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Booting issues - Vista


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I actually think CHKDSK is what registered all of the bad blocks.. earlier..

EDIT: I think I should do more than de-magnetize it...

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Okay well 232 GB to go.. Taking a break..shower.. and sleep... will update.. Many thanks again.. I must have crazy cursed somewhere..

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Not sure if this has been posted here (its late, and im too lazy to read...i love you, but my eyes, they refuse to)

Anyway, burn a copy of puppy linux (easiest to go linux in my opinion, its small and pretty fast)

Boot it from a live cd, copy what you need, and format that B*TCH with win7.

I had my own vista issue, was the happiest man alive when i rid myself of it.

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Well.. UPDATE..

After being afraid my drive had went to crap I scanned with HDD Regenerator.. found nothing.. Ran the Fujitsu Utility, and the Toshiba Utility...

Found nothing.. ran a SMART test and found nothing... and it would up simply being that I am not familiar with HBCD enough to know everything I had at my disposal.. and MiniXP with the HBCD Menu in the tray.. is where I wound up working from completely.. UnStoppable Copier was able to quickly copy over 50 GB of the account folder.. after the XP Explorer REFUSED to do so..so I was able to grab all files.. and nothing is lost.. I also copied Program Data and Program files from the system for reference and any setting files oh and the rest of the Users folder.. I was having trouble trying figure out where all of the files where as the drive was showing that 127 GB of it was used.. so I went through and had a look around...added them up.. and it just didn't seem right.. The drive was over 55% fragmented and when I ran CHKDSK it seemed to have a more detrimental effect than anything...because of the lack of maintenance..

Next was when I started running the disk diagnostics.. which rendered mixed results.. So I first wiped the partition itself... did a format, then booted to the 1 of 2 Toshiba Recovery Disks where I deleted the partition ... and recover all software like it was 'out of the box'.. I was in between trying to rest.. and so after it ran the second disc.. I restarted and let it go about its thing.. peacefully..

Created the new account just a few minutes ago.. and I am in the process of replacing the user files and downloading/installing/uninstalling/reconfiguring the system.. and back where I was before the crash.. ( besides being done with it all ).. This also shed some light on several areas including what came with the laptop as software.. and there are no questions left about what to keep.. and what to get rid of..

So.. I didn't install Windows 7 Ultimate.. ( though I know they would have loved it.. ) I don't want them to be hassled with it ( medicine..and such ) in appropriate to surprise someone with it..plus I was only going to try to use it to upgrade and keep files that would not go peacefully..

I have received no errors or notifications at this point that there are any real issues with the drive itself.. and I am keeping my fingers crossed.. I think the wipe may have been a good decision if there was corrupted data or data which was so fragmented that it was actually being registered as something of the sort..

So the system is saved.. and all files and we are actually in a better place without questions.. starting fresh.. and going with some small tools and programs.. basic optimizations.. and I should be ready to return it on time..

So we are good.. Thanks for all of the help.. and I will remember this for the next time I get backed in the corner.. or something.. but now I have gotten more inclined to look farther into HBCD.. as I have found the tools.. its much easier to use with more options..than BartPE...

Any tips on optimizing.. and what NOT to do for Vista that can cause a problem.. would be cool.. but no major problems.. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

Okay today a friend of mine killed Vista somehow and is asking for 'winload.exe' The post is here.. Deviant Journal if any of you could ZIP the file.. n either get it to me to get to him..since I have an account there.. would be great..

I already advised to repair from CD.. he doesn't have it.. and uses a bootable linux disc to insert file.. advised about F8 a well already..

EDIT: Forget it I think he got it already..

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Man.. you know that is something I have found to be quite frivolously done by most artist there.. and I am hoping they have an email dedicated to it.. but when it comes to being an artist and being contacted it comes down to being the only way to have a way to be contacted... so it sort of something you can't get around if that is what your looking for.. plus its sort of social on the site as well.. lots of llama throwing.. and comments and journals.. and collaboration between them... and lots of IM's.. its hard to connect for us on the artistic site.. but globally.. we exist.. another part of our culture that so many just don't get and have nothing on the same side to even so much as converse about.. Kind of like that guy that sits in his room writing computer code all day..LOL

I actually told him the same thing.. 'Should have installed Windows 7..he was mostly an XP Modder.. then I think he messed with Linux a Bit and this might be part of his excursion into the world beyond XP.. I haven't been back to the journal, but I do hope he got it worked out.... LOL

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