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nsnedown is very slow


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You can always bookmark the direct link to your inbox: http://www.nsaneforums.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging

Here's a trick I always follow when the notification or the PM notification dropdown list takes time to load: Middle click on it. :) If you can't middle click, right click on the button and open in new tab.

I don't know how or why, but dropdown list always takes time to load, but the main page will always load immediately.

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That's the time of scheduled tasks I think. 3 minute downtime around that time is common too I think.

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Forum was down between 12.39 till 12.47 [uK time]



And Extremely slow running once again

tracert 12.50 UK time

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

© 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>tracert nsaneforums.com
Tracing route to nsaneforums.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 6 ms 7 ms 6 ms
3 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
4 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
5 21 ms 8 ms 6 ms
6 * 64 ms 77 ms
7 59 ms 59 ms 59 ms mno-b2-link.telia.net []
8 69 ms 69 ms 69 ms ffm-bb1-link.telia.net []
9 65 ms 59 ms 59 ms ffm-b11-link.telia.net []
10 68 ms 67 ms 80 ms cloudflare-ic-154351-ffm-b11.c.telia.net [213.24
11 69 ms 70 ms 70 ms
Trace complete.

Edited by november_ra1n
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Forum is extremely slow once again: 11.07 UK Time...

Request timed out. it tells me how slow it is


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

© 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>tracert nsaneforums.com

Tracing route to nsaneforums.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 2 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 7 ms 10 ms 7 ms

5 * * * Request timed out.

6 * * * Request timed out.

7 65 ms 65 ms 67 ms mno-b2-link.telia.net []

8 65 ms 65 ms 65 ms ffm-bb1-link.telia.net []

9 59 ms 65 ms 65 ms ffm-b11-link.telia.net []

10 80 ms 118 ms 98 ms cloudflare-ic-154351-ffm-b11.c.telia.net [213.24


11 59 ms 59 ms 59 ms

Trace complete.


Edited by november_ra1n
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The request timed out doesn't indicate that the forums are slow. This indicates that some hop between you and the forums server could not produce a response. So the problems at the time might have been network issues, not issues related to our server.

It could be a good idea to inform your ISP about this.

(I'm still investigating the issues which are related to our server though!)

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The request timed out doesn't indicate that the forums are slow. This indicates that some hop between you and the forums server could not produce a response. So the problems at the time might have been network issues, not issues related to our server.

It could be a good idea to inform your ISP about this.

(I'm still investigating the issues which are related to our server though!)

Nope. do you ever get the 'no data received' response at times ?? It's not just nsane; i get the message on other sites too at times ;O

I've also recently noticed a dramatic decrease in webpage loading time (not this site but in general) and I did a bb speed test, and get the same eresults- what I should be getting , and sometimes slightly above that. Surprisingly, my ISP is actaully known for giving a slightly HIGHER speed than advertised :P

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Whether thats is related with forum slow down or not it was slow the time i got the tracer, i won't publicly give my ISP Provider [you can personally see this anyway!] i can tell you its not the best ISP Provider in the world but not the worse remember in here a lot of people from asian region and most of the ISP Provider there are not the efficient ones in the world. I have mention already my speed is between 8-10 Mbps its little avarage comparing world standard and i am not having any slow issue most of the site i visit thats all i know..

I see you are one of those like blaming everything and trying to find excuse most of the situation good luck for you then carry on.

from now on i have stop getting tracert it looks like there is no point bother myself doing..

Edited by november_ra1n
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You're really testing me, aren't you? Your complete disregard for my expertise in this field is just... stunning.

This isn't about speed, it's about packet loss. If there is packet loss during the connection between you and our forums this will cause slowdowns (or even the page not displaying). The tracert you posted above could indicate packet loss which would be the responsibility of your ISP, not us.

I already mentioned that I'm still looking into the issues which ARE in fact related to our server, but you can't blame us for the shitty Internet connectivity in your region. Well, you can, but that would beat the purpose and make you look like a joke to anyone who actually does know anything about networks or routing (this group of people doesn't include you, apparently).

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I see you are one of those like blaming everything and trying to find excuse most of the situation good luck for you then carry on.

from now on i have stop getting tracert it looks like there is no point bother myself doing..

Absolutely true!!!

There's no point in uploading those Trace Reports - other than to shrug off the blame. My previous Trace Report was not even acknowledged. :thumbsdown:

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I see you are one of those like blaming everything and trying to find excuse most of the situation good luck for you then carry on.

from now on i have stop getting tracert it looks like there is no point bother myself doing..

Absolutely true!!!

There's no point in uploading those Trace Reports - other than to shrug off the blame. My previous Trace Report was not even acknowledged. :thumbsdown:

Because something in your connection was faulty this tracert is unusable. The "General Failure" indicates issues with your DNS, hosts file or firewall.

You should know this.

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Because something in your connection was faulty this tracert is unusable. The "General Failure" indicates issues with your DNS, hosts file or firewall.

You should know this.

Exactly the point - the comment you just made was required to be made on the 13th of October (you're late by 6 days - it's not just about fault-finding.)

The key point here is about acknowledging someone's effort at uploading a Trace Report (which also contained a heads up explaining why others would feel reluctant about publishing their Trace Reports - you should know this.)

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You're really testing me, aren't you? Your complete disregard for my expertise in this field is just... stunning.

This isn't about speed, it's about packet loss. If there is packet loss during the connection between you and our forums this will cause slowdowns (or even the page not displaying). The tracert you posted above could indicate packet loss which would be the responsibility of your ISP, not us.

I already mentioned that I'm still looking into the issues which ARE in fact related to our server, but you can't blame us for the shitty Internet connectivity in your region. Well, you can, but that would beat the purpose and make you look like a joke to anyone who actually does know anything about networks or routing (this group of people doesn't include you, apparently).

No I didn't mean to disregard your expertise sorry.I just misunderstood as I hadn't read the whole thread If you weren't an expert you wouldn't be an admin especially of IPB :P

Edited by Daserg
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Guys both nsanedown and nsaneforums are fast

That's the general opinion (and great to hear), but for some users there may be issues. We're looking into solving that :)

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  • Administrator
Because something in your connection was faulty this tracert is unusable. The "General Failure" indicates issues with your DNS, hosts file or firewall.

You should know this.

Exactly the point - the comment you just made was required to be made on the 13th of October (you're late by 6 days - it's not just about fault-finding.)

The key point here is about acknowledging someone's effort at uploading a Trace Report (which also contained a heads up explaining why others would feel reluctant about publishing their Trace Reports - you should know this.)

I didn't realise you were paying for special privileges. I will look to refund these.

It is impossible to reply to every post. All posts are read and acted upon accordingly however.

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I used to have problems with nsane being dead dog slow. BUT for the last month or so for me nsane has been great. The only slowdowns I get now are sometimes waiting on my notifications to popup after clicking on it at top of page (I read somewhere on nsane that this slowdown of the notifications was a known issue and being looked into). Im glad my connection to nsane is fast. I dont think I wouild crybaby_zps29746df0.gifso much about it tho if it werent. g/l have fun and keep up the good work.

Edited by locoJoe
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I see you are one of those like blaming everything and trying to find excuse most of the situation good luck for you then carry on.

from now on i have stop getting tracert it looks like there is no point bother myself doing..

Absolutely true!!!

There's no point in uploading those Trace Reports - other than to shrug off the blame. My previous Trace Report was not even acknowledged. :thumbsdown:

Because something in your connection was faulty this tracert is unusable. The "General Failure" indicates issues with your DNS, hosts file or firewall.

You should know this.

But then how can nsane be accessed if there's something faulty with the connection ? :O

Edited by Daserg
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Forum was down again its like classic story daily between 16.38 till 16.52 UK TIME


This could be my IPS Provider thats always the case anyway mr excuse and i still think forum is still slow during hours daily, has nothing to with the IPS server or on my side this is something to do in your side. Regardless where you live what IPS Server you are on if any forum running forum smooth you will see and feel clearly.

Quote button not responding and all those issues still remaining unsolved posted there# 39 >>>>

Of course we all waiting as we have been waiting last 1 years as far as i am aware.

Edited by november_ra1n
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Just posted this in the bug section, the 500 error happend to me aswell, forum down but front page was up, I'm on mobile so can't give any other info

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