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nsnedown is very slow


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Although I have experienced slow. It is fine here. No problems.

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@november_ra1n just calm down, please. It also can be a problem from your side or your ISP or computer.

I do not think so i do not have any problem searching and browsing any where on internet, my internet connection is relatively fast 10 Mpbs. most people quite they do not want to going through all this, others are not heavy forum user they do not care, staff are admin side they wont commend about it, beside i have been using nsane quite sometime now i see how things getting bad to worse therefore i can compare. What makes me more angry saying everything is fine there is nothing we can do about it it is totally big LIES!

Sorry Its off topic other example specially one person targeting and spamming all of my topics quite long time i have been inform many times and i get answer they will do something about it nothing has been done person still here i am waiting when he will be spamming with most stupid questions unrelated topic reply giving false information making people confuse.... This think will not be tolerated most of the forums but it happens here.

Do not get me wrong i do not enjoy someone getting ban but at the same time there are some people will never learn talking with them nice way or sarcastic way will not change their behavior.

november_ra1n calm down.

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ok now for me nsanedown and forums both are fine

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If you spent just a fraction of the time you already spent whining about these issues you're experiencing on actually trying to help us solve it we would've probably fixed it already.

We CANNOT troubleshoot issues which we are not experiencing ourselves without the help of those experiencing the issues (especially when these are most likely to be issues related to the network instead of the server).

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This is from yesterday night or early in the morning it happened twice while i was online:


I guess we all see it, if you are ordinary user, admin or mod we all see, it tells you something wrong and i see this least once a day and almost everyday. Well usually takes around 5 minutes still its a clear sign .

Edited by november_ra1n
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I usually have problems with mails and notifications, sometimes I quit trying to open them and wait for about 2-3 hours to try again.

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Literally all I am asking of you is to open a freaking command prompt, type tracert nsaneforums.com, take a screenshot and post it here. If that requires too much knowledge, time or tools I wonder whether you're able to cook your own meal, because that requires over 10 times the knowledge, time and tools.

If you ask members to upload a screenshot of their Command Prompt, they'll be reluctant since their real name would then be reflected - instruct them to use Administrator Command Prompt (as illustrated below.)




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If you spent just a fraction of the time you already spent whining about these issues you're experiencing on actually trying to help us solve it we would've probably fixed it already.

We CANNOT troubleshoot issues which we are not experiencing ourselves without the help of those experiencing the issues (especially when these are most likely to be issues related to the network instead of the server).

OK i will checked when the forums is really slow and i will post here but return i like to get some improvement rather then excuses.

I usually have problems with mails and notifications, sometimes I quit trying to open them and wait for about 2-3 hours to try again.

Yes i have mention that slow down is usually has more effect when you try to click Mail and notification area some times when you click the logo its spinning but not showing anything cause i am getting 20-50 pm and over 100 notification every day, and i have mention this before.

Edited by november_ra1n
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This is from yesterday night or early in the morning it happened twice while i was online:


I guess we all see it, if you are ordinary user, admin or mod we all see, it tells you something wrong and i see this least once a day and almost everyday. Well usually takes around 5 minutes still its a clear sign .

This is not a slowdown though, this is an actual error. Were you simply visiting the index when this error appeared? Does it always appear on the index and only on the index, or on other pages as well? When it appears does it appear repeatedly (does it persist after refreshing)?

@everyone are there any other members who get to see the error above from time to time?

The notifications are very slow, I'll be the first to admit that. This is caused by the way in which they are stored in the database (the notifications table alone is over 600 MB, which is half the size of the database, and it doesn't need to be). I have notified Invision Power (the makers of our forum software) about this problem and hope this will be fixed in version 4 of their software.

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This is from yesterday night or early in the morning it happened twice while i was online:


I guess we all see it, if you are ordinary user, admin or mod we all see, it tells you something wrong and i see this least once a day and almost everyday. Well usually takes around 5 minutes still its a clear sign .

This is not a slowdown though, this is an actual error. Were you simply visiting the index when this error appeared? Does it always appear on the index and only on the index, or on other pages as well? When it appears does it appear repeatedly (does it persist after refreshing)?

@everyone are there any other members who get to see the error above from time to time?

The notifications are very slow, I'll be the first to admit that. This is caused by the way in which they are stored in the database (the notifications table alone is over 600 MB, which is half the size of the database, and it doesn't need to be). I have notified Invision Power (the makers of our forum software) about this problem and hope this will be fixed in version 4 of their software.

yes i m getting this error a few times

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Just during last 10 min>>>>>Internal server error first try after that connected to light version before i this i was not able to PM confirmation ID cause after i enter the PM in the box breen splash screen spinning on the top but not going through also i see the page is loading very slow same as topic reply it takes ages to appear on the page this is what i usually get most of the time everyday,



Well i am not trying make you upset repeating myself cause you say you don't see the problem trying to explained what was wrong during different times everyday.

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I'm performing some 'custom maintenance' actions right now which might take half an hour. Anyway the reason for this particular error was due to the high load on the database. I'm looking into things further.

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yes same here a few minutes ago i got this error message

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As i was trying to post previous post reply it was spinning more then more min but post reply does not appear on the page i need to refresh the page to order to see if post went through!


This is another problem i am facing almost everyday!

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As i was trying to post previous post reply it was spinning more then more min but post reply does not appear on the page i need to refresh the page to order to see if post went through!


This is another problem i am facing almost everyday!

we are facing the same problem

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No need to post about errors now, they are all related to maintenance.

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No need to post about errors now, they are all related to maintenance.

Ok cause i did not see your last post reply about maintenance due forum slow down and page is not loading after i have post reply.

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Here is some list of trouble i am getting different time but happens everyday...

1. Loading the page to slow sometimes i need to refresh the page even close the browser and reopen again few times to order to load or search pages, specially more difficult if topics has lot of pages.

2. Post reply: When i post reply it takes ages to see the reply appear on the page again sometimes i need to refresh or reopen new page to see if my reply went through or not. there is time did not then i need to reaped the post reply again i have already screenshot about it see there >>>>> #39

3a. Messenger: This is the worse area get affected more then others specially people like me getting 20-50 PM everyday once again when i click the logo its spinning but not loading some days i need to wait 30-45 min to order to see PMs some other days i need to refresh or reopen browser few times to order to see PMs


3b. Notification area: Same as Messenger behave same way once again it will effect people like me as i am getting 80-200 everyday.


4. Sending PM: When i try to send PMs green splash logo on the top spinning like 1 min sometimes it stop spinning but i still can not see the confirmation >>>> PM send or not again i need to refresh or reopen page and see if the PM gone if not i resend same PM again


5a. Editing post: It was in the past but still now sometimes when i edit my post its not going through not appearing same behavior spinning logo but i do not see confirmation usually edit done without confirmation then i need to re open page and see if its done but sometimes no matter what i try editing is not going through then i need to wait few days to re edit same thing again.

5b. Editing post reply: Similar problem like 5a

6. Usually during early morning but sometimes different times forum is offline well it takes usually between 1-5 min to come back again but my observation this happens after really slow down problems

See the screenshots there >>>> #36

There is something more but i just can not remember right now as i remember i will post here. All those problems i am having not happens 24/7 but different time everyday. Specially when i get 10 topic reply to answer within 1 min and different of my topics it will make very difficult and time consuming for me to catch them up....

Edited by november_ra1n
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Thanks, this information is helpful.

If you experience anything like this again (especially pages which are loading slow) please provide me with the time, execution time and how long it took to load the page.

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  • Administrator

Just for the info.

We are on a cloud distribution network, in it, you are given the page from the location closest to you. So, if you are facing any slow downs, sometimes, others from different side of the world may not face that slowdowns, cause they are getting the page from different location. Hence, in this case, tracert is helpful.

One more thing. When you tracert, it shows how it reaches the page, consider it as the roads to the destination. Tracert tells what roads it takes for you to reach your place. Now, if they are any problems in the roads, like if the roads are blocked or jammed or not allowing you to go ahead properly, tracert will show it, so, again, in this case, tracert is helpful.

I have myself done tracert in long past many times, and I've seen that when pages are loading fast or when they are having problems loading, the tracert reflects those things very well.

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I am having forum slow down

Browsing pages are slow specially busy and heavy topics also notification bar spinning non stop but not showing also topic reply editing take longer than usual.


15 October 2013 at 13.24 UK time:

tracert nsaneforums.com

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
© 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>tracert nsaneforums.com
Tracing route to nsaneforums.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms
3 7 ms 9 ms 7 ms
4 12 ms 7 ms 6 ms
5 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms
6 * 57 ms 56 ms
7 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms mno-b2-link.telia.net []
8 117 ms 70 ms 94 ms ffm-bb1-link.telia.net []
9 65 ms 60 ms 59 ms ffm-b11-link.telia.net []
10 64 ms 79 ms 68 ms cloudflare-ic-154351-ffm-b11.c.telia.net [213.24
11 68 ms 68 ms 68 ms
Trace complete.

Note: 13.35 UK time it looks back to normal...

Generally: Forum flows much better since last Sunday i see the difference.

Edited by november_ra1n
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Ok, thanks for notifying.

The notification thingy can only be fixed by the software makers, as I mentioned before. I'll look into the other stuff.

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It is visibly nicer but i never like the way that green splash screen with IPB [i think that causing some trouble kind of make the page not load properly or slow or get frozen some days ] i was reading some article comparing IPB vs Vbulletin everyone has different opinion some says one better other says different way.

As i said IPB Look more modern but its my feeling other seems more classic less detail the end more faster and solid... Its only feeling..

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