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nsnedown is very slow


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what happend to nsanedown too slow it,s like snail :( nsaneforums working fine

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  • november_ra1n


  • shought


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  • Daserg


It's working fine here, can you provide some more details?

A tracert to nsanedown.com and a few samples of the Execution Time (found at the bottom of every page) would help.

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what happend to nsanedown too slow it,s like snail :( nsaneforums working fine

+1 [my observation rather opposite side]

I am tried add any more comment i have done a lot in the past nothing is helping at the moment admin passing their duty on us and pretending everything is working fine! this has been going on over 1 year but lately it is getting bad to worse as time goes by.

Edited by november_ra1n
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  • Administrator

We have been asking for tracert's for months, since then i have received the grand total of none.

This isn't a server side problem, rather a transit/ network problem. Without these tracert's it is impossible to understand where the problem lies.

There is not "pretending" - there really isn't anything wrong with the servers.

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There is some problem somewhere may not be in server side somewhere honestly closing eyes and saying everything working fine will not solve the problem, what ever causing trouble slowing down the forum it will get worse, be honest cant you see forum is slow like a hell!

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I have asked for tracert's every time someone has said the site is "slow", until we receive these nothing can be done. As stated previously, i don't have a single one. The "problems" don't appear to the staff, so we can't investigate. Its simple.

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I have asked for tracert's every time someone has said the site is "slow", until we receive these nothing can be done. As stated previously, i don't have a single one. The "problems" don't appear to the staff, so we can't investigate. Its simple.

Its brilliant excuse lol. Simple sign out admin account create normal account and try to search in forum you see i guess you probably know about it. After this excuse i have nothing to say more carry on same way know nothing see nothing hear nothing.

It is like playing three monkeys.. : )

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Accessing nsanedown.com is slow but nsaneforums.com appears to be fine. I am using OpenDNS services. Maybe there is something wrong with the services?

Edit: Nsanedown.com now loads back to normal.

Edited by skycool
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This ends here (november_ra1n). Unless you're willing to provide us with some details regarding these slowdowns we cannot do anything about it. I'm willing to take any action to rectify these issues and I believe you are experiencing them 100%, but without your help these issues cannot be fixed.

What I would like for you to do when any of our websites are slow is take the following actions:

- Provide a tracert to the domain (nsanedown.com or nsaneforums.com), preferably more than one (3).

- Add the execution time (Exec. Time) which can be found at the bottom of the page (of the page on which you perceived the slowdown).

- Note the estimated date and time of the slowdown (MM/DD HH:MM:SS).

- Add the perceived time it took to load the page in seconds (please don't exaggerate here, it won't make me find the problem any faster, if anything it could make it harder to find it).

So 4 things:

- Tracert;

- Execution time;

- Estimated date/time of slowdown;

- Perceived slowdown in seconds.

This goes for anybody experiencing issues with any of our websites and this post may be used for reference to inform others on how to provide us with solid information to fix these issues.

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Nsanedown.com used to load within 3 secs for me and still it loads within 3 secs. It's the fastest webpage in the internet that loads on my dial up connection.

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If you think any one bother doing all this job for you are more than optimistic..

%99. user here they don't have knowledge nor the tools in their hands doing all this test analyzing and giving you result. If someone willing to do you must be very lucky.

Personally i dedicate my time in my busy topic for me helping those people much valuable then studying learning and then get you request here.

But i think i have better solution getting efficient admin analyzing problems and try to fix them will cure most of the trouble here as i mention sometimes ago in the past:


I still stand my ground and i have nothing to add more.

My issue is nothing to do with current time nor nsanedown.com, i am talking generally of the forum slowing down trouble last 1 year..!

Edited by november_ra1n
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I'm sorry to inform you that you don't seem very knowledgeable about... well... anything related to server maintenance and hosting a website. At least that's what I gather from the post you referenced above. The forum software we're using is being used by thousands of forums across the net and is extensively tested, so no problems there. Our database is not corrupted, nor is there anything else wrong with the 'data'.

Literally all I am asking of you is to open a freaking command prompt, type tracert nsaneforums.com, take a screenshot and post it here. If that requires too much knowledge, time or tools I wonder whether you're able to cook your own meal, because that requires over 10 times the knowledge, time and tools.

When backups are being made (from 02:00 to 02:15 GMT, the time when forum activity is the lowest) the forums can be slow, other than that there should not be any slowdowns aside from some glitches which are perceived in any website, server or network (which is why all server providers talk about 99.9% uptime, not 100%). If there are this is an issue we need to look into and we will if you provide us with information about these events, we can't go searching for something we don't see ourselves.

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here blazing fast ;-) as always...

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It is as fast as Ferrari but just little bit down time nothing else...



here blazing fast ;-) as always...

No issues here. :)


Are you really alright guys! Or i am the only mad here@?

Edited by november_ra1n
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It is as fast as Ferrari but just little bit down time nothing else...



here blazing fast ;-) as always...

No issues here. :)


Are you really alright guys! Or i am the only mad here@?

for me nsanedown is slow but forums are working as it should

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ok now i have tried the nsanedown with a vpn and it,s working fast dunno what is wrong here

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  • Administrator

Myself and shought have already stated endless amounts of times:
Without a tracert nothing can be done. This isn't a server problem, but a transit/ network problem.

A few posts above, shought even posted a detailed account:

What I would like for you to do when any of our websites are slow is take the following actions:

- Provide a tracert to the domain (nsanedown.com or nsaneforums.com), preferably more than one (3).
- Add the execution time (Exec. Time) which can be found at the bottom of the page (of the page on which you perceived the slowdown).
- Note the estimated date and time of the slowdown (MM/DD HH:MM:SS).
- Add the perceived time it took to load the page in seconds (please don't exaggerate here, it won't make me find the problem any faster, if anything it could make it harder to find it).

So 4 things:
- Tracert;
- Execution time;
- Estimated date/time of slowdown;
- Perceived slowdown in seconds.

This goes for anybody experiencing issues with any of our websites and this post may be used for reference to inform others on how to provide us with solid information to fix these issues.

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Myself and shought have already stated endless amounts of times:

Without a tracert nothing can be done. This isn't a server problem, but a transit/ network problem.

A few posts above, shought even posted a detailed account:

What I would like for you to do when any of our websites are slow is take the following actions:

- Provide a tracert to the domain (nsanedown.com or nsaneforums.com), preferably more than one (3).

- Add the execution time (Exec. Time) which can be found at the bottom of the page (of the page on which you perceived the slowdown).

- Note the estimated date and time of the slowdown (MM/DD HH:MM:SS).

- Add the perceived time it took to load the page in seconds (please don't exaggerate here, it won't make me find the problem any faster, if anything it could make it harder to find it).

So 4 things:

- Tracert;

- Execution time;

- Estimated date/time of slowdown;

- Perceived slowdown in seconds.

This goes for anybody experiencing issues with any of our websites and this post may be used for reference to inform others on how to provide us with solid information to fix these issues.

Let me tell you something mister LITE not cause i am lazy nor i don't have a knowledge doing this but i do not understand why you all sit there doing nothing and asking user does the adm ot mod job. This is the only reason i decline for this matter nothing else how about asking one of those. respect most of them but i do not see some of those in the forum:


Edited by november_ra1n
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@november_ra1n just calm down, please. It also can be a problem from your side or your ISP or computer.

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@november_ra1n just calm down, please. It also can be a problem from your side or your ISP or computer.

I do not think so i do not have any problem searching and browsing any where on internet, my internet connection is relatively fast 10 Mpbs. most people quite they do not want to going through all this, others are not heavy forum user they do not care, staff are admin side they wont commend about it, beside i have been using nsane quite sometime now i see how things getting bad to worse therefore i can compare. What makes me more angry saying everything is fine there is nothing we can do about it it is totally big LIES!

Sorry Its off topic other example specially one person targeting and spamming all of my topics quite long time i have been inform many times and i get answer they will do something about it nothing has been done person still here i am waiting when he will be spamming with most stupid questions unrelated topic reply giving false information making people confuse.... This think will not be tolerated most of the forums but it happens here.

Do not get me wrong i do not enjoy someone getting ban but at the same time there are some people will never learn talking with them nice way or sarcastic way will not change their behavior.

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