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nsnedown is very slow


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I just made some changes which might solve the problems you have been experiencing.

Server had to be down for that.

Do let us know whether it makes a difference.

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  • november_ra1n


  • shought


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  • Daserg


I don't know what you did but I can't open nsaneforums.com anymore (without using a proxy). Everything was working fine until two days ago.

Edited by maddoxx
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I don't know what you did but I can't open nsaneforums.com anymore (without using a proxy). Everything was working fine until two days ago.

Cos no one likes you :P

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01.05 am -01.21 am
All the slowness and problems i have mention before still same not getting better and worse of course cause nothing has been done..

same here time to time ... but i "get used to it" and move on :D

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  • Administrator

I don't know what you did but I can't open nsaneforums.com anymore (without using a proxy). Everything was working fine until two days ago.

Are you using MBAM or ESET or any 3rd party host file?

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nsaneforums too slow now :rolleyes: event cannot like a post

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nsaneforums too slow now :rolleyes: event cannot like a post

I gave up shouting here there is no point yes you are not the only one we all having same issue everyday and is getting worse and worse as the time pass.

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You really are one for drama.

As I mentioned in another topic I made some changes which might resolve the issues.

If this is not the case you should let us know.

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Perhaps try disabling and then checking if you can get on the forum.

Why would eset suddenly be the problem? I didn't install eset only two days ago. Anyway, it's definitely not the problem, since I tried on another PC that doesn't have eset installed, and I couldn't access nsaneforums.com either.
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if you are not able to fix the problem get professional help there is no point saying you know everything none of us expert everything, this is not new has been going on more then a year you should know that stop calling me drama don't get confuse with someone. This is nothing to do with drama its almost impossible browse the pages posting editing etc...etc...etc...most of the time. The people get affected most those ones actually trying to post editing daily and dealing with a lot of post reply request etc not the one coming here first page sitting by the shoutbox....!

As i said once again we need a..........Administrator................ not only someone coming here with red color.

Deal with it............

Edited by november_ra1n
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Just trying to be helpful

ESET, or the forum, could have had an update and that could cause a problem. substitution is often a good way to track down a problem.

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Just trying to be helpful

ESET, or the forum, could have had an update and that could cause a problem. substitution is often a good way to track down a problem.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate people trying to help, I just didn't understand the logic behind your suggestion. Nevertheless I did what you suggested but unfortunately that's not the problem.
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About the issues visiting our site: I disabled Cloudflare a few days ago. Please send me your IP address in a PM so I can find out why you can't access our site directly.

It could also be that your ISP is blocking us, for some reason.

if you are not able to fix the problem get professional help there is no point saying you know everything none of us expert everything, this is not new has been going on more then a year you should know that stop calling me drama don't get confuse with someone. This is nothing to do with drama its almost impossible browse the pages posting editing etc...etc...etc...most of the time. The people get affected most those ones actually trying to post editing daily and dealing with a lot of post reply request etc not the one coming here first page sitting by the shoutbox....!

As i said once again we need a..........Administrator................ not only someone coming here with red color.

Deal with it............

A problem which I cannot perceive myself is difficult to fix. Besides you should note that I, nor any other member of the staff, am not getting paid. You have no RIGHT to demand anything. In addition to that you're just being flat our disrespectful on any occasion you can.

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For those having issues with connecting to nsanedown or nsaneforums directly.

Please try pinging (nsanedown) and (nsaneforums).

Also send me a PM with your IP address please (Google what is my IP address).

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No issues in here. Using ESET Endpoint Antivirus. The only slowness is because of my ISP

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got no problem except this

is it normal?


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=322ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=314ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=340ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=58

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 302ms, Maximum = 340ms, Average = 319ms


Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 23 ms 92 ms 28 ms
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 * * ^C manually stopped by me

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As long as the pings reach their destination it shouldn't be anything to worry about (Request timed out simply means that some routers which are on the 'way' between you and our server don't respond to pings).

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I haven't had any connectivity problems neither nsanedown nor nsaneforum.



tracert nsaneforums.com

Traza a la dirección nsaneforums.com []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms Comtrend []
2 26 ms 34 ms 25 ms []
3 25 ms 24 ms 24 ms
4 26 ms 25 ms 25 ms [
5 25 ms 24 ms 25 ms [
6 37 ms 59 ms 26 ms [
7 62 ms 67 ms 64 ms [
8 74 ms 54 ms 63 ms po-8-0-0.bb1.lon2.uk.m247.com []
9 68 ms 69 ms 68 ms te-1-2-0.bb1.ams1.nl.m247.com []
10 69 ms 69 ms 76 ms netrouting.xe-2-4-0.bb1.ams1.nl.gbxs.net [77.243
11 70 ms 70 ms 69 ms ar1.spk.nl.netrouting.net []
12 74 ms 73 ms 73 ms csw1.spk.nl.netrouting.net []
13 74 ms 74 ms 74 ms server.nshosting.biz []

Traza completa.


C:\Windows\System32>tracert nsanedown.com

Traza a la dirección nsanedown.com []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms Comtrend []
2 54 ms 26 ms 25 ms []
3 25 ms 24 ms 25 ms
4 26 ms 25 ms 25 ms [
5 27 ms 25 ms 25 ms [
6 63 ms 68 ms 62 ms [
7 61 ms 63 ms 73 ms tge5-2-502.edge1.lon1.uk.as5580.net [195.66.225.
8 54 ms 54 ms 55 ms eth2-6.core1.lon2.uk.atrato.net []

9 72 ms 72 ms 72 ms eth4-6.core1.ams1.nl.atrato.net []
10 83 ms 72 ms 67 ms eth2-2.r1.ams1.nl.atrato.net []
11 59 ms 60 ms 60 ms
12 60 ms 60 ms 59 ms

Traza completa.



C:\Windows\System32>ping nsanedown.com

Haciendo ping a nsanedown.com [] con 32 bytes de datos:
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=61ms TTL=52
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=60ms TTL=52
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=61ms TTL=52
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=61ms TTL=52

Estadísticas de ping para
Paquetes: enviados = 4, recibidos = 4, perdidos = 0
(0% perdidos),
Tiempos aproximados de ida y vuelta en milisegundos:
Mínimo = 60ms, Máximo = 61ms, Media = 60ms

C:\Windows\System32>ping nsaneforums.com

Haciendo ping a nsaneforums.com [] con 32 bytes de datos:
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=75ms TTL=54
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=74ms TTL=54
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=74ms TTL=54
Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=74ms TTL=54

Estadísticas de ping para
Paquetes: enviados = 4, recibidos = 4, perdidos = 0
(0% perdidos),
Tiempos aproximados de ida y vuelta en milisegundos:
Mínimo = 74ms, Máximo = 75ms, Media = 74ms


Right now, I'm using ISP's DNS: and, maybe is it a DNS issue. I say that because not all members note the same problem, it's not general.

@shought, PM sent with my IP.

Edited by Yorel
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  • Administrator

About the issues visiting our site: I disabled Cloudflare a few days ago.

I don't know about others, but except yesterday night and today early morning, I'm seeing forums behave quite nicely after disabling Cloudflare. The exceptions were when the load was higher than usual.

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A problem which I cannot perceive myself is difficult to fix. Besides you should note that I, nor any other member of the staff, am not getting paid. You have no RIGHT to demand anything. In addition to that you're just being flat our disrespectful on any occasion you can.

None of the admin in any forum get paid to order to run running any forums or blogs they either do it for the benefit of of forum members and followers not stop doing it. I am not demanding anything all i am saying we still need efficient admin here from the day one.

None of the forum poster does not get paid we do it for the welfare of forum viewers.

Sunday, 10 November 2013, 19:19:04 GMT


More than this all the problems are still carry on without any single improvement.


Side is slow as disgrace as it can be..

As i mention in the past in this topic things will not get better worse has not come yet if nothing will be done here. Time will show...

Whenever i have time i will post here what is Admin job description and what they suppose to do in the forums.. [Of Course this applies good admin]..

Edited by november_ra1n
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