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  • Administrator

The black ones look very good (maybe add some more colored versions?). The white ones don't look "at that level". Can't decide between go button. The background does feel like it's taking away bit of royalty, but can't say that pic should be without it. :)

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I didn't realize I missed two things... for two different reasons.. Added two three more to the end of those.. The colors I have to offer ( when finished will match those of the banners... I have tried.. a change up.. as you see in the last one.. ( still needs a little work.. possibly in the black background.. ) ..not for sure what exactly you mean ) was going for matching the color I made in the banners .. any a few more and an extra to let you see it without the background image..

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  • Administrator

I do feel the total black background has it's royalness, but isn't that great when you add something light to it. The ND is fine, but I'm not sure what's the other thing. Well, I guess the background doesn't really look as bad as I thought. I mean, I may underrated the background. It still looks very very nice.

The last blue colored one, the gray text is not properly visible. But that's the part of the theme so no problems.

Again, very good job. Loved it as always. Feels like I'm an Englishman drinking tea and admiring art made by a French artist. :wub:

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:blush: :P Your too much.. :showoff2: LOL

Yeah the last one needs to be worked in a little better... I did it quickly.. it was a configuration I had to switch to, that I had dabbled with previously but didn't pursue enough to really have a finished product... IN the Background I have a perspective skewed screen shot of my desktop ( like an image would appear on WP7 as part of an article ), We have the Emblem part of the logo.. a PLUS sign ( as part of the 'ADD' idea from WP7 ), The of course the last one .. color.. There is also a glow or gradient.. added.. The 'Go' can be switched out with a PLUS button.. some different things.. and the exposed area of the screen shot can be moved.. I tried normal screen shot and and a puppet-warp.. but it didn't really turn out well.. Still thinking of a few more slight adjustments when I have time.. :)

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Which ones are your ABSOLUTE favorites out of those?... ( hopefully get some staff feedback on this too.. :thumbsup: )

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Reference the 'Share' section of nsanedown.com .. you'll see the different ones..

I believe this type of 'Button' is used in like an ad-space on other sites.. It is actually posted I think in one of the topics.. ( was actually one of the sizes that were described when the Contest was held a few years ago I think.. and I made one..).. Nevertheless.. This is sort of an upgrade to the new style I am making.. I will eventually follow with a complete package like I made the first time around maybe with a few extras and tweaks, versions to cover the bases.. So you can expect userbars, and two more web buttons to go with the logo design and banners.. ( for consistency.. :) ) And if a few stylized changes occur between now and then I may work them into the previous WP set of banners... the few after that are a little off.. didn't really generate a lot of interest.. ( OH AND.. I may have a Family Guy based banner coming as well.. most likely featuring evil Stewy as well.. :P )

Input and feedback should be based on what is on them as far as an ad/button may be concerned..( included/excluded ) and the design appearance which has gotten some good results but two sets of 6-7 colors and a PSD can be reckless... :lmao: May be very seldom used.. or not even at all but if the need ever arose or someone wanted to link back for nsane.down/forums could be nice to have it.. and it may never be replaced upgraded or switched out but availability and done ahead of being asked or seeing one someone has pieced together. forethought....

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Reference the 'Share' section of nsanedown.com

Ooohh, that... lol. I like the "Too lazy for an avatar" avatar :P

I got it now. I'm pretty much stuck on the past on many things, so the modern look is not for my taste (I pretty much hate even the fact that it's named "Metro"), but I can appreciate the clean design - I like finding beauty in simplicity. I noticed this look on many new sites and people seem to try real hard to keep pace with this fad. Or maybe it won't be a fad? Time will tell.

I like most the last 2, I would take out the arrow, the grey stroke, "Software as it should be" needs more contrast (or it should disappear to avoid the "software" repetition), "Latest world and tech" needs some kind of rephrasing as it doesn't fit too good now. Forum - free registration should be the first ("free" always catches the eye and makes the reader check the avatar in detail, and the forums are the most important, as the vehicle for the updates and news).

Just personal opinions, not advice ;)

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Your actually reverberating some of my own thoughts as well... with the bullets or points.. I was perplexed as to what to put for new exactly... Before I used Newpapers as bullets which indicated NEWS.. and then some aspects to it.. but to try and sum it up real short I was lost for something appropriate... Putting forums first may be a good idea will have to try it out....

I liked it best without the slogan.. I added it in as example and it supposed to be faded to almost not there anyway.. but seemed to crowd the design...

Some good design idea in the contest.. That was one of my favs too.. :P

Opinions count as well.. While I may have a design idea that fits well with what I have around me most of the time and my resources... Other's who have opinions can be great help as well.. something that may not even be noticed by one may be by another.. in some cases I can be more aggressive in one area versus another for example.. going for design and not paying proper attention to the detail in marketing or exposure... end result is something that looks really good.. but doesn't necessarily have the greatest impact.. less stable that of something that can speak more than a tempting and well formed look... Which my appeal one second and gone the next.. or may even be misleading as to what they expect...

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Okay here are two.. one black and one white.. and one..Reversed.. AND yes I know I have an extra comma in the first two.. :P ANNND.. I know I need to work on the white one's listing area... Background with or without? Logo in background or no? Personally leaning towards none..

EDIT: Removed extra attachments..

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The background seems to be pretty useless (because of the small size); it's hard to determine what it is, especially for a newcomer, and only reduces the clean look. I think the News are OK now. Try to move the background logo so it encompasses the right vertical band too, maybe it will look OK? Maybe play with the layer blends to see if one of them makes it looks interesting enough. You probably already try that already.

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Personally I like them. I grabbed one of them, gonna see if I can figure out the

needed txt to use it in Rainmeter.

Edit: Yeah, this is NOT going to be a quick thing lol.

Gonna have to do some reading.....*sigh*

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Well, I did manage to create a button using one of your .png's.

I created another net shortcut in the WP7 panel but at this point

it is just a single use button. It will open the forum, but that is it.

I am trying to see if I can add a layer to the png, which will be hidden,

that will allow me to "divide" the button into 3 clickable areas. Then I will

just match the line title to an action. No sweat.....:blink: :blink: :blink:

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Try to move the background logo so it encompasses the right vertical band too, maybe it will look OK? Maybe play with the layer blends to see if one of them makes it looks interesting enough...

I can do a couple of things with the ND Emblem.. I can enlarge it and reposition it to reach the band... Or I can move it and center it in the square area..touching both sides, and fully exposed...

The reason I used the method I did was as an accent and 'brand recognition'... going in theme with the actual logo idea I made... so an fork with that in mind... It's not necessary either though.. and can be done without it.. for a very clean simple design which maximizes that aspect of the design while bringing most of the focus on the text... I will make a run with the modification.. both of three ways :P ..

@grouchysmurf - Segoe UI Light or Segoe WP .. for the font... hard to find and risky to share from what I hear.. LOL.. For what your doing in Rainmeter... It may be best to check out the contents of one of the program launcher panels... or even one of the Folder Panels.. Select it, Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V should give you and exact copy of it ... Then start editing the contents and Variable for that folder ( Config ).. This woudl give you a mouse over effect that woudl allow you to actually have three or more links.. Title it nsane or something for the main image.. and then mouse over to the necessary listing and links that will launch.. I use the Omnimo Panel Creator and just used a Metro Icon relative to the type of site I was going to.. and then typed in the address and created the panel.. individual panel color can be chosen from the Config Editor below the Config Arrow.. It must be running however.. The other method above may not list the confg as well as there has to be a mod to the gallery to have it show an icon and list the Config or button to be launched.. BUT you can launch it from the Rainmeter Menu under the WP7 listing... Its an idea though.. There shoudl be a tutorial for the code needed at the Rainmeter.net site... for creating the areas.. if still want those areas..

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Okay here are the most recent... With alteration and mods to appear for final... :)

  • Black, White, or Reversed?
  • With/out Emblem
  • With/out Plus Sign ( Large )

Final choice isss...

EDIT: Removed extra attachments..

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  • Administrator

I like the ND logo for both black and blue. And the plain white one. :)

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Okay so I think 'we' have a basis of the design then to go with.. I will start doing some cleanup and knock out the package... Going to try to be as thorough as possible....

Any last notes??? ^_^

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Okay so these are here for feedback and design verification...

These are userbars...

Three designs taken from the basis of what was chosen for the large WebButton...

Color variations and everything that will follow along as with the banners and webbutton.. except these will be done with a re-release of the Wall and... you get the picture.. :P

EDIT: Added first run at medium button...

Feedback is important! :P

EDIT: Removed unnecessary images.

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  • Administrator

Nice. I feel the text should be inside the pic though. :P

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Okay so these are here for feedback and design verification...

These are userbars...

Three designs taken from the basis of what was chosen for the large WebButton...

Color variations and everything that will follow along as with the banners and webbutton.. except these will be done with a re-release of the Wall and... you get the picture.. :P

EDIT: Added first run at medium button...

Feedback is important! :P

I LOVE the color. I prefer a nice contrast to bland colors. but not so much as to hurt the eyes.

I think your design is spot on! I of course will be..umm..er...borrowing these..yeah, that's it..borrowing.....:unsure:

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Well, before you go 'borrowing' these.. :P Remember they are not final drafts yet... :thumbsup: I'll take it as a compliment.. LOL

On the note of the test being in the UserBar... in a way I understand that... yet it is part of the design to have it partially, 'off the page' so to speak... Design is not always inside the box... literally... in a UserBar as well.. which is mostly about a design with a few words.. I was thinking utilize the whole thing, Its not really like nobody can tell nor utilize a hyperlink..:P ( and too WP styling does call for that point throughout in a few places..) I will see though... Like I said these are just 'first runs'.. Difficulty in getting the logo in there.. and appropriately designed to include 'USER'.. as a UserBar, actually was harder to do.. and accomplish a unique look to it as well.. Plus, on lower definition screens the smaller the font the worse it looks regardless.. because of the width of the text 'line' or pixels it occupies.. so that becomes a situation.. as well as how the design works as the colors are introduced going through the spectrum.. things have to be altered..

Like I said though I will take a look and do some more to it.. see what happens...

Anything else before I go for second attempt? ( I may still keep the original.. who knows.. :P )

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There are a number of things that can be tried or done concerning the effect itself.. ( anything is possible :P ) .. I can do one up and post it when I get some free time... One downside is too much of a washout in definition that could upset the overall feel of it.. The text is actually supposed to be off black instead of black.. Were you talking of keeping a level of opacity/fill or just solid?

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@grouchysmurf - I did try what you mentioned yet it however washed out in color wise.. Didn't really look good.. too much color for the idea present.. instead of a color pop.. it was just color..

It's that time again.... :P

Feedback on this design... ( yes packages is still being made.. :rolleyes: ) This is a more permanent redo.. of the Summer 2011 ( which was total crap IMHO... unless you had photoshop and could customize it for your particular need.. layout.. or gimp )..

This is resized to 800x500..original is a 2560 x 1600... color variations to go with the rest will be available when done. ( :rolleyes: oh the bandwidth :P ) Notations for layout, design, and for elements such as the plus.. This is meant to be the accent with a dark background.. ( made by me ).. Lighter version will be made as well when a layout is determined.. and inversion as well as PSD for customizing..

EDIT: Removed extra attachments

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