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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10


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Completely agree....Its just some are stubborn and stupid enough to believe that one method is the only method...Particularly people that can afford to be here all day.....Don't these people work?

Mine worked using one method! Who cares? Why are you promoting your method? To get credits like steven36 did while doing almost nothing? :think:

It's a national holiday today! hahaha! :party:

I get it that this post might not be pointed at me. hehe! :P

All I know is that I have the latest version of IDM and its working without any problems of pop-ups...Now no matter what method you use be it ip blocking via a firewall or a patch the desired end result is that it works without nags.

Now you are contradicting yourself. Weird! Tsk! Tsk!

I am not your enemy and I am not have any bad mood with you.

But something is wrong with your posts and with steven36's post.

Anyway! This is weird! :unsure:

It wasn't pointed at you....I read that you have used both methods!....What exactly made you think that it may have been about you....Lets clear that up :) I should add I've only ever used the hosts or patches...I'm using both now.

I have a been using only one method. just the patch with proper cleaning of reg. firewall turned off. no host.txt blocks or network/application level blocks.

My neighbors used either one or both the patch and firewall method, but not me.

No, I didn't. But your post seems so weird to point that why this is a so big issues with you if someone just use one method?

I get it now. This might be like the infowars topic where bad blood boils down to you along with steven36 versus dcs18/his friends.

You and steven36 not bad. Also, dcs18 and his friends. But why fight with how things are done? No progress there. :(

Okay, your point is valid...But sometimes people are just so objectionable that its hard for some (like me) not to comment.....But rest assured I don't generally lock horns with the adults here :lol: Incidentally there was nothing weird about my comments on the methods for fixing IDM....I indicated that one or the other are fine if they work and if both work that's even better because it allows the user a choice...Hows that weird?

Sorry for the delay in reply but I am trying to get everyone's point. Too many issues being thrown at. :(

No worries, I'm out of the mud slinging here. Its polluted enough which is unfair to those that seek solutions.

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here's an add-on for you coolzoid.... on top of that...

add this in your task scheduler batch file too..


dword value must be 0

Thats what you call virgin :)


@steve... heyM, stay....

i.e. something like



@Echo Offcd %systemroot%\system32call :IsAdmin Reg.exe delete "HKCR\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "MData" /fReg.exe delete "HKCR\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "Model" /fReg.exe delete "HKCR\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "Therad" /fReg.exe add "HKCR\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /fReg.exe add "HKCU\Software\DownloadManager\ConfigTime" /ve /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /fExit :IsAdminReg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment"If Not %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( Cls & Echo You must have administrator rights to continue ...   Pause & Exit)Clsgoto:eof 
@Echo Offcd %systemroot%\system32call :IsAdmin Reg.exe delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "MData" /fReg.exe delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "Model" /fReg.exe delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /v "Therad" /fReg.exe add "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /fReg.exe add "HKCU\Software\DownloadManager\ConfigTime" /ve /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /fExit :IsAdminReg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment"If Not %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( Cls & Echo You must have administrator rights to continue ...   Pause & Exit)Clsgoto:eof  

great, thanks, corrected


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I know the whole idea of ip blocking IDM was initiated by Steven36 here on nsane if it wasn't for him it may never have surfaced here to begin with.

I have no idea about that. Sorry.

If it is steven36 then give it to steven36,

if it is dcs18 then give it to dcs18,

but give to God what is due to God. :P

If you check out the main tutorial - you will find that more than due credit has been given to steven36 (just scroll down to the end of the post - in full view.)

Those credits are being reproduced, here for all to see for themselves:--

Inspirational credits:

The idea to employ this implementation germinated in my mind after a brief chance encounter with steven36 - check post # 35 for that hour of truth.

This one is for you steven36. RlW5CMh.gif

Besides, I do not claim any personal credits whatsoever - it is always a Team effort (however, all the failures are solely mine - by my own choice):--


  • This guide can be re-distributed anywhere without having to consult with me
  • My name does not need to be credited – in fact, I do not want my name to be reflected
  • Credits will need to be given, though to nSane Forums – a link to the homepage would be appreciated
  • Post # 2 shall be kept updated with all due credits to Contributors and the date-wise changes to this main post.

I see you as a humble, down-to-earth man with the above statement.

See 5 minutes tattler there you go giving someone credits for a team project pamadhilwankalan is using a method I posted and my friend is using another method by me that blocks ip without a FW. Anyname posted the notes I started out with for the FW I use and i had to make changes real fast because its not 100% right. if you don't use it why worry about it unless your going test it?

No one ever ask me could they use it . Really the more you thump it out to the public the more it becomes extinct. Like anything else Both times my name is in that OP topic is from something I posted on the front page topic.

Something is defintely wrong with you steven36.

You seek attention for credits and greatness with doing almost nothing except go in nonsense merry-go-around post.

You hate when other people get to be praised and be given attention and credit.

Why can't you just be happy that they made a good contribution to our community.

I gave dcs18 and you along with greed credit and thanked your effort.

Again, no offense meant! But you need to talk to a psychiatrist.

This is quite easily the best post which highlights, the emotions percolating from other threads onto this IDM thread - anger, jealousy, hatred and resentment.

The essence of the problem - I think you nailed it. yXZVmpE.gif

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This is quite easily the best post which highlights, the emotions percolating from other threads onto this IDM thread - anger, jealousy, hatred and resentment.

Something is defintely wrong with you steven36.

You seek attention for credits and greatness with doing almost nothing except go in nonsense merry-go-around post.

You hate when other people get to be praised and be given attention and credit.

Why can't you just be happy that they made a good contribution to our community.

I gave dcs18 and you along with greed credit and thanked your effort.

Again, no offense meant! But you need to talk to a psychiatrist.

The essence of the problem - I think you nailed it. yXZVmpE.gif

Never mind , I thought so while I saw my post was indirectly mentioned as " . pride comes before the fall (old saying goes)" never meant to abuse / down / hurt anyone here anyway , so stopped replying for that moment . . . don't know why <_<

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Sorry guys but I did not understand 'nothing . I used the "idm.6.23.10-patch-babelpatcher-xanax" and after I deleted the key registry Visual Protect 3.5+,and everything works .I are ok or there are problems and then I have to use the firewall ??

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Sorry guys but I did not understand 'nothing . I used the "idm.6.23.10-patch-babelpatcher-xanax" and after I deleted the key registry Visual Protect 3.5+,and everything works .I are ok or there are problems and then I have to use the firewall ??

If your copy of IDM is registered and stays activated - you do not need to use the firewall. :)

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Sorry guys but I did not understand 'nothing . I used the "idm.6.23.10-patch-babelpatcher-xanax" and after I deleted the key registry Visual Protect 3.5+,and everything works .I are ok or there are problems and then I have to use the firewall ??

If your copy of IDM is registered and stays activated - you do not need to use the firewall. :)

Ok Thanks,and for the story of Tonec contaminated the registry of IDM Users????? :unsure:

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Sorry guys but I did not understand 'nothing . I used the "idm.6.23.10-patch-babelpatcher-xanax" and after I deleted the key registry Visual Protect 3.5+,and everything works .I are ok or there are problems and then I have to use the firewall ??

If your copy of IDM is registered and stays activated - you do not need to use the firewall. :)

Ok Thanks,and for the story of Tonec contaminated the registry of IDM Users????? :unsure:

Post # 2287.

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Is it all about credits ? :think: or something else ? :o

C'mon ppl let's say in just simple terms....we are not literature students that we have to take twists and turns to explain things.

just say I want this this....over.

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blocked by av or something else

Blocked av is the best solution, but it isn't working. I'm using the fix version update on page 2 is done!

Hope the next version better. :P


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blocked by av or something else

Blocked av is the best solution, but it isn't working. I'm using the fix version update on page 2 is done!

Hope the next version better. :P



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After 1 week looooong conversation on this thread 1 thing seriously very interesting here <_< It's already mentioned/proved everywhere that the best activation for this IDM v6.23 build 10 are as follows

  • 23 IP Blocking via Firewall
  • Team REiS Patch Update 7
  • Patch BRD
  • Bablapatcher/xanax
  • IDM Trial Reset / IDM_Cleaner / Registry Trash Keys Finder v3.9.3

Still, to confuse new people/members some old users + newbie heads are providing unnecessary patches from unfamiliar patcher , later when it seems the new patches does not work the "PROVIDER" gets invisible -_- . . . . Most Importantly , as far i know there's something called "Offset data" of already patched file , by copying which (from actual patchers patched file) many newborn babies became patcher/cracker in this running week, Didn't get enough time to compare the Offset data's though :lol: Curious to welcome more programmers till this topic runs :D

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here what in this version:



-task loader

-reset trial





-Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10 Ver 1 Compilation of patches

-Internet Download Manager (IDM) v 6.23 Build 10 + Crack-BRD (menin)

-Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.23 Build 10 PreActivated by JAN1112



-idm toolkit

-idm activator

-babel patcher


-alexander asyabrik aka shura


so now im give my best, and tested most cracks from here: the link:http://go4up.com/dl/adfbcd713b14


Thanks, useful set of patches

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This patch doesn't work on my PC although i "Run as administrator"

Try this, Fixed [Registry Trash Keys Finder v3.9.3 included], sorry bit late


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yeah new reis update :thumbsup: , so far i dont need it with 7 and 6 applied im good. :D

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