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nSane residents' comitee for "Like a Sir" non VIP users


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:why: please don't be strict. I thought you guys made this club just for fun. :unsure:

Obviously The club is for fun.. :) but any inappropriate behaviour and misconduct can not be tolerated. :angry: after all we are the forum members and we must follow the forum rules and respect each other... :showoff:

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21 times.. :think: :think:

Ok.. you can do it 20 times more...till 41 limit.. :showoff2: :lol: :lol:

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:omg: :omg: :omg: careful guys this is borderline but what a nice border! :P :P hihihi they all want candy

We are borderline :P but not rules brokers

Post #1 updated

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I'm going to buy this chocolate cake on my birthday. Yummy! :dribble:


My b-day is in 22 days. I wanna that cake :fap: :dribble:

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:O :OMG:


Look what did I found, jalaffa's cat




God bless the queen


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just looked a few pages back from this post..wow what happened... any way... to whom it may concern and all others that are not concerned...a time will come when crap lands on your doorstep...whatever it is it too will pass..and there will be many painful doors to go through in the heeling process, don't be thinking that by not going through the painful doors in your life that the crap that landed on your door will just go away,,,it won't ... not only does life go on but life MUST go on, so you might as well learn right now to be truly happy that anger is not the chief emotion to run your life or to solve your problems...you must also get to a point in your life, that you must come to realize that no matter who or what was responsible for that crap that landed on the doorstep of your life be it done by yourself of your own mistakes and doing or from others or from a real bonafide happenstance totally beyond your control... that all that don't matter no more as it is in the past...in the here and now YOU are in charge of you life and in charge of fixing it... getting angry and staying that way, blaming others, even if they truly are to blame, and misplaced anger directed at inocent others just because they are in the way, or just happen to be there are all not going to do a damn thing to help you walk through that door you need to walk through to get away from the place where the crap is...dancing around the pile of crap and telling everybody to look at it and stepping in it and then saying see how it smells ain't gonna help your life..walk though the door... no matter how painful it may be it is still less painful then staying in the damn room in the first place

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just looked a few pages back from this post..wow what happened... any way... to whom it may concern and all others that are not concerned...a time will come when crap lands on your doorstep...whatever it is it too will pass..and there will be many painful doors to go through in the heeling process, don't be thinking that by not going through the painful doors in your life that the crap that landed on your door will just go away,,,it won't ... not only does life go on but life MUST go on, so you might as well learn right now to be truly happy that anger is not the chief emotion to run your life or to solve your problems...you must also get to a point in your life, that you must come to realize that no matter who or what was responsible for that crap that landed on the doorstep of your life be it done by yourself of your own mistakes and doing or from others or from a real bonafide happenstance totally beyond your control... that all that don't matter no more as it is in the past...in the here and now YOU are in charge of you life and in charge of fixing it... getting angry and staying that way, blaming others, even if they truly are to blame, and misplaced anger directed at inocent others just because they are in the way, or just happen to be there are all not going to do a damn thing to help you walk through that door you need to walk through to get away from the place where the crap is...dancing around the pile of crap and telling everybody to look at it and stepping in it and then saying see how it smells ain't gonna help your life..walk though the door... no matter how painful it may be it is still less painful then staying in the damn room in the first place

What are you trying to say?

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absolutely nothing at all to you personally whatsoever... why would you think so...i will have no comment from this point on as i will not argue with you over some insult you think i sent your way but did not

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:P :P


For the girls an bi-curious members :P


I've found a pic of shought :rofl: :lmao:


:tehe: :naughty:


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