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@calguyhunk: ,,,,,,Thanks!! ;)

You're welcome :)

BTW, wouldn't hurt to make a separate backup of the 4100 files as well (without erasing the previous one unless you've checked that the new one works). I read somewhere that updates older than a few months don't work. I can't say whether that is indeed so, but I do remember reading that somewhere ;)

You photoshoped your picture or you successfully hacked Ad Muncher ? :lol:

Ha! Ha! Thank Adobe :P

still no user name or pw on AM im not up to scratch when it comes to adding new programmes to prevent dates n trials in order to make AM work. Please can someone send me info on how to make AM work

Read this :o

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I've been using a blacklisted license myself since March without any hassles. Updated to 4089 ;)

at some day your cow will get red like mine. i used komputer swiat until 1 day before the kooask key got out. didnt do anything, it just turned red without any connection

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at some day your cow will get red like mine. i used komputer swiat until 1 day before the kooask key got out. didnt do anything, it just turned red without any connection

Backup files can run for 120 days from the date of registration.Komputer SWIAT files do not work.
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@ sly - You really gotta read my posts. I said specifically in my last post that backups older than a few months won't work. You gotta keep making new backups after successfully upgrading to the latest available build :o

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@ sly - You really gotta read my posts. I said specifically in my last post that backups older than a few months won't work. You gotta keep making new backups after successfully upgrading to the latest available build :o

Even, when following what you wrote = saving EACH TIME the lastest 4 files, old key become invalid and cow turns red and when re-inserting backup cow re-turns white for few seconds and turns back red.

That's the problem I got last week and as it so difficult to get a new valid key (can't be in front of my computer for ages waiting a new key) I really prefer to invest $ 19.95 and get 1 year basic updates !

So I save my time and as time is money ... I become rich :lol:

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fireball.dp if you can no longer use AM with your backup why don't you give a try to use [Ad Muncher Basic-How To Extend Unlimited Trial With Change MAC Address] it is in the first page

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Here working with a blacklisted key from March, but after every update I reset statistics and save the files again.


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Even, when following what you wrote = saving EACH TIME the lastest 4 files, old key become invalid and cow turns red and when re-inserting backup cow re-turns white for few seconds and turns back red.

That's the problem I got last week and as it so difficult to get a new valid key (can't be in front of my computer for ages waiting a new key) I really prefer to invest $ 19.95 and get 1 year basic updates !

So I save my time and as time is money ... I become rich :lol:

That's strange. My license works just fine for me as of now. Hopefully it won't give me the same problem later down the line. And if it does, I'll just see if I can go the MAC address change route. Worked for me the first time 'round. There's been talk that it doesn't work for the second time, but shouldn't be so in theory. Let's see :think:

BTW, updated to 4109 on one of the installations on my desktop as we speak thanks to mih's post. The lappy needs to be done later ;)

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Ad Muncher Basic- Registration And Updating

Posted Image

Method 1 How To Freeze Trial Period Forever With Time Stopper


see in first page

GIF animation instruction:

Posted Image

Note 1: In section "Choose the new date" the date set for 1 days after the date of installation assemblies (for example my installation date was 13th May i choose 14th May)

Note 2: Your cow will be red every time you update the new advert list therefore need to reaped same procedure after new advert list.

If any want download the gif file and watch in Daum PotPlayer [Latest Portable] :

Download Link

Posted Image

Download GIF animation instruction file: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: /files/1FLHQ8YR/AdMuncher_Freeze_Trial_Period_With_Time_Stopper.gif_links [?]

Download Portable Daum PotPlayer v1.5.33573: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: /files/0IQBMIHC/Daum_PotPlayer_v1.5.33573.zip_links [?]

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@MIH: Man, you really rock! You're trying really hard to keep this thread alive, and to give high-quality support! Maybe you should go to that Aussie and ask for a commission. :notworthy:

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I will try to create another animated Gif file regarding to back up method later today or tomorrow.


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I would like to thank you all for what you do, especially madeinheaven and koaask. I don't know what I would have done without you guys ! :rolleyes:

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This one's for madeinheaven :cheers:

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Thanks for informing us about the advert list update madeinheaven and for the extremely detail instructions/methods you provide & to koaask and other active members in this topic too. :thumbsup:

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confirm time stopper working so no neeed any name and key :) :showoff: :showoff: :wub:

cos for me backup not working still had red cow... :angry:

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I will try to create another animated Gif file regarding to back up method later today or tomorrow.


great job with the new anim gif , but IMO u should add "start" to the starting frame so ppl who see it in the middle should know when its start over again.

great job MIH :)

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Ad Muncher Basic- Registration And Updating

Posted Image

Method 2 Backup and Restore Ad Muncher ProgramDate Files


1. We are assuming cow icon in the tray is white

2. Close ad muncher backup 4 files in that location:

C:\ProgramData\Ad Muncher [window 7]

a.) config.dat
b.) customstrings.dat
c.) license.dat
d.) registration.da

3. Copy and backup these files separate location:
for example - D:\backup

4. Start ad muncher and check for updates
License fails and cow turns red..

5. restore and overwrite the existing files
with the backup files you had **do not close ad muncher!**

6. check for updates again

7. You see the latest basic update available for download

Update successful, Ad Muncher registered and enabled again :)

8. For unexpected update:
check for advert list update>>turn to notify me

Credit to Supremo Phantom #1528

Important Note From Supremo Phantom:

a. The best option for you now is that as soon as a key is shared, and you use it to try to register your product... if it is successfully registered, forget everything else and FIRST immediately backup the four files I have mentioned above.

ONLY THEN, when it comes to the point that the key is no longer valid, this backup will save your life.

b. Each time you use the instructions above to download the updates and keep your registration active as white, once its updated, make a fresh backup of these files.

YouTube instruction:

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^ Really easy and works perfectly every time :D

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Perhaps someone could make the installation instructions a bit clearer as i tried it in a virtual enviroment and got nowhere. Posted Image

There is no easier instruction than i post in the first page, you want to have one click trial reset but not want to read the instruction properly or do little workaround and see other method has been mentioned by people, they may be more suitable for you. I just call this luck of laziness, however see GIF animation instruction i hope that would help you!

Mate that post was from over a year ago and i've since got a full license,and lazy i'm not i just had a bit of trouble understanding the instructions that were originaly posted last april.

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Perhaps someone could make the installation instructions a bit clearer as i tried it in a virtual enviroment and got nowhere. Posted Image

There is no easier instruction than i post in the first page, you want to have one click trial reset but not want to read the instruction properly or do little workaround and see other method has been mentioned by people, they may be more suitable for you. I just call this luck of laziness, however see GIF animation instruction i hope that would help you!

Mate that post was from over a year ago and i've since got a full license,and lazy i'm not i just had a bit of trouble understanding the instructions that were originaly posted last april.

There was some confusing from me, probably i was tried not to realized the date of post, i thought that was recent post probably i was searching and looking many page at the same time. sorry about that misunderstanding.

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Perhaps someone could make the installation instructions a bit clearer as i tried it in a virtual enviroment and got nowhere. Posted Image

There is no easier instruction than i post in the first page, you want to have one click trial reset but not want to read the instruction properly or do little workaround and see other method has been mentioned by people, they may be more suitable for you. I just call this luck of laziness, however see GIF animation instruction i hope that would help you!

Mate that post was from over a year ago and i've since got a full license,and lazy i'm not i just had a bit of trouble understanding the instructions that were originaly posted last april.

There was some confusing from me, probably i was tried not to realized the date of post, i thought that was recent post probably i was searching and looking many page at the same time. sorry about that misunderstanding.

No problem mate we all make mistakes. :)

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