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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10


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My IDM is working and testing it by download then cancel, download complete, multiple file download complete, multiple file download while some or one is cancelled and others are completed then checking update to IDM server. It is working,

Again, no ip blocks, hosts block or any other network/application level block and it is working and no nags messages.

Your 23rd ip is a good addition ONLY to those who use dcs18's firewall block method as I also included notes of his and his companions work in my collection that I shared here. BTW, good job and thank you (also to greed) for discovering that ip, as it helps those who used dcs18 firewall blocking method.

I can use trial or one the many new patches to achieve this with out using Cheif RES method . But only problem I see now is many trying to get unblacklisted from a new ip with FW Block . If use a patch and not FW block you cant help them because you didn't test it. And If someone that uses a different FW they cant really help someone that does unless there willing to test the subjects FW. You cant reproduce what you don't test.

Again, this is not the point we are discussing. (Now you are insisting me to test firewall block topic)

I didn't said I never ever used dcs18 firewall block method.

In fact I did.

That means I am not using it now.

I hope you get what I am saying here. hehe!

My neighbors are using it (using my collection as source of), dcs18 firewall block method along with your (steven36 and greed) 23rd ip, and I saw it worked.

So why are you so stress about my posts? ;)

It worked for me (using patch only) and my friends/neighbors (some using patch/firewall block) so who cares? :rolleyes:

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My IDM is working and testing it by download then cancel, download complete, multiple file download complete, multiple file download while some or one is cancelled and others are completed then checking update to IDM server. It is working,

Again, no ip blocks, hosts block or any other network/application level block and it is working and no nags messages.

Your 23rd ip is a good addition ONLY to those who use dcs18's firewall block method as I also included notes of his and his companions work in my collection that I shared here. BTW, good job and thank you (also to greed) for discovering that ip, as it helps those who used dcs18 firewall blocking method.

I can use trial or one the many new patches to achieve this with out using Cheif RES method . But only problem I see now is many trying to get unblacklisted from a new ip with FW Block . If use a patch and not FW block you cant help them because you didn't test it. And If someone that uses a different FW they cant really help someone that does unless there willing to test the subjects FW. You cant reproduce what you don't test.

Again, this is not the point we are discussing. (Now you are insisting me to test firewall block topic)

I didn't said I never ever used dcs18 firewall block method.

In fact I did.

That means I am not using it now.

I hope you get what I am saying here. hehe!

My neighbors are using it (using my collection as source of), dcs18 firewall block method along with your (steven36 and greed) 23rd ip, and I saw it worked.

So why are you so stress about my posts? ;)

It worked for me (using patch only) and my friends/neighbors (some using patch/firewall block) so who cares? :rolleyes:

See 5 minutes tattler there you go giving someone credits for a team project pamadhilwankalan is using a method I posted and my friend is using another method by me that blocks ip without a FW. Anyname posted the notes I started out with for the FW I use and i had to make changes real fast because its not 100% right. if you don't use it why worry about it unless your going test it?

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All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

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My IDM is working and testing it by download then cancel, download complete, multiple file download complete, multiple file download while some or one is cancelled and others are completed then checking update to IDM server. It is working,

Again, no ip blocks, hosts block or any other network/application level block and it is working and no nags messages.

Your 23rd ip is a good addition ONLY to those who use dcs18's firewall block method as I also included notes of his and his companions work in my collection that I shared here. BTW, good job and thank you (also to greed) for discovering that ip, as it helps those who used dcs18 firewall blocking method.

I can use trial or one the many new patches to achieve this with out using Cheif RES method . But only problem I see now is many trying to get unblacklisted from a new ip with FW Block . If use a patch and not FW block you cant help them because you didn't test it. And If someone that uses a different FW they cant really help someone that does unless there willing to test the subjects FW. You cant reproduce what you don't test.

Again, this is not the point we are discussing. (Now you are insisting me to test firewall block topic)

I didn't said I never ever used dcs18 firewall block method.

In fact I did.

That means I am not using it now.

I hope you get what I am saying here. hehe!

My neighbors are using it (using my collection as source of), dcs18 firewall block method along with your (steven36 and greed) 23rd ip, and I saw it worked.

So why are you so stress about my posts? ;)

It worked for me (using patch only) and my friends/neighbors (some using patch/firewall block) so who cares? :rolleyes:

See 5 minutes tattler there you go giving someone credits for a team project pamadhilwankalan is using a method I posted and my friend is using another method by me that blocks ip without a FW. Anyname posted the notes I started out with for the FW I use and i had to make changes real fast because its not 100% right. if you don't use it why worry about it unless your going test it?

Again, I am not using that dcs18 firewall block method with your 23rd ip, but it is you who posted a very stressful post that makes me wonder why you, steven36, got so stressed out of my post? hahaha! And, you are claiming it now I was the one who got worried. Weird! :blink: :doh: :rolleyes: :lmao:

I already had given credits in my collection as their names appeared as a name on the folder.

Now you made it clear. You post arguments just to get credits. Well too late for that since you can see it in my collection already as given. :rolleyes: :lmao:

Then you are barking at the wrong tree. :rofl: :lmao:

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All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

That's all matters is what works for you , when I told everyone that blocking ips was working and host blocks were leaking .. It was only meant to stop all the post about how they could not register with host blocks I told them why and how it could be stopped . Not meant to become the best method or a contest . That's the 1st I told anyone public in years I retired in 2011 and didnt come back around tell 2014 much.

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I know the whole idea of ip blocking IDM was initiated by Steven36 here on nsane if it wasn't for him it may never have surfaced here to begin with.

I have no idea about that. Sorry.

If it is steven36 then give it to steven36,

if it is dcs18 then give it to dcs18,

but give to God what is due to God. :P

If you check out the main tutorial - you will find that more than due credit has been given to steven36 (just scroll down to the end of the post - in full view.)

Those credits are being reproduced, here for all to see for themselves:--

Inspirational credits:

The idea to employ this implementation germinated in my mind after a brief chance encounter with steven36 - check post # 35 for that hour of truth.

This one is for you steven36. RlW5CMh.gif

Besides, I do not claim any personal credits whatsoever - it is always a Team effort (however, all the failures are solely mine - by my own choice):--


  • This guide can be re-distributed anywhere without having to consult with me
  • My name does not need to be credited – in fact, I do not want my name to be reflected
  • Credits will need to be given, though to nSane Forums – a link to the homepage would be appreciated
  • Post # 2 shall be kept updated with all due credits to Contributors and the date-wise changes to this main post.

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No one ever ask me could they use it . Really the more you thump it out to the public the more it becomes extinct. Like anything else Both times my name is in that OP topic is from something I posted on the front page topic.

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All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

That's all matters is what works for you , when I told everyone that blocking ips was working and host blocks were leaking .. It was only meant to stop all the post about how they could not register with host blocks I told them why and how it could be stopped . Not meant to become the best method or a contest . That's the 1st I told anyone public in years I retired in 2011 and didnt come back around tell 2014 much.

Completely agree....Its just some are stubborn and stupid enough to believe that one method is the only method...Particularly people that can afford to be here all day.....Don't these people work?

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Claims without providing any links or other substantiating evidence - just did not happen!

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Show me a link were I told you could use it .. You cant ! When I told you about I thought you was helping M8s fix it in private . I had no idea you was going make a topic then treat me like crap. I learned to not trust you anymore fast.

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First of all its all in the resources provided by dcs18, xanax and the other Nsaners who contibuted/shared feedbacks and information.

Regardless, of the method( IP/HOST, TR, REGISTRY , PATCHES, ETC), it is how you make it useful in your end. :)

Mine is still kicking in the latest version and Thankful for that..

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Stupid??? . . . . . . . :--


Pulling posts from another site....Desperate much?....

Yeah, another site known as Wilders Security Forums - post # 1527.

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Stupid??? . . . . . . . :--


Pulling posts from another site....Desperate much?....

Yeah, another site known as Wilders Security Forums - post # 1527.

You really need to contain your frustration and temper...Pulling posts made by me and not related to this site shows what a feeble little man you are...Anyway I've reported it.

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I know the whole idea of ip blocking IDM was initiated by Steven36 here on nsane if it wasn't for him it may never have surfaced here to begin with.

I have no idea about that. Sorry.

If it is steven36 then give it to steven36,

if it is dcs18 then give it to dcs18,

but give to God what is due to God. :P

If you check out the main tutorial - you will find that more than due credit has been given to steven36 (just scroll down to the end of the post - in full view.)

Those credits are being reproduced, here for all to see for themselves:--

Inspirational credits:

The idea to employ this implementation germinated in my mind after a brief chance encounter with steven36 - check post # 35 for that hour of truth.

This one is for you steven36. RlW5CMh.gif

Besides, I do not claim any personal credits whatsoever - it is always a Team effort (however, all the failures are solely mine - by my own choice):--


  • This guide can be re-distributed anywhere without having to consult with me
  • My name does not need to be credited – in fact, I do not want my name to be reflected
  • Credits will need to be given, though to nSane Forums – a link to the homepage would be appreciated
  • Post # 2 shall be kept updated with all due credits to Contributors and the date-wise changes to this main post.
I see you as a humble, down-to-earth man with the above statement.

See 5 minutes tattler there you go giving someone credits for a team project pamadhilwankalan is using a method I posted and my friend is using another method by me that blocks ip without a FW. Anyname posted the notes I started out with for the FW I use and i had to make changes real fast because its not 100% right. if you don't use it why worry about it unless your going test it?

No one ever ask me could they use it . Really the more you thump it out to the public the more it becomes extinct. Like anything else Both times my name is in that OP topic is from something I posted on the front page topic.

Something is defintely wrong with you steven36.

You seek attention for credits and greatness with doing almost nothing except go in nonsense merry-go-around post.

You hate when other people get to be praised and be given attention and credit.

Why can't you just be happy that they made a good contribution to our community.

I gave dcs18 and you along with greed credit and thanked your effort.

Again, no offense meant! But you need to talk to a psychiatrist.

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First of all its all in the resources provided by dcs18, xanax and the other Nsaners who contibuted/shared feedbacks and information.

Regardless, of the method( IP/HOST, TR, REGISTRY , PATCHES, ETC), it is how you make it useful in your end. :)

Mine is still kicking in the latest version and Thankful for that..

You dont block ips do you even. You remember Chief RES.. you use to be appznet too it was his idea to begin with .and I was just trying give a method of doing it without using A FW that worked for everyone . I stopped posting my idea after i seen someone stole it for there own topic. i already knew about FW blocks and knew it would not work for all.

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Important update at post # 2 under date-code, 8th April 2015 - the main IDM tutorial has been modified for both . . . . . . . . . . . . Users of firewall method and of other reverse-engineering methods, too. ^_^

Hi need to run the script "IDM Cleaner.BAT" before import the reg file ?

IDM Cleaner.BAT:: IDM Registry Cleaner:: Compeletely cleans registry of all IDM fake serial leftovers@ECHO OFF@TITLE IDM Registry Cleaner@COLOR 0E@ECHO :: IDM Registry Cleaner@ECHO :: Compeletely cleans registry of all IDM fake serial [email protected] /F /IM IDMan.exe@ECHO.@echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@echo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >permdel.txt@regini permdel.txt@del [email protected] DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} /[email protected] DELETE HKCU\Software\DownloadManager /v CheckUpdtVM /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\DownloadManager /v scansk /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\DownloadManager /v tvfrdt /[email protected] DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} /fREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} /fREG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} /[email protected] DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager" /fREG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager" /[email protected] DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager /v FName /fREG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager /v LName /fREG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager /v Email /fREG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager /v Serial /fREG DELETE HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2754736582-2265559669-3571272114-1001\Software\DownloadManager /v FName /fREG DELETE HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2754736582-2265559669-3571272114-1001\Software\DownloadManager /v LName /fREG DELETE HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2754736582-2265559669-3571272114-1001\Software\DownloadManager /v Email /fREG DELETE HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2754736582-2265559669-3571272114-1001\Software\DownloadManager /v Serial /f@ECHO.@ECHO :: Congratulations - your IDM has been purged of all tell-tale traces!!!@ECHO :: Please don't forget to register your IDM.@ECHO.

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Stupid??? . . . . . . . :--


Pulling posts from another site....Desperate much?....
Yeah, another site known as Wilders Security Forums - post # 1527.
You really need to contain your frustration and temper...Pulling posts made by me and not related to this site shows what a feeble little man you are...Anyway I've reported it.

Frustration, temper & feebleness are temporary since they are curable - how will you live forever, with stupidity?

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First of all its all in the resources provided by dcs18, xanax and the other Nsaners who contibuted/shared feedbacks and information.

Regardless, of the method( IP/HOST, TR, REGISTRY , PATCHES, ETC), it is how you make it useful in your end. :)

Mine is still kicking in the latest version and Thankful for that..

You dont block ips do you even. You remember Chief RES.. you use to be appznet too it was his idea to begin with .and I was just trying give a method of doing it without using A FW that worked for everyone . I stopped posting my idea after i seen someone stole it for there own topic. i already knew about FW blocks and knew it would not work for all.

Yep... its always been that way.... btw greetz to CHIEF!

and yes.. not all can be prevented by IP/ FW block... i dont need to explain the technicalities...

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Completely agree....Its just some are stubborn and stupid enough to believe that one method is the only method...Particularly people that can afford to be here all day.....Don't these people work?

Mine worked using one method! Who cares? Why are you promoting your method? To get credits like steven36 did while doing almost nothing? :think:

It's a national holiday today! hahaha! :party:

I get it that this post might not be pointed at me. hehe! :P

All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

Now you are contradicting yourself. Weird! Tsk! Tsk!

I am not your enemy and I am not have any bad mood with you.

But something is wrong with your posts and with steven36's post.

Anyway! This is weird! :unsure:

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Completely agree....Its just some are stubborn and stupid enough to believe that one method is the only method...Particularly people that can afford to be here all day.....Don't these people work?

Mine worked using one method! Who cares? Why are you promoting your method? To get credits like steven36 did while doing almost nothing? :think:

It's a national holiday today! hahaha! :party:

I get it that this post might not be pointed at me. hehe! :P

All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

Now you are contradicting yourself. Weird! Tsk! Tsk!

I am not your enemy and I am not have any bad mood with you.

But something is wrong with your posts and with steven36's post.

Anyway! This is weird! :unsure:

It wasn't pointed at you....I read that you have used both methods!....What exactly made you think that it may have been about you....Lets clear that up :) I should add I've only ever used the hosts or patches...I'm using both now.

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First of all its all in the resources provided by dcs18, xanax and the other Nsaners who contibuted/shared feedbacks and information.

Regardless, of the method( IP/HOST, TR, REGISTRY , PATCHES, ETC), it is how you make it useful in your end. :)

Mine is still kicking in the latest version and Thankful for that..

You dont block ips do you even. You remember Chief RES.. you use to be appznet too it was his idea to begin with .and I was just trying give a method of doing it without using A FW that worked for everyone . I stopped posting my idea after i seen someone stole it for there own topic. i already knew about FW blocks and knew it would not work for all.

Yep... its always been that way....

After its gone extent like the other ideas I gave everyone for dozens of apps plus supplied you all with mostly tested apps expect for 0day apps you will know why MS = me no longer post many ideas .

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I know the whole idea of ip blocking IDM was initiated by Steven36 here on nsane if it wasn't for him it may never have surfaced here to begin with.

I have no idea about that. Sorry.

If it is steven36 then give it to steven36,

if it is dcs18 then give it to dcs18,

but give to God what is due to God. :P

If you check out the main tutorial - you will find that more than due credit has been given to steven36 (just scroll down to the end of the post - in full view.)

Those credits are being reproduced, here for all to see for themselves:--

Inspirational credits:

The idea to employ this implementation germinated in my mind after a brief chance encounter with steven36 - check post # 35 for that hour of truth.

This one is for you steven36. RlW5CMh.gif

Besides, I do not claim any personal credits whatsoever - it is always a Team effort (however, all the failures are solely mine - by my own choice):--


  • This guide can be re-distributed anywhere without having to consult with me
  • My name does not need to be credited – in fact, I do not want my name to be reflected
  • Credits will need to be given, though to nSane Forums – a link to the homepage would be appreciated
  • Post # 2 shall be kept updated with all due credits to Contributors and the date-wise changes to this main post.

I see you as a humble, down-to-earth man with the above statement.

See 5 minutes tattler there you go giving someone credits for a team project pamadhilwankalan is using a method I posted and my friend is using another method by me that blocks ip without a FW. Anyname posted the notes I started out with for the FW I use and i had to make changes real fast because its not 100% right. if you don't use it why worry about it unless your going test it?

No one ever ask me could they use it . Really the more you thump it out to the public the more it becomes extinct. Like anything else Both times my name is in that OP topic is from something I posted on the front page topic.

Something is defintely wrong with you steven36.

You seek attention for credits and greatness with doing almost nothing except go in nonsense merry-go-around post.

You hate when other people get to be praised and be given attention and credit.

Why can't you just be happy that they made a good contribution to our community.

I gave dcs18 and you along with greed credit and thanked your effort.

Again, no offense meant! But you need to talk to a psychiatrist.

The way we :pirate: :pirate: see it - we come together out here, just to share whatever little we have.

The way he sees it - others would need to obtain his explicit permission for anything that (even remotely) belongs to him.

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Completely agree....Its just some are stubborn and stupid enough to believe that one method is the only method...Particularly people that can afford to be here all day.....Don't these people work?

Mine worked using one method! Who cares? Why are you promoting your method? To get credits like steven36 did while doing almost nothing? :think:

It's a national holiday today! hahaha! :party:

I get it that this post might not be pointed at me. hehe! :P

All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

Now you are contradicting yourself. Weird! Tsk! Tsk!

I am not your enemy and I am not have any bad mood with you.

But something is wrong with your posts and with steven36's post.

Anyway! This is weird! :unsure:

It wasn't pointed at you....I read that you have used both methods!....What exactly made you think that it may have been about you....Lets clear that up :) I should add I've only ever used the hosts or patches...I'm using both now...Oh, and the contradiction...What contradiction?...Lets get that out of the way too.

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First of all its all in the resources provided by dcs18, xanax and the other Nsaners who contibuted/shared feedbacks and information.

Regardless, of the method( IP/HOST, TR, REGISTRY , PATCHES, ETC), it is how you make it useful in your end. :)

Mine is still kicking in the latest version and Thankful for that..

You dont block ips do you even. You remember Chief RES.. you use to be appznet too it was his idea to begin with .and I was just trying give a method of doing it without using A FW that worked for everyone . I stopped posting my idea after i seen someone stole it for there own topic. i already knew about FW blocks and knew it would not work for all.

Yep... its always been that way....

After its gone extent like the other ideas I gave everyone for dozens of apps plus supplied you all with mostly tested apps expect for 0day apps you will know why MS = me no longer post many ideas .

True M.... i understand how you feel... anyhow, just keep it to yourself, you always get misunderstood k?... i mean people have their own how they prefer doing this... let them be...and i know you have contributed a lot before for several years.,.........

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I have a friend who maintains over 2,001 computers...Dammed hard to meet him and catch up with stuff, he's always too busy working.

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