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ESET v4 Fixes


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Its been my experience.. that for users like the one you are describing.. They do not run system maintenance and use a computer.. Like a 13 year-old girl with a cellphone..

No offense to 13 year olds and their cellphone usage...:rolleyes:.. but I think you get it..

SOO... I would recommend a few things.. first off.. unless you plan to run IT for them all the time.. and set it up properly for them.. and wind up being the person they go to each and every time.. ( I also do not recommend getting to involved because you can get blamed for everything from hacking to playing games with them.. that you have nothing to do with when they don't have a true idea or understand what is going on.. even instructing them to do something can go wildly wrong... ) Get one of the top three rated FREE AV's... Uninstall ESET completely from their system.. ( using ONLY the uninstaller in the Start Menu.. ) and install it.. Give them a run through about how it works.. AND advise them to become better informed about computing... This way they can go about it on their own and learn... When the time is right they will know at that time what to do and how to do it..

Technically its fairly straight forward and clear... on the instructions.. so getting it wrong.. may be them exploiting the 'But I don't wanna..' and having someone else do it... or just not having developed the skills and ability to push farther and train/learn new aspects of it yet.. with little or no knowledge... So there could be several aspects to it..

At one time I maintained over 11 PC's.. including my families.. none of them kept up maintenance or listened to a single thing I told them.. Three of them have crashed with severe issues and one was infected so bad I thought about throwing it out the window.. Another one which I had never touched was also infected to the hilt.. and yet another had systems files just disappear... this was several years ago.. the system was about 3 days old... In each case... they, driven by the stress or lack of knowledge.. turned on me... first in question about what was wrong.. second in accusation that it was my fault... So a situation like this can be very bad.. even in trying to assist and improve the knowledge and configurations of security per user/per system.. so as to have actually given them something to start with that wasn't going to be exploited...

Problems presented..

...you introduce a system that is more advanced than anything they have knowledge of... and leave it configurable so that user accessibility to features and configuration changes are still able to be made.. so that when/if they need to they can change it..

...you sort of give them a false sense of security by doing all of these things to secure it and regardless of what you say.. they go n feeling as though its all done and they have to do nothing...( REGARDLESS.. of what you tell them ).. and they will ride that train until who knows what..

...they have no idea where to go from there and are inevitably going to regress this work by going the same route that most do.. trial and error.. failing.. and even undoing what you have done...and will in some cases have to reinstall.. because of the lack of knowledge and time to know how to do so otherwise...( some just do not learn until they have hands on.. and read the data or even understand other advanced aspects )

...explaining these elements to them before they have knowledge and definitions of some of these areas is like talking to yourself or a brick wall.. It put several ideas into their mind and before you know it .. your a hacking god of sorts who can do anything... see anything.. exploit the system they are on because you have been there.. and the knowledge you are trying to give them...wasted, jumbled insane mess not worth even attempting to salvage... ( can come down to personal issues they have in ability to do so with information and some other things... ) and for them understand the changes is completely lost..but will boomerang back around to cause you a living hell..

Bottom Line its a nightmare... no matter how much you would love to do something with the knowledge you have .. Don't until the time is right.. Be careful with your advise keep it simple and on the surface..and yes you get pulled in to making it more secure because of their lack of knowledge and even think about locking it down.. but its useless and causes more problems.. so resetting a piece of software.. and having to adjust settings for correct configuration is something they need to learn on their own with the help of the Search bar.. or you could guide them..( but like I said ahead of what hey know and it gets lengthy.. they don't want to learn.. or have the time or even care after awhile )...

I would give simple quick good advise..on which one to install and let them go from there..( already felt as if I repeated myself )

EDIT: This is off-topic... should be moved on over to the right thread..

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@oZ.: Read this post (from mara-'s siggy). ;)

=p thanks but that's not my consider im just wondering if there's life time fix for NOD32 since it gets broken once a while. =\ as my friends doesn't care or know about computers so it would be hard for them to fix it; or just don't bother.

- but by adding that link will help? =\ caz when mara fix is broken it will just ask for user & pass it still wont update though right?

box, mara- fix isn't broken. It's from ESET's side. ESET, many times, mistakenly converts a trial version into a full version, hence asks for a username & pass. Even the non-box, mara- fix trial users would be facing this problem. Using that url sort of reverts it back to the trial version and fixing the problem. :)

I've never had this problem though, so the chances of the problem reoccurring are quite less. ;)

um so you're saying that if i select that URL in my update, ill always get trial updates? and that url won't break or expire?

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um so you're saying that if i select that URL in my update, ill always get trial updates? and that url won't break or expire?

Just use that URL once and update. Then switch the "Update server" back to "Choose automatically".

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Posts on Firefox Startup thread about box, mara- fix username and password problem moved to this thread.

@oZ. Do follow what Night Owl said. :)

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Well, I never experienced that problem, and probably it's ESET fault. In theory, you can do that, and should work fine, but if that server is down for some reason antivirus will be without updates, so it's best to do what is already suggested.

Cheers ;)

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i can tell u i moved back to box mara fix with and it has been working flawlessly. with the retail license fixes i got tired of always updating the license and ess screaming the license is gonna be old soon.

and box mara fix doesn't slow the startup at all, i'm sure, if you just look at the approach it uses, it's nearly impossible for it to slow down startup.

great work u two! ;) real future proof, created last year and is still pwning ess/nod w/o modifications.

[i wish the purchase/upgrade to full version "watermarks" (links rly) could be also removed, that'd make it perfect. but what the heck, i'm just being greedy, how often do i really open the main window anyway.. cosmetic fixes are not essential.]

the point is, it just works!

What is a trial watermarks, that it is safe (recommended) to remove, not very well understood, in this mara fix box ?

it just removes how many days are left and other indications it is trial, altho currently two options to purchase full version still show up, so it won't make a big difference whether u choose this option or not. it's just cosmetic.

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Hi guys,

haven't been writing on the forum much, but have been reading the nod32 thread for a looong time. I would like to know how to do the box,mara fix manually. Not because it's slowing down the system or anything, but it seems that it's only a couple of registry tweaks so I would like to see if I could do it myself.

Hope someone has a small guide to do so :)


After applying the fix search for 'Open window for status.' in the registry, these keys are the keys you'll have to mess with (remind them, or take a picture or something).

Now unfix ESET, go back to the keys and try changing them manually. You'll have to disable Self-defense obviously, then assign yourself permissions to the keys and remove ESETs permissions (or remove any permission after you're done, only read permissions should be left, of course).

That should get you going.

ps don't worry about messing up: as long as you stay within this particular key all you might end up messing up is ESET, something a re-install (of ESET) would fix. You could even backup the registry, if you feel like doing so.

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I installed the fix mara-box now, all passed successfully, but when I restart the computer, and wanted to update signature, not to be red icon, and after the update report following virus

09/21/2010 12:58:10 Real-time file system protection file C: \ Users \ NEMANJA \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ TEMP \ svchost.exe Win32/Shutdowner.NAL trojan cleaned by deleting - quarantined NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM Event occurred during an attempt to access the file by the application: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ svchost.exe.

I had kaspersky internet security ago, and I can not believe that it could not find it, and I just happened immediately after the signature update. whether it happened to somebody else.

I note that my computer is sometimes blocked, there was a black picture and sound is also blocked, and I must restart PC

C:\Users\Nemanja\Desktop\Eset fix.exe » AUTOIT » svchost.exe - Win32/Shutdowner.NAL trojan - was a part of the deleted object what is thisc :thumbsup:

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That's isn't any virus. It's a autoshutdowner file from box, mara- fix. It shutdowns the PC when you check enable self defense in the fix. It's a false positive. Nothing to worry about. ;)

Somehow it stays in temp folder instead of getting deleted.

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That's isn't any virus. It's a autoshutdowner file from box, mara- fix. It shutdowns the PC when you check enable self defense in the fix. It's a false positive. Nothing to worry about. ;)

Somehow it stays in temp folder instead of getting deleted.

OK,ESET delete it...... :whistle:

be patient for first update.... :tooth: :showoff:

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Which I recommended as mara-fx box, had no confidence .... think that maybe a virus, or modify ESET 's files, and will not have the same protection as not to use the BOX. So, how it works, mara-fix ", is just deleted some registry keys related to the restriction TRIAL. :dance2:

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As, you may noticed, it's "box, mara fix-". And there is nothing deleted or modified. Just some registry permissions are changed.

Cheers ;)

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It takes some time before we get the updates. Their severs are far more slower than their website. :P

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Do you know how to activate the trial license, which eset send on e-mail, can not be validating what the problem is :frusty:

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Why do you need a trial license anyway? I can send you one if you want, don't understand the reason though.

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Why do you need a trial license anyway? I can send you one if you want, don't understand the reason though.

no need for me, but do not understand how a license is not accepted by sending on e-mail, and accept TRIAL licenses that can be downloaded on the Internet, and as a commercial :rolleyes:

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i see that came out a new version of signature, but will not update, even when the manual click to perform the update

Like I tried to explain in my previous posts, Users of trial / evaluation often get delayed signature updates (sometimes, these updates can cease completely for more than a week, too.) Don't worry - one gets used to it. :(

Look at the positive side, hardly any maintenance to be carried out for Users of trial / evaluation servers. :)

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If you will not automatically update, try clicking the update manually, usually 3-4 times and then starts dovnload, when it appears that 3 KB / 0 KB and below update.ver, and when there is 0 KB / 0 KB then will not start

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Hi guys,

Wanted to seek your help in updating my eset SS. I have not updated my eset for 2 months, and now eset is trying to update a 26mb file which i cant fully download because of my internet connection. My question is, is there a way to download the updates 1 by 1 until i can get the full 26MB? or are there any other options? thank you guys in advance.


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does it give you an error when you try to download the update, or does it usually take too much time, and you cancel it?


I'm gonna merge your thread, with the already present eset v4 fixes

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