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ESET v4 Fixes


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@Bart Grefte :-

NodLogin 9.9c works fine with ESET ( AV, ESS, AV Business and ESS Business editions ) v. 4.0.424 (ENG) on my WinXP PRO SP3 (32bits).

After you're post I did one more test I should have thought of...

Now it seems it's a language problem. The English 4.0.424 works fine with NodLogin 9.9c, both AV and ESS.

The ones that didn't work here where both in Dutch/NLD.

Is there anyone here who would like to confirm this?


I confirm NodLogin 9.9.c does not work with ESET Nod AV 4.0.424 Dutch language. NodLogin says keys were inserted and for to update, but there is no keys inserted. WinXP Pro SP3 32 bits.



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@ Bart Grefte

Saw your post at Asta.....

Keep it up!

anyway MiNodlogin v3.5.0.1 is out!

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Anyone could help me ?

When I install Smart Security 4.0.424 x64 French version, I have an error when I click to Allow sharing (in french "Activer le partage) on first ESS start.

Message is : Echec de la modification des paramètres partage

translate in English : Fail to modify sharing settings.

I never have this problem before.

and and Update don't work !


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Bart Grefte
@ Bart Grefte

Saw your post at Asta.....

Keep it up!


Can't do much more now, besides waiting for NodLogin 9.9d I guess...

But it's weird that the language of NOD32 has influence on NodLogin.

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You will have to describe better your problem. Does ESS reports problem with sharing or Windows? You will need to translate for us two lines from update page ("La basse..." and "Erreur...")

@Bart Grefte

No, it's not strange, since it uses AutoIt for clicking on buttons based on button text. I don't know how experienced is creator of NODLogin, but there is other way to do it, using AutoIt controls which don't depends on language.

Cheers :P

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I will try to install English version of ESS 4.0.424 x64, to help you (with some screenshots).

and I will see I have also this problem with english version.

I just test with English version (ESS 4.0.424 x64) and all work perfectly, no error when I click on "Allow sharing", just after the install, no problem to Update virus database.

I have a problem only with ESS 4.0.424 x64 French version. I think there are a problem with this version.

Anyone could test it to confirm ? Please .

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I don't have any Antivirus/Firewall installed on my computer.

It's a new install.

I Have Vista x64 SP2 RTM for information.

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It is small possibility, but maybe French version has some problems with SP2 for Vista.

Cheers ;)

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Bart Grefte
@Bart Grefte

No, it's not strange, since it uses AutoIt for clicking on buttons based on button text. I don't know how experienced is creator of NODLogin, but there is other way to do it, using AutoIt controls which don't depends on language.

Cheers ;)

Oh, okay ;)

Think that's new? Since the previous NodLogin's didn't (need to) open the main NOD32 screen and update license-settings.

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I have uninstalled English version (ESS 4.0.424 x64), redownload ESS 4.0.424 x64 French version on Eset.com.

Remove Eset folder, remove Eset registry key, Reinstall french version and all work perfectly without error.

Very strange, maybe a problem on the first french setup Eset released. Now all work perfectly. Eset reupload fixed version.....Maybe

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@Bart Grefte

No, it's not strange, since it uses AutoIt for clicking on buttons based on button text. I don't know how experienced is creator of NODLogin, but there is other way to do it, using AutoIt controls which don't depends on language.

Cheers ;)

Oh, okay :)

Think that's new? Since the previous NodLogin's didn't (need to) open the main NOD32 screen and update license-settings.

Because of Eset self-protection he had to change the way of entering license. So, he is probably still learning. AutoIt has feature to hide window from users, so he probably still uses opening window but in hidden mode.


I have uninstalled English version (ESS 4.0.424 x64), redownload ESS 4.0.424 x64 French version on Eset.com.

Remove Eset folder, remove Eset registry key, Reinstall french version and all work perfectly without error.

Very strange, maybe a problem on the first french setup Eset released. Now all work perfectly. Eset reupload fixed version.....Maybe

If you have both installers, you can compare theirs MD5 hash and see if ESET changed something.

Cheers ;)

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Been using Nodlogin 9.9b on 3 machines for about a month. The ESET main window has always had a "license valid until" date of 05-27-09. Yesterday, all the ESET icons in my system tray turned orange as I had 14 days to update the license. The virus databases are still updating just fine. I did install Nodlogin 9.9c on one machine (I DID NOT uninstall 9.9b first - should I have?) but icon is still orange with the 05-27-09 date.

Will Nodlogin automatically change that "license valid until" date from 05-27-09 before it expires and should I just live with the orange icon or is there something I should do now to get that date changed and get the icon back to green?

Thanks much for any help. Nodlogin has worked great so far.

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I don't know if NodLogin has an option to change the language even if it is still working... Anyway as soon as your icon turns red you can run NodLogin and it will find you a new license :P

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I have NodLogin v9.9b and until now it has been working great. Today, though, I noticed that the period of the license has been decreasing and it is now at 14 days. Shouldn't NodLogin have taken care of that? What do I have to do for the license not to expire? The username of the license is EAV-11229979, if that is of any help.

Thanks in advance

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Same problem as the post above my previous post, read my previous post :P

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I did. You said to run NodLogin. Do you mean install it again? Besides, should I do it only when the icon turns red, orange is not 'enough'?

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Yep, you got that right, 'Orange is not enough'... :P

I believe either NodEnabler or MiNodLogin does have the function to just get a new license, even if the old one is still valid.

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And doesn't Nod Login do that automatically? I have to 'run' it? How do I run it? Sorry for my ignorance...

Thank you for your patience

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You can run it by double-clicking the main EXE(located in your ESET folder I think), but it won't do any good since the license is still valid...

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You can run it by double-clicking the main EXE(located in your ESET folder I think), but it won't do any good since the license is still valid...

Actually, the main EXE will be in a folder called UlisesSoft, which s/b in your Program Files folder if you install everything there. The icon is a big red exclamation point.

BTW, I ran it yesterday after my ESET icon turned orange and as shought mentioned, it just tells you that the license is still 100% valid. The virus db updates are still up to date so on 05-27 when our icons go red, we s/b ok if we run Nodlogin then.

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Nodlogin will not replace the iicense until it becomes totally invalid. As long as it is still updating NDL won't change it. If you run it manually, it will just tell you your license is still "working to 100%." If you want to force it to give you a new license, I believe you can remove the license from ESET or just insert some meaningless numbers in the license field. Then run NDL and it will hopefully find you a new license with a later expiration date.

Personally, I just live with the different color icon for a week or so until the license actually does expire, then I run NDL and it gets me a new license and problem is solved.

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Where is the license field where you said we could write some meaningless numbers? Because I changed the username and password and now he won't update and NodLogin didn't change them.

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The original license you were using is probably still in the registry. Perhaps a reboot is needed. If that doesn't work, just take the changes out, leave them blank, reboot and try again. A lot of issues with ESET seem to resolve with reboots.

Another thing you can try is use the Eset "license finder" or "grabber" app that is available from the front page here and use that to grab a currently valid user name & PW and manually insert that. At the very least, that should get you updating again.

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