodenabler installed that it give me a lic that was goot extra month.

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I disabled NogLogin in my ESET scheduler since it's unlikely for the license to be blacklisted.

Unlikely or not yet? lol

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I bet it will just expire naturally.

No one seems to bother reporting the license anyway.

It also gives NodLogin enough time to be improved.

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