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14 hours ago, dcs18 said:

The following 3 executables need net connectivity:—

  • SimpleDnsCrypt.exe
  • dnscrypt-proxy.exe
  • dnscrypt-proxy-secondary.exe


Re-order PF rules.

Modify Blocked rules to Any

Now Downloads working like charms without fake messages after several times. 

Install DnsCrypt as supplement to block some domains of IDM 

But I was wondering when hit 'Check For updates',it works and say 'you are using latest....' What I missed ?


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39 minutes ago, sirri said:

But I was wondering when hit 'Check For updates',it works and say 'you are using latest....' What I missed ?

When IDM is used to Check for updates..., your IDM should get blocked by DNSCrypt, with the following error:—



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24 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

When IDM is used to Check for updates..., your IDM should get blocked by DNSCrypt, with the following error:—



would you mind PM me about blocked domains within DNSCrypt you are using ? I must be wrong configuration.



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It's not the blocked domains part where you must be going wrong — me thinks you might've probably missed telling DNSCrypt which of your Network Adapters it should be hooking into:—







You might want to use the above screenshot for your upcoming tutorial — would save you a little bit of time.
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ah..I see.

Thanks my dear.

5 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

It's not the blocked domains part where you must be going wrong — me thinks you might've probably missed telling DNSCrypt which of your Network Adapters it should be hooking into:—

forgot this part.

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@Undertaker , you are right, my system is not clean. I checked the same situation with disabled connection under clean virtual machine, and there was success without fake serial. How could this possible? I am sure something is missed in guides for cleaning.

I noticed that in installation progress IDM ask UAC two times. First for installation. Second - (?) I think the second is something related with update via internet, but not believe in this. If you have good tutorial for cleaning, let me know it, please @Undertaker. This is important for me, I need to give this nice trick to others like me, but must to know what is the prevent. Without solution they never believe me too. How could do clean?

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49 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

It's not the blocked domains part where you must be going wrong — me thinks you might've probably missed telling DNSCrypt which of your Network Adapters it should be hooking into:—








You might want to use the above screenshot for your upcoming tutorial — would save you a little bit of time. ;)


43 minutes ago, sirri said:

ah..I see.

Thanks my dear.

forgot this part.

Always pleased to help folks who ask us nicely — without disrespecting us. RlW5CMh.gif

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@dcs18 yes   sometimes they forgot to enable ethernet that it gets deactivate. I will be working it today as i just finish my work and had a free time afterwards. Can we compare notes of the ip and dns  ?  i might missed something :),   plase send it to my inbox if you dnt mind. 


Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, BTJB said:

@Undertaker , you are right, my system is not clean. I checked the same situation with disabled connection under clean virtual machine, and there was success without fake serial. How could this possible? I am sure something is missed in guides for cleaning.

I noticed that in installation progress IDM ask UAC two times. First for installation. Second - (?) I think the second is something related with update via internet, but not believe in this. If you have good tutorial for cleaning, let me know it, please @Undertaker. This is important for me, I need to give this nice trick to others like me, but must to know what is the prevent. Without solution they never believe me too. How could do clean?

First of all, thanx for confirming that Adguard method is indeed working. :)


Secondly, regarding the cleanup part, it's still a work in progress. @sledge101 @hamanokaito @dcs18 are working on making it better. But they can't do much without proper feedback. Cleaning script, batch files are not exactly my forte, sorry.

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@understaker that is totally fine.  Every user has its own method which they think is comfortable to use with. :)

1. Using a hamanokaitos patch blocking method is nice , you get to use blocklisted key. I modded it with hamnokaitos permission to prevent sending data to idm servers with a blank info while preventing fake serial notification and deactivation.At the same time modded to use ANY keys now ( IDM62-34567-89123-45678). Furthermore an optional method can also be use such as adguard ,  ip/block or even none at all! As it is not necessary anymore..  


2.  DNSCrypting works no doubt about this one,  @system level . ( Both DNS and IP). Drawback is you dont have whitelist function included.

3.  Adguard has dnscryption already  confirm working by Taker

4.  CFosspeed  havent tested this one yet by A. lemane


Will restore default settings of IDM as almost finish with hamnokaitos.

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1 hour ago, sledge101 said:

@dcs18 Can we compare notes of the ip and dns  ?  i might missed something :),   plase send it to my inbox if you dnt mind. 


Thanks in advance.

Done — have marked you a PM with 9 screenshots (they're as good as pictorials — you won't have much work on your hands.) B)


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1 hour ago, Undertaker said:

Secondly, regarding the cleanup part, it's still a work in progress. @sledge101 @hamanokaito @dcs18 are working on making it better.

Have so far, deployed DNSCrypt to about a dozen client machines consisting of a mix of laptops and towers after cleaning and reviving their contaminated registries with 100% success.



1 hour ago, Undertaker said:

Cleaning script, batch files are not exactly my forte, sorry.

However, the important point that people seem to be missing is that the new techniques which have recently emerged are turning blacklisted keys and contaminated registries into a genuine activation:—

On 6/18/2017 at 10:15 AM, dcs18 said:

It's working fine, here — have been blocking IDM successfully with a blacklisted key and on a fully contaminated registry, as well.


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confirmed here using dnscrypt ----- mirrorcreator , solidfiles confirm working  , datafilehost takes longer to resolve the cache. might need to adjust settings of dnscrypt to open the page. So far so good.




However, the important point that people seem to be missing is that the new techniques which have recently emerged are turning blacklisted keys and contaminated registries into a genuine activation:—

YES, in the modded version i made /.......based on hamanokaito,  you can have full retail program with a typed key (e.g.  IDM62-34567-89123-45678 ----not a blacklisted , not a genuine not a random keygen and retains activation.   and the idman.exe is not even patch or other files. and optional if you want to dnscrypt it or ip/dns block it . Too many options  and you can restore it anytime you like by default.


Be back later dinner time and will be working on the dnscrypting :)

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  • Typed key = IDM62-34567-89123 which is neither a blacklisted, nor a genuine or even from a random KeyGen
  • No Patch or Trial Reset used on IDMan.exe or on any other file
  • No registry mods carried out — works fine no matter how contaminated (or pure) the condition of the registry
  • Activation is based purely on just (Firewall + DNSCrypt) activation
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- This is for educational / personal use only. Not for resale. B)

-  All generalities of the work are credited to the following people.

a.  DCS18 ( illustrations, DNS/IPS)

b.  Dukun Cabul ( Base batch script reference)

c.  Sledge101 ( Minor updates on the batch script with instruction label specifically to work along side WF and DNSCrypt or combination, DNS resolution settings, etc... )

- Using DNSCrypt blocks IDM site at SYSTEM LEVEL, please be aware of that.


Some Tips:

1.  Activation of IDM using DNSCrypt can  done alone without the help of Windows Firewall or may be used in combination as per user taste.

2.  For starters, please follow the instructions carefully.

3.  For non-starters,  you can modify the steps as long as you make sure your DNSCrypt program has been setup and working as it should before running IDM.

4. It is still recommended to install IDM offline however, if you install it online, make sure your DNSCrypt has already been working.

5. If you still get a fake serial check then your DNSCrypt is not working! To fix this , you need to setup DNSCrypt again and enable it.




1. Install IDM offline as per recommendation or online ( non-starters)

2. If prompted to register, close IDM registration and exit all IDM process

3.  You may want to use this script as an all in one cleaner and /or registration. Save as batch file and run as admin . See script below:

@echo off
set VBS=%TEMP%\runas.vbs
reg query HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19 >nul
echo Set UAC=CreateObject("Shell.Application") > %VBS%
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> %VBS%

:: NOTE:  	I have disabled using Windows Firewall (WF) see specific section. See '::' section related to WF.
::          	Updated IDM DNS/IPS provided by DCS18
:: 	Base Script credits back to Dukun Cabul for a well structured script. I updated the IPS and script.

if exist %VBS% del %VBS%

::set REMOTEIP=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 
set STRING=YcVi8JRaz75hxWLwlF
set KEY1=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query %KEY1% /v ExePath') do set IDM=%%B
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (
set KEY2="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"
set DIR1="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager"
set REG2=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID
) else (
set KEY2="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"
set DIR1="%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager"
for /f "eol=E" %%A in ('reg query %REG1% /k /e /f {07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}') do set REGKEY1=%%A
for /f "eol=E" %%B in ('reg query %REG1% /k /e /f {5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}') do set REGKEY2=%%B
for /f "eol=E" %%C in ('reg query %REG1% /k /e /f {6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}') do set REGKEY3=%%C
for /f "eol=E" %%D in ('reg query %REG1% /k /e /f {7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}') do set REGKEY4=%%D
for /f "eol=E" %%E in ('reg query %REG1% /k /e /f {D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}') do set REGKEY5=%%E
for /f "eol=E" %%F in ('reg query %REG2% /s /t REG_SZ /f %STRING%') do set REGKEY6=%%F & goto:CLEANUP

tasklist /fi "imagename eq IDMan.exe" | find /i /n "IDMan.exe" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 taskkill /f /t /im IDMan.exe
::netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="%RULENAME%" dir=out
if defined REGKEY1 echo %REGKEY1% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY1% /f
if defined REGKEY2 echo %REGKEY2% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY2% /f
if defined REGKEY3 echo %REGKEY3% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY3% /f
if defined REGKEY4 echo %REGKEY4% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY4% /f
if defined REGKEY5 echo %REGKEY5% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY5% /f
if defined REGKEY6 echo %REGKEY6% [7] > PERMISSION & regini PERMISSION & reg delete %REGKEY6% /f

if exist "%IDM%" goto:ACTIVATION
if exist %DIR1% rd /s /q %DIR1%
if exist %ProgramData%\IDM rd /s /q %ProgramData%\IDM
if exist %AppData%\IDM rd /s /q %AppData%\IDM
reg query %HKCU% /e /f DownloadManager >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 reg delete %KEY1% /f
reg query %HKLM% /e /f "Internet Download Manager" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 reg delete %KEY2% /f
set IDMSC="%UserProfile%\Desktop\Internet Download Manager.lnk"
if exist %IDMSC% del %IDMSC%

:: You can edit the registration information below before runnig the script.
:: Delete the '::'  to auto register it ( typed custom serial applicable only in this method)
:: If you want to use the default manual IDM box procedure, leave the default '::' below the registration details and use a IDM keygen , a blocklisted retail key later. 
:: Registration using default manual IDM box should be done, once , DNSCrypt is functioning well. 
:: ======================================================================+
reg add %KEY1% /v "Email" /t REG_SZ /d "!" /f>nul
reg add %KEY1% /v "FName" /t REG_SZ /d "%USERNAME%" /f>nul
reg add %KEY1% /v "LName" /t REG_SZ /d " " /f>nul
reg add %KEY1% /v "Serial" /t REG_SZ /d "IDM62-34567-89123-45678" /f>nul
reg add %KEY2% /v "InstallStatus" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f
:: WINDOWS FIREWALL is by default Disabled

::netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="%RULENAME%" dir=out action=block remoteip=%REMOTEIP%

echo Done!  Enjoy.  
echo Press any key to exit . . .

4. Now, install Simple DNSCrypt program.

    Download Link:  

Site: https://github.com
Sharecode[?]: /bitbeans/SimpleDnsCrypt/releases/download/0.4.2/SimpleDNSCrypt.msi
5. After installation,  you can now setup the IDM blocking method. Open DNSCrypt, make sure you are ONLINE
6.Follow instruction in the illustration below: Follow the red arrow.
- Enable Ethernet Network to hook up or use.
- Select your primary and secondary resolver closes to you. You can get extra info by clicking the small clock button there.
7. Go to advance settings and go to plugin manager.
8.  In the plugin manager, enable everything as shown below. Click the check icon.
9.  Then go to block and blacklists section as shown below.
10.  Configure IDM block settings by enabling domain block , adding new local domain rule and building the domain blocks once all added


*  If you wish for total IDM blockage including idm updates, just remove "www".internetdownloadmanager.com in the settings above.

Note:  if you use domain blocking only,  you need Windows firewall to block all IDM IPS, you can add the IPS there. Otherwise if you want to use pure DNSCrypt alone. Proceed below.
11.  Configure IDM block setting by enabling ip block, adding new ips and building the domain block once all added. See illustration below.
Updated IPS:

* Red color: IDM Update IP  Address.


12. Now , go to live log and enable it. Do not close DNSCrypt.
13.  Finish configuring your DNSCrypt.
14.  Now, open IDM, depending which method you want. ::::: SEE Script above
Auto-reg:  edit the script , enter registration details --> APPLICABLE TO ALL KEYS
Default:  Manual:  A registration Box will prompt you --> APPLICABLE TO BLOCKLISTED, KEYGEN KEYS , not the typed keys. You can enter there and you will see this result.
-  Now add IDM exclusion. See illustration below: ( Handful tip from TAKER , Thanks ! )
15.  Thats it. RESTART PC To apply changes.
P/S:  some sites are not accessible  using DNSCrypt because of the dns resolver you use. I used the least time when picking - with DNSSEC and log all checked. It ispossible you can still open some blocked sites. During my test, mirrorcreator and slidfiles are ok however datafilehost seems to load very very slow.   To resolve it,  DNSCRypt Transport Setting should be enabled.  This will not affect your IDM getting deactivated. Use this only when all above steps are working good and rules have been applied succesfully.
All credits intact.


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The OP and credits duly updated (your anti-DNS Spoofing concept has been promoted to the very top of the first post — right on the Notice.) F3h9xqz.gif

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@dcs 18 , the last part of accessing websites for e.g datafilehost is A- ok now.   :)  Just enable transport settings. No IDM deactivation noted even several PC restarts and downloads.



In the script above,  just remove the "::" WF sections there , to enable blocking of updated IPS using windows firewall if you want dnscrypt to block dns only otherwise dnscrypt both domain and ip can handle idm activation. No ipsec block no windows firewall block just pure dnscrypt configured properly. All credits to the playground team!



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Good find — but, we gotta be careful because some sites like imgur would stop working. :lol:

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2 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Good find — but, we gotta be careful because some sites like imgur would stop working. :lol:


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14 minutes ago, dcs18 said:



Good find — but, we gotta be careful because some sites like imgur would stop working. :lol:

haha.. this one imgur @dcs18



 just access it...  however, it would be nice if some users post some sites which ar blocked so we can find alternative solutions to unblock it , with other users feedback we cant improve our methods.

@dcs18, im finding a way how to download directly from specific site of idm

upgrade and retail is on mirror5 and mirror2 ( correction!) respectively


let me explore further....  will post update soon.

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Alright sweet, in that case you've got PM — have sent you the screenshot for Transport Settings (in case you decide to post it.) F3h9xqz.gif

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2 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Alright sweet, in that case you've got PM — have sent you the screenshot for Transport Settings (in case you decide to post it.) F3h9xqz.gif

done! :)

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The one thing I noticed is that DNSCrypt and Yahoo! Messenger do not play well together (not even when Yahoo! Messenger is allowed unrestricted net access, through the firewall.) yXZVmpE.gif


Not a huge fan of Yahoo! Messenger — just an observation. ^_^

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You might want to also try out Techsmith Snagit — we had a tutorial somewhere on this very thread. ;)

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