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Smart people + html skills + an idea = Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus + lists = (was) good ads blocker

Smart people + good ideas = big company

big company + money = more money & bigger company

Google = big company

Adblock Plus + Google's money = answer for yourself

Ad Muncher + (?) = (got it already?)

Can anyone in this world show me any proof on Ad Muncher v5.0 existing? Words aren't any proof.

Even if they are really working on it, did they said anything about public release? No, at least not last time. Even if it exist they can save it for themselves and never release.

There is not any screenshoot, any beta/alpha release, marketing campaign, anything for years...

Guys, open your eyes, please. In this damn times everyone (or almost everyone) has his own price. Unfortunately.

what are you trying to say?

i don't get it

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what are you trying to say?

i don't get it

Really? Google paid Adblock plus to do not filter google ads. Amazon paid too. Ad muncher has two devs. Not a big deal for Google. Jezz

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Really? Google paid Adblock plus to do not filter google ads. Amazon paid too. Ad muncher has two devs. Not a big deal for Google. Jezz

well, i don't see any Google ads or Amazon ads

i hope you know that you can disable these acceptable ads

allowing acceptable ads in abp only add exception for these ads

default easylist block google ads and amazon ads

not a problem for me...and what about admuncher? :P

not working

what is not working?

Edited by unknownasphyxiated
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not working

Next time it'd be great if you provide more info, otherwise, it's impossible to help you.

Nowadays, Ad Muncher + Ad Muncher Updater work like a charm.

Edited by Yorel
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Yep. Updater works fine but this program is so cool for me, so I bought lifetime, valid license Premium Edition for 59,99 usd :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried the trialreset repack. Hardware not found. On every single option. Even when I changed my mac adress.

I've tried the 1.35 ENG repack. Admuncher crashes everytime I try to open it.

I've tried the 1.36 ENG repack. Same thing as before. Yes, I ran EVERYTHING as administrator.

What am I supposed to do?

-Edit, NVM. I just had to reinstall the trial reset version like 10 times in a row. It worked.

Edited by idontcareaboutmyusername
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I've tried the trialreset repack. Hardware not found. On every single option. Even when I changed my mac adress.

I've tried the 1.35 ENG repack. Admuncher crashes everytime I try to open it.

I've tried the 1.36 ENG repack. Same thing as before. Yes, I ran EVERYTHING as administrator.

What am I supposed to do?

-Edit, NVM. I just had to reinstall the trial reset version like 10 times in a row. It worked.

Have you tried to work-around instruction posted there >>>

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Hi all:

Is Add Mucher updated the software to work with Internet Explorer 11? I am waiting for it to update IE11.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by vitorio
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Hi all:

Is Add Mucher updated the software to work with Internet Explorer 11? I am waiting for it to update IE11.

Thanks for the help.

AdMuncher currently not working on Internet Explorer 11.

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Thanks november_ra1an

There's a "Thanks" button at the bottom of every post. Please use that to say thanks to someone instead of posting "Thanks". :)

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Thanks november_ra1an

There's a "Thanks" button at the bottom of every post. Please use that to say thanks to someone instead of posting "Thanks". :)

Just look how some of the vip people do, (write thanks for update) Maybe they should learn first do that, then other might follow) on the other hand its not braking any rules if peeps write thanks for update, but when I see the same person write the same in every post I call it post counter only for raise his post.

Edited by donkey-girl
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how enable blocking on Maxthon browser ? cos i see that admuncher not working ok in this browser.

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how enable blocking on Maxthon browser ? cos i see that admuncher not working ok in this browser.

Not sure, but is the latest version based on IE11? If so, then that will explain it, 'cuz as you must know by now, Am isn't working on IE11 :(

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This HAS to be the longest running thread on the internet, great to know you guys are STILL here ! :) holding down the fort! :D

all the best guys and THANKS FOR KEEPING THE FAITH! :) you guys ROCK! ALL RESPECT! :showoff:

blast from the past my old avatar, I think ill make it my sig instead I really like my starburst avatar


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