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ESET v4 Fixes


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Users trial licenses are in the background, and have separate servers for download, because I thought that the no same level of protection? this is my list, is it OK


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The only difference between the trial version and commercial version is, when there's extreme server load, which sometimes happens around once a 6 months, the commercial users would get the priority for updates. Otherwise both trial and commercial get the updates at same time. I don't think you need any of those update servers list except last one. If eset mistakenly asks you for username and pass during update, select the last link and update, after that come back to automatic. This is a problem from ESET's side. Never happened to me. Using box, mara- fix from 1 and half years.

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Otherwise both trial and commercial get the updates at same time. I don't think you need any of those update servers list except last one.

I second this. I been using ESS with the trial fix for over a year now ;)

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Never happened to me. Using box, mara- fix from 1 and half years.

same here..............................

i've got no problem at all...!!!

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Users trial licenses are in the background, and have separate servers for download


Users of EAV and ESS on trial licenses have separate servers for download from the Users of Commercial licenses.

I thought that the no same level of protection?

False . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for me.

As DKT27 points out, the trial servers face a downtime, or run over-flooded once every 6 months. Users OF EAV and ESS on trial licenses cease to get signature updates completely during these periods whereas Users on Commercial (Registered) licenses continue to enjoy uninterrupted signature updates.

Once in 6 months whenever this trial server issue occurs, the problem persists for at least a week - last year, on one occasion the issue outlasted an entire month.

Would running EAV or ESS without the latest signature updates constitute a drop in the level of protection - for Noobs and the average Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . probably no.

However, an advanced User would consider this as a serious drop in his security protection. :fear:

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@dcs18: The maximum time the problem lasted was for 2 weeks and as far as I remember half of the commercial license users didn't get updates at the right time either (I confirmed it with my 2 friends).

Blame ESET. :ph34r:

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@dcs18: The maximum time the problem lasted was for 2 weeks

Yes, I remember almost two weeks before I got an update. That was the longest time I've had to wait since using the box, mara- fix v1.3 for over a year now (since I joined this site).

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@dcs18: The maximum time the problem lasted was for 2 weeks

Yes, I remember almost two weeks before I got an update. That was the longest time I've had to wait since using the box, mara- fix v1.3 for over a year now (since I joined this site).

You guys must be referring to the issue where Signature Update problems started on 17-04-2010

I mentioned a more prolonged period that occurred last year (2009)

and as far as I remember half of the commercial license users didn't get updates at the right time either (I confirmed it with my 2 friends).

Not receiving the updates on time (on the rare occasion) and not receiving them at all (for weeks together) are 2 very different things.

Blame ESET. :ph34r:

Righto, ESET - we were discussing nothing else but precisely ESET (it was about the advantages of a Commercial/Registered EAV/ESS User as against a Trial/Evaluation EAV/ESS User.) ;)

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The trial version uses less resources also... -peace ;)

Not true.


DTK explained well. Those servers you added are already in registry and they are hidden from user. Just select Automatic and you'll be fine.

Cheers ;)

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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

I second that, thare is No way that the box mara fix will slow down your system :uhuh:


It must be the other programs you running on ur system or not enough ram which slowing down ur computer. ;)

I am been using box mara fix for over an year never had a problem. :thumbsup:

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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

i dont know bout that. but what ive notice is every time you start your pc the eset loads twice because the box mara fix takes effect everytime you start your computer

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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

I second that, thare is No way that the box mara fix will slow down your system :uhuh:


It must be the other programs you running on ur system or not enough ram which slowing down ur computer. ;)

I am been using box mara fix for over an year never had a problem. :thumbsup:

what i mean is only the start up not the system....

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NEW :- MiNodLogin for ESET :-

Download here:


Site ................................................. Mediafire.com

Sharecode .............................................................. /?31jwaa7jl1qgu5l


Note :- Java must be previously installed

Read also post 1751 this topic.

Cheers..... :cheers:


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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

i dont know bout that. but what ive notice is every time you start your pc the eset loads twice because the box mara fix takes effect everytime you start your computer

No, no and no! You are absolutely wrong. There is no way that this happens because of this fix. And ESET loads two times? How do you know that? Something other is wrong in your system if this happens, but I don't see how would ESET load twice.

Cheers ;)

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Thanks Jofre! you rock :rockon: Keep up the good work m8.....;)

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Nope it doesn't. All it does is a few registry edits. I see no way some registry edits would slow down the system (unless noted). ;)

i dont know bout that. but what ive notice is every time you start your pc the eset loads twice because the box mara fix takes effect everytime you start your computer

No, no and no! You are absolutely wrong. There is no way that this happens because of this fix. And ESET loads two times? How do you know that? Something other is wrong in your system if this happens, but I don't see how would ESET load twice.

Cheers ;)

ok i only assumed that it loads twice. but here is what: when i use boxmara- fix during startup theres a pop-up in the taskbar that something about antivirus then the eset loads.. i guess it delays the starpup about 3-5 secs. but when not using boxmara- or im using trial or liscense. there is no popup.. . but i dont know about the eset antivirus if this occurs since im using eset smart secutity

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When you apply the fix for the fist time, it deletes from registry information about last update, so Eset start complaining that your definitions are old. This is done, because you need to convert retail to trial version and to do that you must do first update manually. After you do the first update you won't get that message. Other then that, this fix can't cause any delay.

Cheers ;)

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Hi guys,

haven't been writing on the forum much, but have been reading the nod32 thread for a looong time. I would like to know how to do the box,mara fix manually. Not because it's slowing down the system or anything, but it seems that it's only a couple of registry tweaks so I would like to see if I could do it myself.

Hope someone has a small guide to do so :)


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It's not mine tool, I just found it using Google. :)

Cheers ;)

but you can write one ;),

BTW mara for eset smart security v4.2.64.12 mara-box fix, after 3 - 4 weeks it doesn't work anymore. it asks people (not just me, Windows xp or windows 7) to enter user name & pass. do you know how to fix that? only the .64 build any other older version doesn't have tihs problem

yes unfix > fix mara fix will cure the problem. but you know my friends doesn't give about pc so when eset doesn't update due to mara-fix doesn't work properly for some odd reason it screws them up you know.

im too lazy to rephrase everything in proper english but i hope you understand what i mean if not just PM me =D and ill give u 1 - 2 paragraphs.

10 days ain't long IS IT!?!?

yes it is for me since im in school and so many things is due b4 oct 1 =(!

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@oZ.: Read this post (from mara-'s siggy). ;)

=p thanks but that's not my consider im just wondering if there's life time fix for NOD32 since it gets broken once a while. =\ as my friends doesn't care or know about computers so it would be hard for them to fix it; or just don't bother.

- but by adding that link will help? =\ caz when mara fix is broken it will just ask for user & pass it still wont update though right?

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@oZ.: Read this post (from mara-'s siggy). ;)

=p thanks but that's not my consider im just wondering if there's life time fix for NOD32 since it gets broken once a while. =\ as my friends doesn't care or know about computers so it would be hard for them to fix it; or just don't bother.

- but by adding that link will help? =\ caz when mara fix is broken it will just ask for user & pass it still wont update though right?

box, mara- fix isn't broken. It's from ESET's side. ESET, many times, mistakenly converts a trial version into a full version, hence asks for a username & pass. Even the non-box, mara- fix trial users would be facing this problem. Using that url sort of reverts it back to the trial version and fixing the problem. :)

I've never had this problem though, so the chances of the problem reoccurring are quite less. ;)

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