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trial reset worked x64

1) Install Diskeeper trialware

2) When ending, open "Task Manager" to close "DkService"

3) Open "regedit" and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Diskeeper Corporation\Diskeeper

Delete Licensing

4) download file Site: http://www.mediafire.com/

Sharecode: ?f2gb22194b4mbpe

5) Copy "Pro TW45.DAL" files in the installation folder

6) Launch Diskeeper 12

I had problems with mediafire ! am I the only one who find mediafire links are incorrect or deleted ?

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I had problems with mediafire ! am I the only one who find mediafire links are incorrect or deleted ?

working fine here

i guess my isp who blocks mediafire here !!!

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i deleted it yesterday and search today and it's already back. so do we need to do this everyday?

same here it shows up after a while.

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I remember using this trick for previous versions. Actually, it's for trial reset. Stop Diskeeper service, delete the key, start service. Trial is reset.

Cheers ;)

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Deleting a registry key stops diskeeper trial day counting

Key is located under



Confirmed working for v16.0.1017.0 on WinXP. After months of trying to find something that works, this so far has been the only trick that does. Many thanks to whomever deserves credit for this. :)

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i deleted it yesterday and search today and it's already back. so do we need to do this everyday?

same here it shows up after a while.

you need creat a task to do it manual. instructions here:

link: http://www.mediafire.com

share code: /?iyjdvycafjbjvba

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i deleted it yesterday and search today and it's already back. so do we need to do this everyday?

same here it shows up after a while.

you need creat a task to do it manual. instructions here:

link: http://www.mediafire.com

share code: /?iyjdvycafjbjvba

Do you have the exe created? If so, could you please upload it?
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i deleted it yesterday and search today and it's already back. so do we need to do this everyday?

same here it shows up after a while.

you need creat a task to do it manual. instructions here:

link: http://www.mediafire.com

share code: /?iyjdvycafjbjvba

Do you have the exe created? If so, could you please upload it?
you creat a .bat file contain:

reg delete keyname /f

then use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

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you creat a .bat file contain:

reg delete keyname /f

then use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

So, instead of "keyname" the 2nd and 3d line in the 1st pic should be entered? The 1st line and the text following "voi" is irrelevant?

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i have installed 30 days trial today on 8 x64.. is there any working trial reset?

Read the last few posts and you'll get a probable answer ;)

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you creat a .bat file contain:

reg delete keyname /f

then use "bat to exe converter" to convert it into .exe as instrustions pack

Do we need to tell the bat file to stop the Diskeeper service?
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Do we need to tell the bat file to stop the Diskeeper service?

Not needed
So I can delete the key without stopping the service?
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Deleting a registry key stops diskeeper trial day counting

Key is located under



I have not this key on 8 x64,, all xxxxxx is right? i have not that key ..help thanks

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I have not this key on 8 x64,, all xxxxxx is right? i have not that key ..help thanks

xxxxxxxxxxxxx... are supposed to be numbers/alphabets (characters). Rather than writing them down, he just wrote xxxxxxxxxxxx to make it applicable for everybody, 'cuz it will depend on your system. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\ and then under one of the keys, you'll get MiscStatus. That is the one you'll have to delete apparently. ;)

I'm not using DK at the moment, so I'm going strictly by Anuraag's post :P

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I have not this key on 8 x64,, all xxxxxx is right? i have not that key ..help thanks

xxxxxxxxxxxxx... are supposed to be numbers/alphabets (characters). Rather than writing them down, he just wrote xxxxxxxxxxxx to make it applicable for everybody, 'cuz it will depend on your system. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\ and then under one of the keys, you'll get MiscStatus. That is the one you'll have to delete apparently. ;)

I'm not using DK at the moment, so I'm going strictly by Anuraag's post :P

I have see all clsid key from total unistall about diskeeper and no one has that sub key, so why? What is the real key on 8 x64 about countdown?

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open cmd prompt and type this.


if it has just 1 match, script below will delete it to reset trial.

save this to a .bat or .cmd file.

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Set Var=%%A)REG DELETE %Var% /fexit
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