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ESET v4 Fixes


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version in french.

version yet in french.

why ???


:angry: :angry:


Are you sure ?


ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus have been released in the following languages:

Bulgarian (BGR), Czech (CSY), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), English (ENU), Spanish (ENU), Estonian (ETI), Finnish (FIN), French (FRA), French Canadian (FRC), Hungarian (HUN), Chinese Simplified (CHS), Chinese Traditional (CHT), Dutch (NLD), Norwegian (NOR), Polish (PLK), Portuguese Brazilian (PTB), Romanian (ROM), Russian (RUS), Slovak (SKY), Slovenian (SLV), Swedish (SVE), Thai (THA), Turkish (TRK) and Ukrainian (UKR)

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the downloading version is still 4.2.40 :sneaky:

No, that's not correct. As per my earlier post here, I downloaded the latest French version and its digital signature is dated August 12. The older 4.2.40 had a digital signature of April 7.

Download and enjoy. :)

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another easier way is to compare the filesize between the new and the previous version. Do a partial download (IDM or browsers) and you'll find the total filesize.

that's a good indication without downloading the whole installer

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thanks all.

I've download with it : http://TRIAL-32843492:[email protected]/eval/win/eav/eav_nt32_fra.msi

I'm going to see

edit : yes, I think it's ok


the filesize is different beetween the download above in french (37.1Mo) and the version here ( http://www.eset.com/download/free-trial/international ) (37.8Mo)

is this normal ?

how to see if it's the good version in french ?

the digital date signature is the same for the two files (12/08/2010)

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@echoes: Yeah, the first link is the link I gave you. Like I said, it has the 12th August digital signature.

I don't know what's available at the link you've provided as I'd have to sign up for a trial.

Install eav_nt32_fra.msi, ensure that it's all in French as you install it, and then check the version number after it's installed.

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Hey guys, I've been using the box-mara fix and I'm wondering how exactly this thing works, does it just reset the clock for eset or something else?

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12 Aug digital signature is the latest. English installer is the same too.

fyi, (En) has digital signature of 24 June.

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Hey guys, I've been using the box-mara fix and I'm wondering how exactly this thing works, does it just reset the clock for eset or something else?

Yes it erases the startdate/tag of the trial version and sets the server selection to autoselect.

nb. Latest version is

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the only thing that doesn't work with my actually version, it's with mozilla thunderbird :


eset not compatible with thunderbird 3.1...

but it's not in the changelog.

The Thunderbird issue has been fixed with the latest release ;)

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yes I've seen it.

that's why I want install this one more than the other.

I'll try this afternoon.

as soon for the results :sneaky:

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Hey guys, I've been using the box-mara fix and I'm wondering how exactly this thing works, does it just reset the clock for eset or something else?

Yes it erases the startdate/tag of the trial version and sets the server selection to autoselect.

nb. Latest version is

I see, thanks for the confirmation man. It works quite well, so thanks to box/mara and whoever else put this out.

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So the box-mara fix has stopped working for me. ESET is saying theres an invalid username/password. Im using v.

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So the box-mara fix has stopped working for me. ESET is saying theres an invalid username/password. Im using v.

Add eset in both username and password and see. If it still doesn't work, unfix, refix. ;)

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So the box-mara fix has stopped working for me. ESET is saying theres an invalid username/password. Im using v.

This happened to me too recently. The only thing that worked for me was to unfix it and then fix it again. It's been working great ever since. Phew!

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Do you guys also have this problem when you install nodlogin?

It only happens on windows 7..

There is nothing wrong with nodlogin, it works how it supposed to be. But still i get this message after the installation of nodlogin. I had it twice on a desktop computer and once on laptop (all three with windows 7)



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Or simply ignore the message that program may have not installed correctly. If it's working properly, that's all that matters.

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Try this. Has a disadvantage but will solve your problem for sure. ^_^

Note: This would effect all the applications. You will not see the message again, even for other apps.

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