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@HX1: Guess what. Because of the brightness of my LCD, I wasn't able to see "Software as it should be" on all the banners. :P

I'd say the banner looks better without it, or needs some change (just a opinion). :)

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Well, truthfully I would say that you would need to recalibrate your monitor.. BUT... I would also say that it could depend on several factors... including being properly adjusted for daylight usage.. totally up to you...

Last note would be a variation I did which did something similar to what I did for the slogan.. but being ' .down ' or ' .forums ' which goes with several versions of the style .. which I have seen used for navigation... not as light as the slogan but I did.. I haven't added it n in fact it was one of the things I removed, but easy to do.. It does look good the way you mentioned as well.. about to start wrapping up the PSD's cleaning them up some and properly naming the layers should have them up in an hour or so... Fonts .. colors all of it... in fact found several earlier I was thinking about adding in...

A clean design is always good for several things.. including leaving canvas open for ideas.. and personalization as well as modification.. Key aspect to it is to have this ability in place so that in effect it can appeal properly as intended to a different people.. You see it in the wallpaper.. art.. all of it and in many interpretations of that art.. creativity being the key aspect...

All I can say is have fun.. LOL... Will post back when I have the upload and link taken care of..

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  • Administrator

Looks very good, and smells lot of effort. :)

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You know it is time to take a break when you see this message:

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Anyway, thought I would help in exposing the banners.

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LOL...Can you open a PSD with GIMP? or work with Fireworks PNG's ( with layer information - one of the reasons the PNG's without shadow.. are so large ... )? Its been years since I installed GIMP and uninstalled it later but it seems like you could... and brushes too.. I know there were a few on dA..

EDIT: Forgot about the PNG's having the layer information from Fireworks.. Photoshop always strips that out for me.. I can't remember but I think if you open the file and resave it without optimizing it should reduce some.. Totally forgot about that though... should be around 6,200 bytes instead of 90 KB.. I opened mine with FastStone Capture and went Options then changed compression to Max ... dumped 83 KB with 0 loss..

Probs have to alter the package in a few.. don't laugh... :D

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LOL...Can you open a PSD with GIMP? or work with Fireworks PNG's ( with layer information - one of the reasons the PNG's without shadow.. are so large ... )? Its been years since I installed GIMP and uninstalled it later but it seems like you could...

EDIT: Forgot about the PNG's having the layer information from Fireworks.. Photoshop always strips that out for me.. I can't remember but I think if you open the file and resave it without optimizing it should reduce some.. Totally forgot about that though... should be around 6,200 bytes instead of 90 KB.. I opened mine with FastStone Capture and went Options then changed compression to Max ... dumped 83 KB with 0 loss..

Probs have to alter the package in a few.. don't laugh... :D

My friend, at this time of the evening, I never laugh at anyone that can still focus on a task.

I am lucky I can still see the keyboard. lol.

I will attempt the psd and firework layers tomorrow when I am a bit fresher.

I think gimp should be able to handle them.

As soon as I climb into the big leagues, maybe I will grab me photoshop also, there is like a million torrents for it..lol.

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Thanks for the sig promo BTW.. Wish ya luck!.. Big Leagues.. pfft.. :)

No problem at all :rolleyes:

My grandfather told me once, "If you want to look good, you don't necessarily have to be good, just hang out with people who are"


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HX1, fyi: Gimp does open that format with no trouble ;)

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I couldn't get it out of my head so I had to put it out there.. Hope some of you appreciate this as much as I laughed about it.. LOL

EDIT: Updated a few mistakes.. enlarged the image.. added the sites..( shots )

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wow - that's übercool!
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good job heath ...

great work and effort .... ! :dance2:

keep it up ...


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Post #165 was just updated with compressed and properly optimized version of the flat PNG's.. AS WELL AS.. the nsane.southpark.banner PSD's..

Please update your packages/files..

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  • Administrator

Sweet. :D

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Welcome.. :thumbsup: ... but I may not be around for awhile.. My computer has decided to pull a revolt.. Trying to upgrade to the most recent version of Acronis.. my system froze up ( after reboot ) so I did a hard power down .. and tried to restart.. and I tried doing several things.. it will not boot and I get a BSOD.. Right now this is coming to you thanks to Hiren's Boot CD version 10.0 ( 11.0 RE would not load network drivers )..and PortableApps.com Applications..( glad I just did the updates to it ).. Regardless to reinstall my system will take anywhere from three straight days to a week... Plus I have to pull all files from this this HD to an EHD ( if the USB ports don't go stupid, as some people know about that issue.. )

Depending on the problem.. I may or may not be back to the forums.. If it really is the HD according to the BSOD I will not because I cannot afford an HD.. nor can I afford another system.. If someone responds with a proper fix I am able to do in my Topic which I am about to create then possibly.. I will be here for awhile..

You can always feel it coming.. you fight a few things and it gets compounded and starts getting worse.. and then they drop something else on you.. and you get that and then.. you ' blow your head off ' because of the myriad of different issues and problems you have dealt with in the past .. combating the age old issue of defunct hardware, program glitches, oversights.. and miles and miles of other things...

It really is how amazingly calm I am right now... Almost pretentious of the foreboding events which seem to be around the corner.. I would be willing to bet.. something else will be next....

But anyway just a heads up.. :)

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Sad to hear that. Kinda surprising that this is happening after the Acronis update. You know, once I was having a booting problem, inserted Windows 7 disk, chose "startup repair", though it says repair startup, it seems to fix a lot of things, and that did the trick (took about a hour though), my booting problem and other problems were solved. :)

EDIT: There's also a guide for it. ^_^

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Well the first time it said it did something.. but still failed.. Then the second time it said that it cannot repair the problem and wanted to send a report to MS..

EDIT: Posted a Topic about it BTW.. :)

UPDATE: All is well again.. :thumbsup: Fresh install... all that..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay so another something... This was intended to be the next thing I was working on but I am not for sure... here for your feedback for now.. a little larger than I usually like for a banner ..

EDIT: Removed extra images...

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Okay one more.. a little cleaner and the start of that cleaner run.. up for feedback with the others..

EDIT: Removed extra attachments

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  • Administrator

Looks pro. :thumbsup:

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The Banner or the Site? :D I spent three hours trying to make a Stylish Script work for the site and get three logos ready... LOL.. The one above is Ps'ed.. 8The real one has a white border I can't seem to kill.. LOL.. and I had to block the logo with AdBlock because I couldn't seem t hit the mark on hiding it..needs some work .. but right now I am using it.. :P

The banner was actually taking your advice with removal.. Started thinking about doing the site colors.. but I want something outside that.. probably will do something more eventually with it..

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The site is already pro, so is the banner. ^_^

I did try Stylish before you or someone else mentioned it here, on Youtube and Google, but I prefer things the genuine way hence couldn't get hold of it. Do customize certain things with two Geasemoney scripts though. :).

The default theme on FP is clean, probably has the most users on it.

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Yeah.. I have three or four Greasemonkey scripts ( could probably lose two fo them right off ) but I have only started using it the last month or so.. there are like three for dA and 1 is a script that gives you a lightbox on every page for viewing images.. where I used to have an extensions for it.. I liked the UI on this one better but some of the buttons need a little work.. What hooked me on Stylish was when I started being able t change small things about the UI that I always was like.. 'I wish I could..' now I have a few I have written.. really simple ones.. and found some really great companion scripts... I have found them complex enough to actually skin a complete IPB Forum.. a lot of work though..

Just a note.. I went to IPS today to see if they had implemented 3.2.0 yet.. and was able to get the Color Information with Web Developer... looks like I have a color palette that needs adjusting a little.. Like my PINK color.. LOL so .. it may still work.. but there may be some mods/changes on the way for my stuff..

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