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How to Register/Update Ad Muncher using TOR


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as with loq, just replaced my torcc file with Ehsan's from pastebin & it works - so a solution is to be found therein, at least until AM rumble it as they seem very aggressive at the moment

BTW I am still using the HTTP in AM for proxy on 8118

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I tried many times again, but I still got the same error message as last night.

But like loq and nur0 I used Ehsan's torcc file and I updated successfully on my first try. :dance2: I too am using the HTTP proxy connection (not the SOCKS method).

Thank you Ehsan!! +1 rep.

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I use only Tor (not vidalia bundle), it seems easier :D

all you have to do is modify "Torrc.txt" of Tor program in start menu, just add

ExitNodes {PL}

StrictExitNodes 1

and change proxy option with : Socks5 / port :9050


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Okay this error is coming up intermittently for some reason .... I had a good success using this exit node from Pl so you might wana edit your torcc file like this:

For those using tor/vidalia Final:

StrictExitNodes 1

For those using tor/vidalia alpha version:

StrictNodes 1

the latest advert list is 3229 ... you can connect by either http or socks 5.

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what is the error message your getting? I just did a premium advert list update a while ago and it is working fine for me.


Just to double check, I registered ad muncher on one of my virtual machine using that IP and it registered/update just fine

post-23431-099132200 1286714532_thumb.jp

hint .... make sure that what ever your adding to your torcc file is being saved! use tor for browsing to test ... open tor's network map ... you should see that it is using this as exit node:

Unnamed (Online)

Location: Poland

IP Address:

Platform: Tor on Windows XP Dodatek Service Pack 2 [workstation] {terminal services, single user}

Bandwidth: 39.29 KB/s

Uptime: 5 hours 12 mins 24 secs

Last Updated: 2010-10-10 07:37:45 GMT

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The last time I checked we only have about 20 nodes from Poland and about 10 of them are exitnodes ... but they are not stable exitnodes so you might get error again when you try to register/update ad muncher .... if you get an error message try again a little later.

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For some reason,my vidalia fails to establish a tor circuit. The vidalia log says:

No specific exit routers seem to be running, and StrictNodes is set: Can't choose an exit.

Failed to choose an exit server.

My torcc file includes the following line:


StrictExitNodes 1

What's wrong?

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For some reason,my vidalia fails to establish a tor circuit. The vidalia log says:

No specific exit routers seem to be running, and StrictNodes is set: Can't choose an exit.

Failed to choose an exit server.

My torcc file includes the following line:


StrictExitNodes 1

What's wrong?

<br>That particular exit node is down atm ... change it to something like this:

<br>ExitNodes {pl}<br>StrictExitNodes 1<br><br>and they now have a limit on the # of update checks you can make  <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":fear:" src="http://www.nsaneforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/fear.gif"><br><br>0Iw0A.jpg<br>

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Thanks for the great tips!

BTW, when using:

ExitNodes {pl}

StrictExitNodes 1

you may have to start and stop Tor via Vidalia a few times to get new proxies until AdMuncher accepts the proxy. It took me 3 or so attempts until the udpate went through successfully.

Now i just have to figure out how to get around some sites' new ad servers...

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Can someone upload their torc file again, the past upload were removed. I been following the instruction to the T, but I have not been able to get this to work. Thanks!

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I see you guys using Ad muncher. I'm currently using Adblock Plus in my Firefox and simple Adblock in Internet Explorer. But i'm curious about this tool. I see that the main advantage is that it is compatible with most of softwares.

But what about benchmarks ? how can determine which one will bring more speed while surfing on internet and clean the website (remove ad space). Because all that matter for me is performance, layout and optimization and i will not hesitate to use it if it really make the difference.

What can you say more about ad muncher ?

Also what about the privacy filter like Adblock plus. is that available ?

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I just successfully updated after stopping and restarting Tor via Vidalia about 4 times or so. Each time it restarts, it selects a new proxy IP address, so keep trying and re-trying until it works.

Anybody get this to work for the couple past days? it seems like admuncher killed tor

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I just successfully updated after stopping and restarting Tor via Vidalia about 4 times or so. Each time it restarts, it selects a new proxy IP address, so keep trying and re-trying until it works.

Anybody get this to work for the couple past days? it seems like admuncher killed tor

It took me five tries, but it finally worked. Thanks. :)

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Hey y'all

I'm still getting this msg


Been trying most of the time, still nothing.

I had the same thing for my first five tries. When you see that message, just

  1. Click on the "Stop Tor" button. It will change into a "Start Tor" button.
  2. Click the new "Start Tor" button and wait for it to connect to the Tor network.
  3. Try to update Ad Muncher again.

You might have to repeat steps 1 to 3 a few times. For me, it worked on the sixth try.

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I had the same thing for my first five tries. When you see that message, just


You might have to repeat steps 1 to 3 a few times. For me, it worked on the sixth try.

Thank it worked on the fourth try.

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Tor still works for activating Ad muncher as of 10/27/2010. I have to start / stop Tor seven times before it did activate. Thanks for all the forum help on this subject!

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On my last three tries, Ad Muncher updated on the first try. :dance2: Sometimes you just get lucky :), and sometimes you have to restart Tor and try again :(.

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Hi first time poster , wanted to say thanks nivrid05,, your tut worked great , many thanks :D

no problem buddy ... oh by the way :welcome: to nsaneforums

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