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Kaspersky 2012 Fixes


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Well, Which Trial Reset works correctly on win 7 x64! I think it's easier than to find the keys! Also, I have read on internet that they block the key quickly after activation, which means before the end of period (same day)!For now, I search, and put the commercial keys to the KIS 2012 and update once in 1 day!

does my TR work on your PC? :D

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Well, Which Trial Reset works correctly on win 7 x64! I think it's easier than to find the keys! Also, I have read on internet that they block the key quickly after activation, which means before the end of period (same day)!For now, I search, and put the commercial keys to the KIS 2012 and update once in 1 day!

Kaspersky World. See first post in this topic.
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does my TR work on your PC? :D

I have not tried yet! I use the keys, because I have heard from others that block the trial license after 10-15 minutes of activation!

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I have not tried yet! I use the keys, because I have heard from others that block the trial license after 10-15 minutes of activation!

This problem has been fixed.
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sure :rofl:

because my TR still working, it always give me 91 days everytime i want :D

Updated to v1.5

Changes:-. minor tweak on detection-. faster fix

Download KAS.KIS.2012.TR v1.5:

Site : www.mediafire.comCode : /?x2fg93elvszebf2File : KAV.KIS.2012.TR v1.5.exeMD5 : AAED63406EA72E6960B40F7512D8A24BSHA1 : 7EC7B58380735FA80857DAA964A2596536E0E01DCRC32 : 620A4FC1
not working...... not working...... even it s not able to find KS 2012 . :( need any other working trial reset .... :mellow:
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not working...... not working...... even it s not able to find KS 2012 . :( need any other working trial reset .... :mellow:

There are so many working trial resetters in first post. Did you try them?
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There are so many working trial resetters in first post. Did you try them?

Do they work with those keys of 90 days each time after reset, or a standard of 30 days!

EDIT: I try BAT file (RU board) and working fine for now :D

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There are so many working trial resetters in first post. Did you try them?

Do they work with those keys of 90 days each time after reset, or a standard of 30 days!

Posted Imagemacehardtek, on 10 November 2011 - 01:14 AM, said:

kaspersky 2012 trial resset v3.1.0.1 by Elerium 2011

Download link :




rar.pass : 1

updated : 8.11.2011


Elerium 2011

and activate with this code :QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62 _only with this code can get 90 days trial !!

or try kaspersky world also work and so many resseters up in the post

try that !! @


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Posted Image

Not working 91 days (always continue from previous days) No problem, and 30 days trial is enough! :D


Please update in first post!


Download link :




@echo offtitle "TR12-M4-A4 ** made in Ru-Board"rem --------------------------------------------------------rem TR KIS-KAV2012 ; OS X86_64rem --------------------------------------------------------rem Add here the commentsrem Add here the comments

add code to bypass the BAT as a virus!

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KTR Ultimate 91® by Pekahman

Automatic 91 days for KAV/KIS 2012

Kaspersky Trial Reset Ultimate



2012( a.b.c.d.e.f.g)

32/64 bits

30/91 Days

Version Auto-Detection

by Pekahman®

To reactivate the trial period:

Kaspersky 2012 at your choice for 30 or 91 days

Kaspersky 2011 for 30 days

as many times as you want.

How to use :

1)Disable Kaspersky Self-Defense

2)Disable Kaspersky Realtime Protection

3)Launch KTR Ultimate 91®

4)Click on " 2)Réactiver pour 30 jours " for 30 days


4)Click on " 2)Réactiver pour 91 jours " for 91 days (only for KAV/KIS 2012)


6)Reboot your PC

7)After the PC rebooted, simply activate Kaspersky online,

without any code at insert

Password : Pekahman

Link :


sharecode : download.php?c9l2fnjbfjbzpgc

Have you test this TR? It works for me :)
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Can I somehow remove those trial window that counts down the trial days! (Each time after 00h pops up on screen)! I looked in the settings of a KIS, but I could find it! :)

I unticked "License expire soon" and now "Important license notifications is available" in options events. Well, we'll see if it will be OK! :D

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Can I somehow remove those trial window that counts down the trial days! (Each time after 00h pops up on screen)! I looked in the settings of a KIS, but I could find it! :)

I unticked "License expire soon" and now "Important license notifications is available" in options events. Well, we'll see if it will be OK! :D

Use Kaspersky World. There is "remove\restore trial notifications"-function in "Trial Life!"-page.
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I use that option for removing the trial notifications but on midnight 00h always shows that nag screen all other options is removing only the midnight on 00h is

showing again i tried to disable options in setings to not show nag screens an other, but cannot remove that nag screen !!

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Posted Image

Download link :






by warnstatus

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Just set options (events) such as on image and will not be a problem with TRIAL nag screen! I tested tonight and no problem! :D

Cheers ;)

Posted Image

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I switched to Kaspersky for a change and so far, I'm satisfied, I'm using Kaspersky World for Trial Resets and it works flawlessly. Does a Trial version also gets program and modules updates as soon as it's released?

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Does a Trial version also gets program and modules updates as soon as it's released?

Yes. Trial licence differs only in a term of validity
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I switched to Kaspersky for a change and so far, I'm satisfied, I'm using Kaspersky World for Trial Resets and it works flawlessly. Does a Trial version also gets program and modules updates as soon as it's released?

All the same, but I think that Trial version doesn't support software(program) update! but this isn't a problem,manually download and install :D
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Hello i'm from Italy...with kasp key maniac only key is commercial for 30 days...why? The only viable solution is 91 days serial codes..

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Hello i'm from Italy...with kasp key maniac only key is commercial for 30 days...why? The only viable solution is 91 days serial codes..

you can safely use the 91 day trial keys and they will not be blocked since they are official trial keys issues by kaspersky. at the end of the 91 days, you can use one of the trial resetters available here and begin a new 91 day trial using the same key as before
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Hello i'm from Italy...with kasp key maniac only key is commercial for 30 days...why? The only viable solution is 91 days serial codes..

you can safely use the 91 day trial keys and they will not be blocked since they are official trial keys issues by kaspersky. at the end of the 91 days, you can use one of the trial resetters available here and begin a new 91 day trial using the same key as before

After a trial reset, enter the following code (QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62), however, begins to count down from 30, not 90 days! What's the problem? :s


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After a trial reset, enter the following code (QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62), however, begins to count down from 30, not 90 days! What's the problem? :s

Did you delete the key before using the trial reset?
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After a trial reset, enter the following code (QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62), however, begins to count down from 30, not 90 days! What's the problem? :s

Did you delete the key before using the trial reset?
yes :D
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:lol: Successfully resetted trial for KES8 today after 1st expire period.

Thanks a lot to Kaspersky World coder

Happy to help you. Thanks for using KW.
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