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On 3/4/2016 at 3:57 AM, YashKhan said:

Can anyone add the 26th IP to the 25 IPs in the first post?

Mods can.

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3 hours ago, Maxipic said:

where is the post??? I am receiving a registration popup for IDM even after blocking 25 ips.


Add 26th IP.

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There are new IPs :



       and more IP    :  (from Mr. Dukun Cabul here - download and unrar IDM_AIO.rar you'll see).


or you can see here if you prefer  IP blocking method than others.

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Anyway to clean or completely uninstall IDM?


I used IPs block method.


After uninstall & reinstall it still gives fake registration popup.

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13 hours ago, YashKhan said:

Anyway to clean or completely uninstall IDM?


I used IPs block method.


After uninstall & reinstall it still gives fake registration popup.


Are you try  to use IDM_AIO.bat, sir ? It's in IDM_AIO.rar here. Download and follow the instructions inside ( the fact that I never need it and don't know how effective ) . Then  block IPs ( I block both _IPs and IP address ranges_ just for sure). I'm using IDM 6.25 build 14 and everything is OK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

when fake serial pops up how do you stop idm from still intercepting downloads cant turn off the intergrated browser intergration when its like this.

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  • 2 months later...

Guys...Im not able to find a list for adblock sites for 2.baksa.com-please could someone post a direct link for the list!Thanks in advance1

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On 7/6/2015 at 4:21 AM, Dukun Cabul said:


OK then, this is for IDM lovers who don't want to use firewall or patch/crack


Step by step to make IDM trial version never expires by using auto reset method



1. Do not use/install IDM Retail for this method. Use/install IDM Trial version only.

2. Fresh install IDM (Run IDM_Cleaner.bat or IDM_Reset.bat before re-installing IDM)

   You can download IDM_Cleaner.bat from: here



There are 2 methods (choose the one that works for you)

- Method A (using Group Policy)

- Method B (using Task Scheduler)


Method A (Using Group Policy)


Open text editor (Notepad), write down (copy-paste) the script below, and save as a batch file named "IDM_Reset.bat"

You can also download "IDM_Reset.bat" from: here



  Reveal hidden contents


@echo off
net session 1>nul 2>nul
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto:CLEANUP
set VBS=%TEMP%\%RANDOM%.vbs
if exist %VBS% goto:RUNAS
echo.Set UAC=CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >%VBS%
echo.UAC.ShellExecute "%~0", "", "", "runas", 1 >>%VBS%
exit /b
if exist %TEMP%\*.vbs del %TEMP%\*.vbs
tasklist /fi "imagename eq IDMan.exe" | find /i /n "IDMan.exe" >nul
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" taskkill /f /t /im IDMan.exe
set "KEY1=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (
set "KEY3=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"
set "DIR1=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager"
) else (
set "KEY3=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"
set "DIR1=%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager"
echo %KEY2%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} [7] >Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} [7] >>Permissions
regini Permissions
del Permissions
reg delete "%KEY2%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}" /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v tvfrdt /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v InstallStatus /f
set "VPK32=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID"
set "VPK64=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID"
set "STRING=YcVi8JRaz75hxWLwlF"
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt del %TEMP%\VPK.txt
for /f "eol=E tokens=1" %%a in ('reg query %VPK32% /s /t REG_SZ /f %STRING%') do echo.%%a>>%TEMP%\VPK.txt
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt goto:REMOVE
for /f "eol=E tokens=1" %%a in ('reg query %VPK64% /s /t REG_SZ /f %STRING%') do echo.%%a>>%TEMP%\VPK.txt
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt goto:REMOVE
set "VPK=%Z%"
echo.%VPK% [7] >Permission
regini Permission
del Permission
reg delete %VPK% /f
del %TEMP%\VPK.txt
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "%KEY1%" /v ExePath') do set "IDM=%%b"
if exist "%IDM%" goto:FINISH
reg delete "%KEY1%" /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /f
rd /s /q "%DIR1%"
rd /s /q "%ProgramData%\IDM"
rd /s /q "%AppData%\IDM"



  Reveal hidden contents




Method B (Using Task Scheduler)

STEP #1 (same as STEP #1 Method A)

Open text editor (Notepad), write down (copy-paste) the script below, and save as a batch file named "IDM_Reset.bat"

You can also download "IDM_Reset.bat" from: here



  Reveal hidden contents

@echo off
net session 1>nul 2>nul
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto:CLEANUP
set VBS=%TEMP%\%RANDOM%.vbs
if exist %VBS% goto:RUNAS
echo.Set UAC=CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >%VBS%
echo.UAC.ShellExecute "%~0", "", "", "runas", 1 >>%VBS%
exit /b
if exist %TEMP%\*.vbs del %TEMP%\*.vbs
tasklist /fi "imagename eq IDMan.exe" | find /i /n "IDMan.exe" >nul
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" taskkill /f /t /im IDMan.exe
set "KEY1=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (
set "KEY3=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"
set "DIR1=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager"
) else (
set "KEY3=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"
set "DIR1=%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager"
echo %KEY2%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} [7] >Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >>Permissions
echo %KEY2%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} [7] >>Permissions
regini Permissions
del Permissions
reg delete "%KEY2%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}" /f
reg delete "%KEY2%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}" /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%KEY1%" /v tvfrdt /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /v InstallStatus /f
set "VPK32=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID"
set "VPK64=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID"
set "STRING=YcVi8JRaz75hxWLwlF"
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt del %TEMP%\VPK.txt
for /f "eol=E tokens=1" %%a in ('reg query %VPK32% /s /t REG_SZ /f %STRING%') do echo.%%a>>%TEMP%\VPK.txt
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt goto:REMOVE
for /f "eol=E tokens=1" %%a in ('reg query %VPK64% /s /t REG_SZ /f %STRING%') do echo.%%a>>%TEMP%\VPK.txt
if exist %TEMP%\VPK.txt goto:REMOVE
set "VPK=%Z%"
echo.%VPK% [7] >Permission
regini Permission
del Permission
reg delete %VPK% /f
del %TEMP%\VPK.txt
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "%KEY1%" /v ExePath') do set "IDM=%%b"
if exist "%IDM%" goto:FINISH
reg delete "%KEY1%" /f
reg delete "%KEY3%" /f
rd /s /q "%DIR1%"
rd /s /q "%ProgramData%\IDM"
rd /s /q "%AppData%\IDM"



Copy-Paste IDM_Reset.bat to directory C:\ (or any other directory that you like)



  Reveal hidden contents



Done !

Enjoy IDM Trial version (unregistered) for lifetime :D

anyone having trouble with the batch file in windows 10 lately?

(says 30 days are up force run admin idm_reset.bat, 2 downloads later then idm says 30 days are up again.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Knightmare said:

Where are the Firemin settings?




@dcs18 come back I need a "SuperFox" :rant::rofl::lmao::stfu: Not.. JK Bro.. :sorry::afro::rasta::coolwink: @Knightmare Hope That Helps For The MBs' :troll:

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i not use this program idm but maybe i can help in someway ?

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  • 2 months later...

Breaking News :




Just I have received an email from dcs.

He told me that he will come here within the following days to share some thoughts with us.


Until then, Stay Tuned !


Have a great day,


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On 6/18/2016 at 10:16 PM, fl0ppyd1scours3 said:




@dcs18 come back I need a "SuperFox" :rant::rofl::lmao::stfu: Not.. JK Bro.. :sorry::afro::rasta::coolwink:

Won't be coming back fl0ppy — shall be posting something interesting though . . . . . . . . . for one last time (when time permits.) ;)

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18 hours ago, LegitSoldier said:

good news :)

Yes, it is really good news. I think it is time for dcs18 to come back. Wherever reason he had is not enough to return back and enjoy again the pleasure of sharing your ideas with the forum.

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58 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Won't be coming back fl0ppy — shall be posting something interesting though . . . . . . . . . for one last time (when time permits.) ;)

Oh, dude! Nice to see you in the play ground again. There are many people who were missed for you.
Hope your decision will be changed and see you as old days...

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3 hours ago, J4NY4R said:

Oh, dude! Nice to see you in the play ground again. There are many people who were missed for you.
Hope your decision will be changed and see you as old days...

Fl0ppy, You are an important part of nsane forums!!!

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maybe u can help me out a little bit

ccleaner  have added new things to ccleaner i try make like u did  on ccleaner  but i have a little problem  i need your help plz as somepeople keep celling me fake as its based on your old work u did on ccleaner


old version




newer version



i can do somethings on my own but 

everytime i post on ccleaner

  call me fake as i think he mean i not add everylittle thing like ccleaner do ?

i am sure u understand my problem


i just post on ccleaner topics as i liked how u did it back in the day

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Can you (first) pimp the latest CCleaner and then post a screenshot of just the Firefox entries under the Applications tab.

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9 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Can you (first) pimp the latest CCleaner and then post a screenshot of just the Firefox entries under the Applications tab.

i am have some problems  i have  work just with your older version work u did on older version i did email u  maybe u can inbox me the tools u used on older version i think u use some little tools  i cant think  how u did it with out the tools opr program u used to edit it ?

i do all my bye hand  with out tools its y i need help from u  just one time and i can clone  for all  newer versions  but i need help just one time

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2 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

You've got PM. ;)


dcs - The Best.....It is known ! :showoff:

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