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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10


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The dev. just added a line to the soft and caused 300+ comments

If he adds two more lines, I think we are going to need a new forum for it :D

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Those who r using WFC r happy with IP block method

those who wanna shift from patch to IP block method

i'm attaching my WFC rules backup!! That will help mostly till someone cracks it


Site: http://zxcfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /yu1tpco3f303



Site: http://zxcfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /h12qf1ywi1d6

Thanks and Regards


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oh oh... wow... i thought everything was already fix with the latest patch by reis , or babel/xanax combination???

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Those who r using WFC r happy with IP block method

those who wanna shift from patch to IP block method

i'm attaching my WFC rules backup!! That will help mostly till someone cracks it


Site: http://zxcfiles.com

Sharecode[?]: /yu1tpco3f303



Site: http://zxcfiles.com

Sharecode[?]: /h12qf1ywi1d6

Thanks and Regards


IF i have windows firewall?

I dont know what to block

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Those who r using WFC r happy with IP block method

those who wanna shift from patch to IP block method

i'm attaching my WFC rules backup!! That will help mostly till someone cracks it


Site: http://zxcfiles.com

Sharecode[?]: /yu1tpco3f303



Site: http://zxcfiles.com

Sharecode[?]: /h12qf1ywi1d6

Thanks and Regards


IF i have windows firewall?

I dont know what to block

Go here>>

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dcs16 fella i have a bad info for you, may be i think you already said in the same idm v 6.10 discussion, a very bad taste in mouth, get ready for it. majorly i try point out is idm registration server is changed, now they are using same address as processlasso do. if you do have this address blocked in your firewall or host file then your idm and processlasso will stay registred forever.

i am not going to post it anyway, now i understand why your firewall method still holds good even now, i do not want to discuss this either with anyone or with you. so my intention is to tell you that i tried comodo firewall hips paranoia method to find what all are files it hooks to find way for outside communication, but comodo as usual it breaks itself rather than my pc or installation of idm, i tried twice to use this method in my pc, but as usual unknown bugs of comodo bugged me more than i wanted.

so uninstall comodo and installed outpost and exist from auto learn mode and other option in outpost firewall i.e. creating of automatic rule creation and update according to program updates or program behave in the pc. (sorry i told you earlier that outpost hips tend to break the idm installation asking to many pop ups if i put it to maximum), so end of the story idm hooks many legitimate windows program in windows folder and windows\system32 folder through proxybypass registry entry in windows registry.(hello fellows somebody posted in 3 or 4 pages after patching the idm, but still you are getting fakes serial warning, so ultimately this is the reason.) idm hooks every program having rights to access internet. so blocking only idm main program or other two program namely idmhelper and uninstall.exe, is never going to work. sorry best of luck fellas if you can't understand what i said.

idm dailing home (dcs18 fella sorry wrong address)


idm hooking the internet facing programs (sorry fellows you can't create blocking rule for this address for each and every program) side note it hooking most of the programs in windows folder or system32 folder.


idm hooking svchost.exe after restarting pc side note after each restart it using the same trick so careful here


idm hooking palemoon, when palemoon started for first time after installed idm freshly in my system. side note if anybody started ie browser you can't block the address through firewall if do not have firewall asking for each and every connection creating by ie browser. so take care.


this is the really nice trick idm using i.e. proxybypass reg trick to fool everybody, if you blocked all the 22 ips of idm activation server address. unfortunately they changed the activation server address. (dcs18 this just for you, so that you can use the winpcap or hips kind of program to trace and find what are all idm hookses and communicates for activation)


lastly side is i don't used any crack or patch to activate the idm only using dcs18 firewall inspired method. nothing else still do not believe me. i do not have nothing prove to anybody. good bye. there is another one method idm uses to communicate so dcs18 if you are curious you can find it your self, i am telling this info just for fun how this cat and mouse game exciting day by day. this is my finding when installed idm in my pc and how it traced and activated and still holds good after downloaded some files with in between pause and restarted the system and restarted the download. apart from this i do not know anything about how idm behave universally in each and every pc available after installed, so this finding is not situated for you then i do not have any answer to say. and kindly do not ask one. good bye fellows. nice to be part of nsaneforums.

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It's starting to get as nasty as Mirillis silly screen recording software. :troll:

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After this long story, i have a simple question

If you have an info that can help dcs18 and don't want to say it and if you have info that can help users and don't want to say it so why you bother your self with this long post and story? and how after all that you happy to be part of nsaneforums? :think:

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I used dcs18 firewalling method in ESET, everything should be how it's supposed to be (i believe), i'm not dumb (i believe), i know how to configure ESET's firewall




I used almost any solution posted in this topic and the nag persists.

Is it any IP from IDM that might get thru? No. Could it be any super special protection registry key? No, not one of the currently mentioned. I also used the batch file for cleanup before registering xanax executable posted. REiS newest patch didn't work either.

The only thing that made it trigger very late (after 6 or 7 hours straight) was a combination of xanax executable and babelpatcher and still, at some point nag screen popped up (it worked as long as i only fetched single downloads after certain amount of time in between, after doing like 2 or 3 downloads at the same time, the nag appeared and stayed), even downgrading doesn't work anymore, nag appears. So it looks like babelpatcher does something right, where all others fail. Interesting.

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Yep same here, being using the firewall method since it was first mentioned by dcs18 and never had any problem.

same here ...thanks to awesome members like u and DCS ..neva had an issue


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Internet.Download.Manager.v6.x.x.Update.7.patch-REiS is working fine here on Windows 8.1 x64.

I tried: download a file, restart and re-download (resume also) and everything is just fine - no annoying popup.


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1. never heard about SxB team.

2. karanPc ? you must be joking.

I would choose Addhaloka patch with xanax method or Addhaloka patch with babelpatcher method.

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Latest REiS+babelpatcherM3 works too (at least for me, for now). :huh:

Make sure you forbid IDM being able to make application modifications, otherwise it will trigger nag screen. ESET has a option for that in the firewall settings and it needs to be combined with dcs18's blocking rules and a general allowed rule for downloading. I'm not sure how it works exactly but it looks like IDM gets managed to modify itself when it fetches links before throwing the nag after creating the firewall rule for it, ESET detects application modifications if enabled thru network for rules created before modification, that will make sure that malware doesn't change applications with network access to get thru it. In ESET a modification looks like this.


Teh devs. :wub: :P

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IDM checks the serial when you start a download after activation, to make sure your IDM working fine start a download and cancel it then restart then start any download again and if your idm is running in start up close it before you try to download again, if fake message didn't show after restart and download again then your good

Most patches except addhaloka or xanax let IDM create Visual Protect 3.5+ again and i think that's the problem they need to make the patch prevent IDM from creating this registry like xanax did

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The thing is that this specific key has not much to do with the blacklisting, even without it the nag shows up like some already mentioned before.


But shouldn't it be two different things anyway? It has nag and blacklist or blacklist+nag, most had one, not both, those with nag were still able to use the program ignoring the message (i had that most of the time), while those with real blacklist had it instantly closed and the protection registry key present (i had that too but the registry key was missing). So i would assume i had issues with the nag only, not with the blacklist, i installed for like 300times and deleted this registry entry only twice, holy hell. :glare:

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1. Uninstall IDM

2. Remove all traces of IDm on the registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager]

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Internet Download Manager]

3. copy IDMan.exe taken from Crack ( XANAX )

4. run Patch ( babelPatcher )

This is the only guide that we all need and I already used it fine. :yes:

Congratulations. :showoff:

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The problem with that method for me is: when you have done all that above, you click on the software and an annoying window appears telling you the file is not signed or something like that, and as far as i know it appears again each time you reboot your pc.

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I stay in version 9 with firewall block without any problem .

Are any reason to go in version 10 now ?

I run win7x64 .

If build 9 is working fine means your firewall has been configured correctly - it (firewall blocking method) will also retain your build 10 activation. ;)

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