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Diskeeper 15 Professional 18.0.1104.0


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@hamanokaito :

Your auto trial reset seems to work. Using Diskeeper 15.

How to eliminate «Evaluation Copy» ?



Hy Jofre, to remove trial use this: Here: Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode[?]:/download/iq8pidxgjchbfqg/diskeeper_15.rar , and don`t forget to use de task scheduler for trial reset auto reset...like the youtube video.

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity


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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity


its virus free

but i relooked now and it seems some antivirus program may not like it ill try and fix it but its virus free


antivirus programs may not like it

Condensed report! The following is a condensed report of the behaviour of the file when executed in a controlled environment. The actions and events described were either performed by the file itself or by any other process launched by the executed file or subjected to code injection by the executed file.

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity

Does it works on limited accounts?

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity

Does it works on limited accounts?

people will have to test it out more i have not tested on all windows yet

and on limited accounts yet

its very new just today made as its new antivirus softwere may say its bad its not a bad files its clean

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Reminder: Some Links to Banned host http://Tusfiles.com/ were removed Please refrain from using such Hosts,

ALSO Members are reminded to use the Sharcode system i have corrected them in this topic, If you need assistance

or are unaware how to Sharecode your work please view the how to Sharecode thread or contact me for help

Thank You

For me would like to thank the two Friends @Knowledge & IIH1 for their support & help i would be grateful for them cause no Admins nor Mods Found when need them for assistance!

Cheeers up, CrazyCanuk special thanks to You:

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity

just it finished Downloading i retrieved You New TR from My Eset Quarantine

and i got this Pretty result just after analyzed it


A powerful screen capture tool Softpedia Certified_100%Clean

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little update trial resetter

add to C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so it will start with windows and now no cmd windows popup now

new tested seems fine when tested


untick Use our download manager and get recommended downloads when downloading

works on diskeeper12 +15 +V-locity

just it finished Downloading i retrieved You New TR from My Eset Quarantine

and i got this Pretty result just after analyzed it


A powerful screen capture tool Softpedia Certified_100%Clean

no virus its clean

see my post from #107

its a false positive

i think its coz its new

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The Auto Trial Reset Works done by @hamakaito,( //www.nsaneforums.com/topic/242119-diskeeper-15-professional-18011040/?p=912494 ) but we still need something that eliminates the words

"Evaluation Copy "

Put a piece of black scotch tape on your screen...that's what I did...works fine!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Auto Trial Reset Works done by @hamakaito,( //www.nsaneforums.com/topic/242119-diskeeper-15-professional-18011040/?p=912494 ) but we still need something that eliminates the words

"Evaluation Copy "

You can remove "Evaluation Copy" with this:


1. Copy and replace DkUserCtrl.dll

2. Run dkreg.bat as Admin

Works for me :cheers:


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Already tried that but, not good here . In fact Evaluation Copy disappears but also disappears the manual optimization that stays in 0% all the time .

@software182 said he was going to talk with MPT . He did that for v12.

Mine is win7 Pro x64



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Ok ! if you use diskeeper 15 or V-locity and V-locity Endpoint !

You should configuration Task Scheduler like my tutorial to get notifications from the software !

Because diskeeper 15 and V-locity or V-locity Endpoint do not like notification diskeeper 12 !

P/s: you need to edit the triggers if you have configured Task Scheduler

Picture :

16737670799_27f117778f_c.jpg2015-03-25_12-54-59 by Chan Kaito, on Flickr

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Quick question, does DK15 or PerfectDisk do anything special for SSD's, like using TRIM commands or anything? Which program is better for SSD's? I know ya never defrag an SSD. Thanks in advance.

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Ok ! if you use diskeeper 15 or V-locity and V-locity Endpoint !

You should configuration Task Scheduler like my tutorial to get notifications from the software !

Because diskeeper 15 and V-locity or V-locity Endpoint do not like notification diskeeper 12 !

P/s: you need to edit the triggers if you have configured Task Scheduler

Picture :

16737670799_27f117778f_c.jpg2015-03-25_12-54-59 by Chan Kaito, on Flickr

My Screen:


It means no longer starting TR every Log on! Now Rescheduled to do the Job Evey 27th of the Month!

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Ok ! if you use diskeeper 15 or V-locity and V-locity Endpoint !

You should configuration Task Scheduler like my tutorial to get notifications from the software !

Because diskeeper 15 and V-locity or V-locity Endpoint do not like notification diskeeper 12 !

P/s: you need to edit the triggers if you have configured Task Scheduler

Picture :

My Screen:

It means no longer starting TR every Log on! Now Rescheduled to do the Job Evey 27th of the Month!

That's right !

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Everything seems to be working based on the reports ... the only question is for the Basic Configuration Settings - Disk Health I can not toggle any of the drives listed (combo HDD & SSD). SMART is disabled for all drives - Does this happen for anyone else? Win7, x99 motherboard. Was using PerfectDisk before this and it had SMART enabled.

On the Basic Configuration Settings - Disk Health tab are you able to toggle the S.M.A.R.T settings for your drives or is it disabled?

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Everything seems to be working based on the reports ... the only question is for the Basic Configuration Settings - Disk Health I can not toggle any of the drives listed (combo HDD & SSD). SMART is disabled for all drives - Does this happen for anyone else? Win7, x99 motherboard. Was using PerfectDisk before this and it had SMART enabled.

On the Basic Configuration Settings - Disk Health tab are you able to toggle the S.M.A.R.T settings for your drives or is it disabled?

Hi Pharma, easy fix, first unistal, restart...instal after, the Diskeeper 15 or Velocity requare restart select later, copy and replace DkUserCtrl.dll, and run reg.bat ....and after restart task scheduler the Diskeeper auto reset to run on the Month! and you are the bosss:)))....GIRL POWER!!!LUANDRA...

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Call me when a real crack is done. Hope I am still alive when / if that happens, which I doubt .

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Call me when a real crack is done. Hope I am still alive when / if that happens, which I doubt .

Well, all we have to do is waiting now... :p ( hope the new fix is prOppA ) :lol:


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I reckon Condusiv must has spend a lot of time protecting its assets on Diskeeper francise, but never heard of just a popular software being uncrackable for very long time, Condusiv team is more smart than we all.

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I reckon Condusiv must has spend a lot of time protecting its assets on Diskeeper francise, but never heard of just a popular software being uncrackable for very long time, Condusiv team is more smart than we all.


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