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Post them desktops!

Guest Gir489

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Zex you should use StartButton changer get rid of that default start button..

I tried out ADOBULATED but ended up removing it.

This reminds me of one of the many reasons i am pissed of at MS about win 8 etc

Using custom themes in this day and age shouldn't require hacking a pile of system dll's that would flag SFC !

They KNOW damn well millions want this support yet they couldn't care less and jam other flavor of the day crap down our throat..

And this is why i hate windows 7 too because its a train of BS from them and windows 8 is ANOTHER stop on the track of BS..

They are not paying attention to what customers what.

Anyway modifying that theme to support Win 8 would be tricky because it would require patching at least 3 system .dll's + the mssstyles theme file

It would probably be a good amount of work to do :(

..meh back to the default windows theme for me

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Zex you should use StartButton changer get rid of that default start button..

I tried out ADOBULATED but ended up removing it.

This reminds me of one of the many reasons i am pissed of at MS about win 8 etc

Using custom themes in this day and age shouldn't require hacking a pile of system dll's that would flag SFC !

They KNOW damn well millions want this support yet they couldn't care less and jam other flavor of the day crap down our throat..

And this is why i hate windows 7 too because its a train of BS from them and windows 8 is ANOTHER stop on the track of BS..

They are not paying attention to what customers WANT.

Anyway modifying that theme to support Win 8 would be tricky because it would require patching at least 3 system .dll's + the mssstyles theme file

It would probably be a good amount of work to do :(

..meh back to the default windows theme for me

I actually cant decide between Windows 7 or Windows 8 start orb, keep changing it frequently. There both good. :lol:

Also I prefer when a theme is similar to the stock windows theme as I got used to it and doesn't hurt the eyes.

But I like dark (black) themes too, but its so hard to find a decent one. Dark Win Aero would be the best...

ADOBULATED doesn't look bad at all, its similar to what I'm looking for, but somehow I feel its missing something. :P

You're right about patching files for custom themes to work. It's not needed at all and should be enabled by default by MS.

And when I'm bored with customizations, I switch back to the good ol' Aero :)

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Using custom themes in this day and age shouldn't require hacking a pile of system dll's that would flag SFC !

You're right about patching files for custom themes to work. It's not needed at all and should be enabled by default by MS.

That's would cause a vulnerability - especially for n00bs who do not customize their system . . . . . . . at all (one needs to understand how it works.) ;)

I'm glad they put more accentuated degree of restrictions on Windows - love the challenge (it's not made for everyone, though - I understand & sympathize with that.) :(

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Are those fans actually spinning? And what is that widget?

LOL no - except for the Task Bar, everything else is just a part of the wallpaper (there are no fans / widgets - those are actually part of the image.) :)


That wallpaper denotes a queen bee on her honeycomb. ;)

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Zex awesome reply and i will be checking out this Dark Aero you speak of.. i agree with everything you said (we have same taste)

and DCS18 you seriously are happy and prefer that MS has made it so you have to go to ridiculous lengths to install and change themes ?

Seriously ? It doesn't bother you that on win 7 on a typical theme from deviantart art you need to patch a ton of protected OS files ?

and some how this is safer for noobs ? lol WOW i can't believe you said that !

For starters the Windows API is already exposed so it would be no major increase in security risks to enable developers to create themes.

And you like how they are restricting various things on windows 8 ? are you kidding ? that is the last thing we need..

I have been a supporter of a product designed for MANY types of people but some how i have been forced into a product made for retards.. not cool !

And i personally don't need "the challenge".. using my operating system shouldn't be a challenge.. that defies the very purpose for why it was made in the first place.

People that condone bad behavior from Microsoft are making things difficult for everyone..

I don't think it's cool that they made the ugliest version of windows to date and went to stupid lengths to lock it down etc

that doesn't sound like an evolution to me.. they are stripping things away from us all and i am not gonna clap and make it rain money on Billy G.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the desktop is gone by the time windows 9 RTM's ..then this rant of mine means nothing .. the train goes choo choo..

Screw MS they are idiots and i know better than them and i could do a better job.. simple, give people want they want.. or someone else will !

If they weren't coasting on Windows 7's success right now and for the foreseeable future they would be in a VERY bad situation !

They know they can gamble on experimental BS for WIn8 / Win 9 because they have Win 7 dominating and they know damn well that Win 8/9 is going

to infuriate a LOT of people and they don't care ! ..as long as they can phase out the desktop and jam metro apps on people they will take the complaining.

In time many more people will see how bad their direction is..

You wanna talk about 3rd party theme support is a security risk and isn't needed because we can hack it or use 3rd party programs ?

Well guess what ? We can do the same for what Metro does and is and looks like.. works both ways ;)

Metro is WAY more a security risk than allowing us to have 3rd party desktop themes lol

Screw windows 8 and screw microsoft ..because of the continued business plan they put in motion long ago

i would probably rage if i heard them state where they want to be in 5 years ! (it makes me shutter at the thought of what kinda dumb bs they will pull by then)

So my rant here has a point.. we can post pics of our desktops right now but how long will that last and how many people will be kissing MS's butt

when they decide YOU do not need a desktop to modify anymore.. and trust me it's coming.. sooner or later they will get rid of it !

k now where can i find that "Dark Aero" lol

..google search time :)

edit: fixed spelling mistake

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and DCS18 you seriously are happy and prefer that MS has made it so you have to go to ridiculous lengths to install and change themes ?

Yes, of course - I have the wherewithal's to fcuk Microsoft (let the SadFucks shove their unhappiness - what about you?) If you don't appreciate the long procedure - don't perform it. Who is forcing you to?

Seriously ? It doesn't bother you that on win 7 on a typical theme from deviantart art you need to patch a ton of protected OS files ?

Nope, it neither does it bother me, now - nor will it it, in future (why should it?)

and some how this is safer for noobs ? lol WOW i can't believe you said that !

Where am I supposed to have mentioned that patching a ton of protected OS files is safer for n00bs - can you reproduce that quote that I have purported to have made?

For starters the Windows API is already exposed so it would be no major increase in security risks to enable developers to create themes.

Without getting into existing / non-existing security risks and presuming that you are right - I don't see the wisdom for myself to increase any perceived risk by even half a percentage. Those who wish to do it are welcome to - but, why should I?

You wanna talk about 3rd party theme support is a security risk and isn't needed because we can hack it or use 3rd party programs ?

It's not required for any OS to come shipped with the system files already hacked, by default - that would suit only those [like me] who use 3rd party themes whereas others who do not customize their themes in any way would be exposed . . . . unduly.

we can post pics of our desktops right now but how long will that last

It will last as long as we want it to last - do you have any problems with that?

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dcs18 all i can say is i regularly see you state your opinions and they have a pattern.

i can almost bet i think the opposite on any topic.. i think your nuts lol ;)

But you ARE good at modifying the desktop.. thanks for posting your pics etc
None of us are gonna agree on everything so what ever lol

This topic shows us that pretty much every single person has the OS setup in different ways

And that has been part of the appeal for me.. not just seeing the ones that look good but seeing the obvious OS modding too

My earlier point relates to the fact that MS could have all along been supporting us but they have not. and this is good ?

Not from where i stand it's not. Why would someone be happy that they should need to patch system .dlls to install a theme ? that is madness !

And try changing to a different theme again and again.. still glad your screwing with Windows .dll's ?

I'd like to be able to run "sfc -scannow" and not have almost all my custom OS changes wiped out and broken..

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@ xpmule

I'm absolutely fine about one's disagreements - I am not OK only when one is disagreeable.

Can only say this much; on a thread dedicated to desktops - the contents should only be pictures (if not, maybe tips on those images.) Anything else IMO, does not really lend value.

Sfc /ScanNow returns system files to their pristine state - this causes the resources that you and I injected into the .dll files to be neutralized (this is an implementation of Windows, that you did not like that started this discussion - if you can believe me, I hate it, too.) But, I move forward - that's choice.

BTW, now if you go back to my post # 567 which offended you - you'll see that what I wrote was simply another innocent Windows tip which did not offend Zex.

About your observation that I'm nuts - I'm afraid you're . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right.

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i am on topic because many times here we are asking the obvious.. HOW <--

and then we are talking about patched .dll's etc ...

besides YOUR replies to me are as necessary as my own comments ;)

so i say i flip the mirror back on you my friend.. look in your own backyard before criticizing others ;)

Since there is no pictures only rules here on this topic i commented about what theme the guy was using

and how the link was removed from the internet and how it was lame having to patch and un-patch system dll's

and i threw in my OPINION that having to do that sucks.. and YOU on the other hand felt the need to jump in and

say you are happy that i was inconvenienced and that its better that way because you like using an operating system that is a challenge..

As far as i'm concerned my comments have been on topic and constructive for the most part.

It's not like i waited for you to talk and start arguing endlessly like you have been doing to me.

AND i bet the vast majority of people out there would agree with me and not you lol

by the way post #567 does not offend me.. nothing does !

i have a twisted sense of humor and enjoy watching little twats troll on me.. it never works and i tend to flip it on them hard lol

I have some hilarious example of pro trolls trying to troll on me and i got THEM worked up like little cry babies hard ..like the Myg0t clan for example

or idiots on IMDB or or.. So by all means do and say what you want i couldn't care less.. i sleep well at night knowing most people agree with my opinions

i'm not the disagreeable contrarian around here lol

If you go out of your way to say crazy crap don't be surprised someone like me comments the things i did.. dcs18 you brought this on yourself.

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If you go out of your way to say crazy crap don't be surprised someone like me comments the things i did.

I beg your pardon - what was that crazy crap that I'm supposed to have commented?

dcs18 you brought this on yourself.

Again - what exactly did I seem to bring on myself?

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i am on topic because many times here we are asking the obvious..

Hell you are..This is a thread for posting desktop images, not for running endless debate. If you want to carry this debate ON, get it done by PM.

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@shajt is that Gabe Newell in your avatar ? lol

Anyway your 2nd pic seems to only be loading half way for me and it looks interesting :(

Those dark background window themes are rare and often crappy / messed up

i've been searching for ages for a theme with a dark background or black too

you mentioned Placebo and that is one of the few themes i tried and liked a lot ! Placebo by Solmiller in your pic ?

If people don't know what that is just go to the awesome web site Deviantart and search for Placebo etc..

Also did you try out the guys other theme "Glass Onion" for windows 7 ?

even though i'm not a fan of windows 8 i can see by this topic that people are still using some custom desktops that look good.

regardless of the OS they look cool.. many of them i like a lot even if i wouldn't wanna use it myself.

keep em coming :)

Nah man, that's TonyG , google him :lol:

It's my old avatar, was using different one but board decided to revert back to it :D

Yep, that Placebo, Ashtray variant, Black market is cool too.

I saw Glass onion but it was not dark so I skipped it.

But like you said, every dark theme has some problems and that's annoying.

Tavaris is another theme that I like, so currently I switch between those 3 themes, Adobulated, Placebo and Tavaris.

Damn, I was always lazy to dive into that field and see if I can make something on my own, tho I would probably suck and fail :)

Hey, what about WindowBlinds app ? That crap needs cracking ? Any good dark themes for it ?

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Hey, what about WindowBlinds app ? That crap needs cracking ? Any good dark themes for it ?

Top 3 Dark Theme of WindowBlinds IMO,they are ;




but,.hard to find working crack for W7. Most of them will expire after 30 days that come with annoying pop-up message. So we need your magic shajt :wub:

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Hey, what about WindowBlinds app ? That crap needs cracking ? Any good dark themes for it ?

Top 3 Dark Theme of WindowBlinds IMO,they are ;




but,.hard to find working crack for W7. Most of them will expire after 30 days that come with annoying pop-up message. So we need your magic shajt :wub:

Hmmm, that first one looks interesting, tho min,max,close buttons are kinda weird and too large, don't like that to be honest.

I'll see what I can do with Windowblinds ...

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Actually fk those dark themes, can't fight with them anymore :D

That Glass Onion theme is awesome and I'm sporting it right now, Noon variant.

Didn't even messed with system DLLs, no need in my case, for dark themes that's a must.

Anywayz man, thanks for the tip B)

Also did you try out the guys other theme "Glass Onion" for windows 7 ?

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Now, your desktop seems complete. :)

However, red and black ain't my colours. And to see other themes posted, the forums that you are linking to require registration, which I'm in no mood now. :P

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do you honestly use your computer like that or are you just trying to be funny ?

i'd be concerned about my monitor taking a beating with it like that..

Like what i mean by that is it wasn't long after my warranty ran out on my Samsung 1080p monitor

that i noticed some banding at the top and bottom of the screen.. what i see is a strip along the top / bottom

that is slightly lighter that the rest of the screen and it is mostly not noticeable but on full black screens is mostly visible.

I believe the problem stemmed from excessively high heat generated from the monitor air vents which over time have damaged the screen.

oh well it was ultra cheap on a boxing day sale a few years ago :)

I am intrigued by your taskbar color though.. makes me wonder what the windows look like (that is kind of an unusual color for a theme)

and i noticed what looks like a metro style start menu icon yet it seems liek you are running windows 7.. why not just jump to windows 8 if you wanna look like 8 ?


I agree i don't like red and black to much. But if it was my theme project i would hack it so it is blue black ..my colors :)

I have been modifying colors on TONS of things for ages and i usually use one technique to modify themes / icons or whatever.

For starters i use Macromedia Adobe Fireworks because photoshop sucks ..but FW has always supported Photoshop plugins so..

one of the plugins i use is called "Filters Unlimited" http://www.icnet.de/filters_unlimited/

And it has an awesome feature where you can flip / transform colors from one to another.. for example from blue to red in one click.. save / done.

Here is the download for it if anyone wants it.. http://www.datafilehost.com/download-a44f6c55.html (ok to post it here ?)

This is an example of what you can do with it (i flipped the colors on a picture of the Northern lights shot up in Iceland if i recall correctly)





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