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I tried searching for the Data key in the registry after tracing the program, but the regscanner still couldn't find it. Question though: would it be possible to run the trial reset every day?

Also which argument do I add to the task to make it run silently?

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I tried searching for the Data key in the registry after tracing the program, but the regscanner still couldn't find it. Question though: would it be possible to run the trial reset every day?

Also which argument do I add to the task to make it run silently?

Don't use regscanner, follow my example..

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Thanks for your registry script (Post #242) to find the appropriate key on my Win 7 x64. I later put the script into a .bat file to be executed everytime the computer is restarted (nightly). I guess for those who do not restart their computer as often can also create a task that executes the .bat daily/weekly/monthly to reset the trial period.

I've also made use of the the Flasher-11 .exe to remove the trialware banner. Currently the # of days left in the trial is frozen at 30 days with full functionality when using Diskeeper.

Edit: I think the trial "data key" is created in the registry after running Diskeeper for the first time and not during installation. So the best time to start searching/running script is after you have Diskeeper running.

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See if key appeared again and delete it and see if it resets your trial.

Cheers ;)

It did not :(

Edit: Yes it did. Cool! One question though, what does the "/f" do? When I manually delete the key, it works fine, but the exe that I created doesn't seem to work. This is what I used:

reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{28813B76-59CA-93A7-0969-451AD1B23222}\MiscStatus /f

I exported the key and copied the name just to make sure I got the name correctly. Does it matter where I save the file? I guess I don't understand the /f command.

Edit 2: I advanced the time of my computer to November 13 and it still had 45 days on Diskeeper. Does this mean that you don't need to run the fix every 30 days?

Edit 3: All right, if you just delete the key all together, the program does not countdown at all. I advance my date a week ahead using the fix and without using the fix. I did have Diskeeper say that it has stopped working but seems to be pretty stable now.

Edit 4: When I manually delete the key, the trial is reset to 45 days; however, once I restart the computer the key comes back. The code above does not seem to work on resetting the trial. Do I need to run it when the trial is completely expired?

Advanced to expired date, ran the fix, Diskeeper remained at 0 days. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?

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There is no need to advance to expired date .... doesn't make sense since your trial reset will be frozen assuming you run registry script daily, so no trial-reset countdown will occur and it will always be 30 or 45 days.

These instruction are for Win7 x64 ... After you manually delete the key, you are at 45 days. What you need to do is create a .bat file using Johndough's (post #242) script to be executed (daily/weekly/monthly - up to you how often) when you start your computer (you can stick a shortcut in the Startup folder on your Programs menu). This way you will be auto-resetting the trial-reset key (deleting it) everytime you restart your PC. So your trial should remain frozen at 45 days. What you also might want to do is after installation use the Flasher-11 .exe to remove the trialware banner.

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hat you also might want to do is after installation use the Flasher-11 .exe to remove the trialware banner.

Any links for this? Can't seem to find it.

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What about this for a solution?

Apparently, no matter which solution I use, the MiscStatus key never gets deleted. The only way that I have gotten it to work is to add "/va" without quotes to the end of the code. This deletes the entire folder that contains the MiscStatus key. Not a huge issue; however, when the FullKey is created again, Diskeeper gives an error that it was unable to start. Once you click OK and start the program again, it runs fine.

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You really don't want to go deleting every folder with MiscStatus because that is not the solution.

Have you tried johndough's solution and create a .bat file with the following code below to delete the key? If this doesn't work then something is unusual about your system ... possibly your uninstall process may have left "old" stuff in your registry. It's very unusual this is only happening to you....

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Set Var=%%A)REG DELETE %Var% /fexit

Good luck!

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Your welcome. Only possible problem with script is if there's 2 reg binary data values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID. If there is script will pick the last. But its unlikely.

I actually put all 3 fixes together in a 7zip silent installer. If anyone wants it. Just double click. Takes maybe a minute to run. Watch Task Manager for it to finish.

Site: http://paste2.org

Sharecode: /p/2461347 [?]

Here's what config file looks like.

;!@Install@!UTF-8!RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net stop Diskeeper"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c REG DELETE \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Diskeeper Corporation\\Diskeeper\\Licensing\" /f"RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x86\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x64\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /create /tn \"Diskeeper Trial Reset\" /XML schset.xml /F"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net start Diskeeper"GUIMode="2";!@InstallEnd@!

It schedules reset.cmd to run everyday at 3 pm, applies flasher patched exe, and 45 day licence. Tested on 7 32bit and 8 64bit.

Thanks to all that worked on all 3 fixes.

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It schedules reset.cmd to run everyday at 3 pm, applies flasher patched exe, and 45 day licence. Tested on 7 32bit and 8 64bit.

Thanks to all that worked on all 3 fixes.

Thanks. Error during execution "hidcon "C:\Program Files\Condusiv Technologies\Diskeeper\Reset.cmd"". The system cannot find the file specified. Win 8 x86.

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Your welcome. Only possible problem with script is if there's 2 reg binary data values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID. If there is script will pick the last. But its unlikely.

I actually put all 3 fixes together in a 7zip silent installer. If anyone wants it. Just double click. Takes maybe a minute to run. Watch Task Manager for it to finish.

Site: http://www8.zippyshare.com

Sharecode: /v/14387438/file.html [?]

Here's what config file looks like.

;!@Install@!UTF-8!RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net stop Diskeeper"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c REG DELETE \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Diskeeper Corporation\\Diskeeper\\Licensing\" /f"RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x86\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x64\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /create /tn \"Diskeeper Trial Reset\" /XML schset.xml /F"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net start Diskeeper"GUIMode="2";!@InstallEnd@!

It schedules reset.cmd to run everyday at 3 pm, applies flasher patched exe, and 45 day licence. Tested on 7 32bit and 8 64bit.

Thanks to all that worked on all 3 fixes.

zippyshare link not working. can u upload somewhere else?


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It schedules reset.cmd to run everyday at 3 pm, applies flasher patched exe, and 45 day licence. Tested on 7 32bit and 8 64bit.

Thanks to all that worked on all 3 fixes.

Thanks. Error during execution "hidcon "C:\Program Files\Condusiv Technologies\Diskeeper\Reset.cmd"". The system cannot find the file specified. Win 8 x86.

Ok try it now.

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Your welcome. Only possible problem with script is if there's 2 reg binary data values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID. If there is script will pick the last. But its unlikely.

I actually put all 3 fixes together in a 7zip silent installer. If anyone wants it. Just double click. Takes maybe a minute to run. Watch Task Manager for it to finish.

Site: http://www8.zippyshare.com

Sharecode: /v/14387438/file.html [?]

Here's what config file looks like.

;!@Install@!UTF-8!RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net stop Diskeeper"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c REG DELETE \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Diskeeper Corporation\\Diskeeper\\Licensing\" /f"RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y TW45.DAL \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y Reset.cmd \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x86\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy /Y x64\\Diskeeper12.exe \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\""RunProgram="x86:hidcon \"%ProgramFiles%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="x64:hidcon \"%ProgramW6432%\\Condusiv Technologies\\Diskeeper\\Reset.cmd\""RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /create /tn \"Diskeeper Trial Reset\" /XML schset.xml /F"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c net start Diskeeper"GUIMode="2";!@InstallEnd@!

It schedules reset.cmd to run everyday at 3 pm, applies flasher patched exe, and 45 day licence. Tested on 7 32bit and 8 64bit.

Thanks to all that worked on all 3 fixes.

zippyshare link not working. can u upload somewhere else?


Same issue here. :(
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Added mediafire.

Site: http://paste2.org

Sharecode: /p/2461347 [?]

Thank you so much! :thumbsup:

EDIT: It looks like the fix didn't copy the TW45.DAL file into the Diskeeper folder. Not sure how important this is but I guess we'll see.

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EDIT: It looks like the fix didn't copy the TW45.DAL file into the Diskeeper folder. Not sure how important this is but I guess we'll see.

TW45.DAL gets used and removed by diskeeper when service restarts. And no 45 days vs 30 days both not moving is not important, it's just visual.

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So far the simplyest solution offered by kien_vip

reg delete keyname /f

use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

then put exe into task scheduler each time the OS loads and enjoy endless trial :showoff: B) :D

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Kien_vip solution is very similar to the johndough solution, which also offers endless trial, .bat file to delete registry key and task file for scheduler.

The difference is johndough packages all components and also uses the Flasher-11 .exe to remove trialware banner page for clean, normal look.

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Kien_vip solution is very similar to the johndough solution, which also offers endless trial, .bat file to delete registry key and task file for scheduler.

The difference is johndough also uses Flasher-11 .exe to remove trialware banner page for clean, normal look.

And the Reset.cmd script scans [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID] for the "data" value. In other words doesn't need to know your unique {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX}\MiscStatus] key. So it should be good on any computer.

Btw, double click is pretty simple. :)

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True ... double click is simple and fast! And if someone wants to check the .exe contents or use specific parts of the package they can unzip to a folder.

Thanks again johndough! :)

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So far the simplyest solution offered by kien_vip

reg delete keyname /f

use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

then put exe into task scheduler each time the OS loads and enjoy endless trial :showoff: B) :D

Each time I used that, I would get an error when booting Diskeeper.
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So far the simplyest solution offered by kien_vip

reg delete keyname /f

use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

then put exe into task scheduler each time the OS loads and enjoy endless trial :showoff: B) :D

Each time I used that, I would get an error when booting Diskeeper.

So far the simplyest solution offered by kien_vip

reg delete keyname /f

use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

then put exe into task scheduler each time the OS loads and enjoy endless trial :showoff: B) :D

Each time I used that, I would get an error when booting Diskeeper.
can u post your error ? i am using and there is no bug
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