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Eset Nod 32 Fix for 3.0? (CONTINUED)


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(The only time it gave me the error was when I manually tried to launch Generador.exe(using either my own(Administrator privileges) account or the built-in Administrator account)).

My spanish skills are far from good, but with a screenshot of the error we might be able to troubleshoot it, anyway, from what you tell me the error seems to come from generador rather than the fix. :)

Yeah, that's true. The Generador program gave me the error and my Spanish isn't any good as well, but I knew some words and I'm sure it was telling me it had to be run using and Administrator account, which I am on.

However it doesn't matter if the fix or Generador is at fault, both give the same result: no updates.

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I will explain later about the real and correct differences between trial version and commercial version.

it'ss tricky subject.


- Do you have to use the fix on a trial or a commercial version?

works for both.

I will explain latter about the differences between trial version to commercial version

but I still need an answer to 'does it patch the ESET program core to show the green icon and no expiry date always?'

- How does it not make ESET show the yellow/red icon and the nag screen?

no. my Auto FIX DOES NOT patch ESET program files.

show the green icon and

Generador downloads the updates from the database to a folder and you update from this folder.

no expiry date because no username and password in needed.

it show the green icon because you always get the latest signature updates every automatic update (60 minutes).

and my fix run generador to download the signature updates befort that time.

How do I uninstall it? It no gives me some weird dialog about not being on the administrator account(in spanish or whatevah), but I am Administrator and I even tried to run it on the Windows default Administrator account, didn't work.

So I want to reinstall it, is there no simple uninstaller? That would be a great addition...

just make a new uninstaller that will clean my auto fix completly,remove generador files, choose the servers..

you can download it here:

site: http://www.mediafire.com/

share code: download.php?tprertq2rm5

(I also updated my original post with the link - fix+uninstaller)

you can check if a new signature update is out here:


or here:


Yeah, that's true. The Generador program gave me the error and my Spanish isn't any good as well, but I knew some words and I'm sure it was telling me it had to be run using and Administrator account, which I am on.

However it doesn't matter if the fix or Generador is at fault, both give the same result: no updates.

it was Generador fault not mine. (and this is the cons of my fix).

anyway now my auto fix is working very good.

- Could you give any possible cons of your program?

my fix depends comletely on UlisesSoft Generador program.

so When Ulissoft release a new version of Generador, my fix will need to be updated (only if previous version of Generador will not work).

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Still the GetValidID v2 is updating great for me no issues Im trying get away from any thing made from UlisesSoft or depends on them..

I have Generator by UlisesSoft here but I have so I dont have download the full database If I wish to reinstall or reformat I put the update on disk for quick update ...

But as many time before they will come a time when Generator stops working we need a Generator that dont depend on UlisesSoft...

Most likely it stop working because of the new modules they had to fix it to update them because the size of my update folder is around 27mb now was only 17 mb same thing happen back when we used run the old update server from KM92 when the modules needed updated it stopped tell he fixed it...

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Thanks for all your explanation kaspersky.

I still haven't received any updates(still on 9-11 here, twice 9-12 released) so I think I'm going back to Marsufix. In my opinion Marsufix is the best fix for times when the update servers are fine and yours is preferable when they are not. I think it would be a good idea to create a fix that works all-round. Do you see where I'm heading? If you(makers of the fixes) would combine your powers and create a fix that would use Marsufix as the main fix and Generador as the backup fix. (It could work somewhat like the License finder(Marko's), you'd check the ESET site for ThreatSense updates and when ones ESET would be two updates behind it would use Generador instead of Marsufix.) Then again when Generador doesn't work(two updates missed) it could change back to Marsufix. You should however take into account that Generador nor Marsufix will be able to update when a PC is shut down, so therefore it should wait a minimum of 75(60+15 minutes to be sure) minutes before it would change to another fix.

I know this might be some difficult coding I ask of you and I don't know how difficult, I don't create software myself, I can barely think of the concepts. If any of you would want to make such a fix, please do so in contact with me and let me join in the Beta testing :) If a fix like this could be created, we'd outsmart ESET forever. (Only instance where it would not work is when there is no key in the Generador database and the trial servers are experiencing problems, to work around that one should also include something like an Alternative Update Server(which we had in the past, but is now no longer available)).

Edit: A quick note for you kaspersky, it would be smart to make a custom folder in your MediaFire account in which you store every new version of the fix and then only post the sharecode of that folder in here. This way people will never get dead/old links.

Edit: Conclusion: kaspersky and marsupilami put your heads together and create one universal always working fix! Hint, hint :D Btw: Marsu also created exactly the same thing as you did kaspersky, I'm beta testing that one right now, but I expect the same results due to the fact it only relies on Generador.

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Just as info:

I am using Marsu.Fix 2.5 and was with date 10.Set. V.database and only could actualize forcing manually,dont know how many times to 12th.Sept. (3348).

Started again same sh_t as before?

Changing to NodEnabler 2.52 now....

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Just as info:

I am using Marsu.Fix 2.5 and was with date 10.Set. V.database and only could actualize forcing manually,dont know how many times to 12th.Sept. (3348).

Started again same sh_t as before?

Changing to NodEnabler 2.52 now....

I couldn't update using Generador either, I think it just has to do with the ESET servers and we should be more patient. I'm using Marsu's combined Generador fix right now and to my surprise it did work.

As I come to think of it, combining Marsufix and Generador isn't really that hard is it(I don't know if this would give any complications, but here's my idea). You could make ESET update from the update folder(Generador) by default and then check if the system is two updates behind, if it is wait 75 minutes and check again, if it is still behind change update folder into one(or all) of ESET's update servers. This way you always get you updates(except for the unlikely situation that there are both no licenses available and the servers are experiencing problems, I guess that's the price you have to pay for not paying :)).

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I updated the Generador just fine without the fix it was a long form update so its still working its self like I said my update folder went from 17 mb to around 27 mb now

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Awaits Kasperkys real and correct differences between trial version and commercial version share. Me silly I know :) (I could go on further comparing the 2 different installs byte by byte maybe - but awaits)

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