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Kaspersky 2012 Fixes


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After Kaspersky World we have explosion of THE trial reseters.... Come on, stop copying, one tool is enough! <_<

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After Kaspersky World we have explosion of THE trial reseters.... Come on, stop copying, one tool is enough! <_<

can't agree more . now everybody trying to have their own resetter. 1 working resetter is enough. :showoff:

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I am using 64-bit Windows 7 and had been using 90-day trial key to activate KIS 2012 in the past. Upon activation, it would show 90-day validity without fail.

I have just formatted and reinstalled Windows today and activated KIS 2012 as usual, with 90-day trial key. The difference is that its validity only lasts for 64 days. :s I do not use any crack and any trial resetter on it.

Any help please, so that I can regain 90-day validity?

Probably, a new 90-day trial key needs to be created now.

Thank you very much.

use this trial reset : http://www.mediafire.com

sharecode : /?2no5m54udhemy3f

activate with this serial number QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62

and you got the 91 day trial ;)

the code does not work,still get 64 days irrespective of whichever trial or key used

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c'mon guys we're not copying anything.. we're just trying to show the changes KW does in registry. Anyway a simple reg file or a batch script is opensource, this means that you can know what it does and eventually change it and help to improve it.

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windows 7 32 bit checked... its not work... update finished and it show trial license expired ..

is there any safety method for kis ?

Did you try it on KIS or KAV? That reg is for KIS

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c'mon guys we're not copying anything.. we're just trying to show the changes KW does in registry. Anyway a simple reg file or a batch script is opensource, this means that you can know what it does and eventually change it and help to improve it.

We have nothing against your work, kaspersky is now preparing hotfix G for KIS and KAV, and I think it will certainly block the current solution. Hopefully, this time, it will be easier to break their "evil plan"

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@ibugu & sezing & and the other asking me by pm....:

all your reg files will work if only SAM is fine with you....and if it works for you....you probably changed SAM with some other Reset-proggie before until SAM was convinced....

SAM is a somewhat hidden Registry Entry


If you want to see this entry you first have to install PS Tools (from microsoft)


Place it somewhere onto your PC (e.g. Programme)

than load my attached file. It's an more easy to use command promt (cmd.exe) where you easy can locate the directory of your PC Tools.

If you did so place the following command:

psexec -i -d -s regedit
and...now you can see a wonderful SAM

Take care what is written beyond V between 0218 - 02A0

than use this batch command (copy it into a txt file and rename it to somewhat.bat)

but close self-defense & kaspersky

For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=1* Delims==" %%I In (`WMIC UserAccount Where "LocalAccount = True And SID Like 'S-1-5-%%-500'" Get Name /Value ^| Find "="`) Do Set AdmName=%%Jnet User %AdmName% /USERCOMMENT:""

have a look oncemore for your honored SAM

That is the main trick & shit what the Kaspersky guys did for you....and might be possible that they change this entry in near future and later on....and so on.....

But be aware:

If SAM feels good....Kaspersky does the same.....


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It should be Security Account Manager.

I don't suppose that Kaspersky has restricted the 90-day trial keys and codes into just 64-day activators. Sigh. :s

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windows 7 32 bit checked... its not work... update finished and it show trial license expired ..

is there any safety method for kis ?

Did you try it on KIS or KAV? That reg is for KIS

yes i tired for KİS but not work until try kikuk method ...

@ibugu & sezing & and the other asking me by pm....:

all your reg files will work if only SAM is fine with you....and if it works for you....you probably changed SAM with some other Reset-proggie before until SAM was convinced....

SAM is a somewhat hidden Registry Entry


If you want to see this entry you first have to install PS Tools (from microsoft)


Place it somewhere onto your PC (e.g. Programme)

than load my attached file. It's an more easy to use command promt (cmd.exe) where you easy can locate the directory of your PC Tools.

If you did so place the following command:

psexec -i -d -s regedit
and...now you can see a wonderful SAM

Take care what is written beyond V between 0218 - 02A0

than use this batch command (copy it into a txt file and rename it to somewhat.bat)

but close self-defense & kaspersky

For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=1* Delims==" %%I In (`WMIC UserAccount Where "LocalAccount = True And SID Like 'S-1-5-%%-500'" Get Name /Value ^| Find "="`) Do Set AdmName=%%Jnet User %AdmName% /USERCOMMENT:""

have a look oncemore for your honored SAM

That is the main trick & shit what the Kaspersky guys did for you....and might be possible that they change this entry in near future and later on....and so on.....

But be aware:

If SAM feels good....Kaspersky does the same.....

first thank you all work..

i tired your steps and its work.. my system Win7 32 bit KİS 2012 and i will try for 64bit ..

your attached file is find pctools locate thats right ? the ohter way we have to find by self with use cmd.exe your attached file is very easy..

thank you again..

your attached file virus scan result :

site : http://virusscan.jotti.org

sharecode: /en/scanresult/8f3f89be0dc7f4bbefd5120c2dfa0e78d18d6187


sharecode: /file-scan/report.html?id=c4bf82a0ade919fed3cf1b5bab88120a15ff2d4fecd2b6745d3000ab63b34940-1320150829


sharecode: /0507829a735964b3cb8459035a562fae

@kikuk is PcTools safety ?

thats proof :

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@ibugu & sezing & and the other asking me by pm....:

all your reg files will work if only SAM is fine with you....and if it works for you....you probably changed SAM with some other Reset-proggie before until SAM was convinced....

yes, u're right.. I rested those regs after I used KW.. so it is all a SAM trick, now I understand. THX

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don't hesitate to use PS TOOLS

Note: some anti-virus scanners report that one or more of the tools are infected with a "remote admin" virus. None of the PsTools contain viruses, but they have been used by viruses, which is why they trigger virus notifications.

PS TOOLS are one of the basic Tools for developers to handle Windows.....

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don't hesitate to use PS TOOLS

Note: some anti-virus scanners report that one or more of the tools are infected with a "remote admin" virus. None of the PsTools contain viruses, but they have been used by viruses, which is why they trigger virus notifications.

PS TOOLS are one of the basic Tools for developers to handle Windows.....

i didnt scan pctools and I have not received notification.. your pctools source windows and I did not see significant for virus scan

thank you for information


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Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.20 by GANJiN

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Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.20 by GANJiN

General info:
Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.20 by GANJiN (KTR2012-v1.20) resets the trial period
of Kaspersky AV + IS 2012 and PURE 9 so you have more time to evaluate the product.

Once your Kaspersky 30-days trial license runs out just use the Kaspersky 2012
Trial Reset v1.20 to let your Kaspersky retrieve a new Kaspersky 30 days trial
license, done within a few seconds (incl. all Kaspersky features and updates).
No need hunting for Kaspersky licenses since eventually all get blacklisted.

Install Notes
1. Disable the Self-Defense
2. Exit Kaspersky by using the trayicon.
3. Start ganjin_ktr_2012.exe and press the -Reset- button.
4. Wait for Kaspersky to launch and activate your new trial period.
Note: Your computer has to reboot when resetting 2012 versions of Kaspersky.

Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.20 by GANJiN is for:
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 v12.0.0.374
- Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 v12.0.0.374
- Kaspersky PURE v9.1.0.124

* Tested on WinXP/Vista/7 (x86/x64).
* No need to uninstall the Trial Reset since there's nothing to uninstall.
* KTR2012-v1.20 may not work with the latest patches/updates by Kaspersky.
* KTR2012-v1.20 may not work with newer or older versions of Kaspersky.
* KTR2012-v1.20 requires the Microsoft Net Framework 3.0.
* Kaspersky 2012 download links included.

Version 1.20 - 03.11.2011 - (1.20)
FIX - Broken reset method FIX - Minor things

Version 1.1d - 07.07.2011 - (1.12)
IMP - Removed DOS window when attempting to reboot
FIX - Broken form when using Windows DPI scaling

KTR2012-v1.1c - 18.06.2011 - (1.11):
- Improved: Reset process on all systems
- Improved: Trial notifications disabler
- Improved: Shutdown dialog
- Improved: Minor things

KTR2012-v1.1b - 16.06.2011 - (1.10):
- FIX - 64bit systems not working

KTR2012-v1.1a - 16.06.2011 - (1.00):
- First release

File Info KTR2012-v1.2:

Type.................: Application
Date.................: 03.11.2011 (DD/MM/YYYY)
Platform.............: Windows
File Name............: gjn_ktr2012.zip
Part Size............: 434.508~ bytes
Number of Parts......: 1
Compression Format...: ZIP

MD5 : 8e6c96192185ff69e4957d9e48e92fb3
SHA1 : 7bd4361ed92ba1efe16a710f6c3060405927be24
SHA256: f03a0d67b6e66494d455b385180deb2c980a4fd7e994d4da127e76006b16b522

Help/Troubleshooting/General Info:
* It may be required to run the KTR2012-v1.20 as Administrator
(right-click on KTR2012-v1.20 and choose 'Run as Administrator').

* If the Trial Reset is detected/blocked by your antivirus software then add it
to the exclusions lists of real-time protection and auto-scan. You may need
to temporarily disable real-time protection and auto-scan when adding the
Trial Reset to the exclusions lists, or when using the Trial Reset.

* If the Trial Reset is removed by your antivirus software then restore and
exclude it through your antivirus (Quarantine or History, or something similar).

Download Link

Posted Image

Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: /files/BMKGOND5/data1220.rar_links [?]

Virustotal result 3 /43 (7.0%)

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i appreciate gajnin work..Hats off to him...i think if better he'll release this reseter with evry release ptach from kis...its better then and also improve and fixes the reseter..like windows loader by daz..i dnt wanna compare his work to him..but if gajnin doing,thinking like that..its possibly the best ...at last ...thank you gajnin n madeinheaven...u rocks..nsane

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First page has been updated [08.11.2011] :
  • Removed the trial resets has not been working.
  • Adding trial resets has been working till now.
  • Updating Official Kaspersky 2012 KIS, KAV & Pure Most Recent Download Link
  • Some regular clean up on the page
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So the only functioning trial resetter is the latest v1.20 release by Ganjin. Am I right?

Nope there are 5 different trial reset working at the moment 3 of them posted in First page and has been updated [08.11.2011]

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Nice work, madeinheaven.

Possible suggestions...

1) Under "Installation" section, include links to 'How to skip scan for incompatible software when installing Kaspersky 2012'.

- How to skip scan for incompatible software when installing Kaspersky Internet Security 2012?

- How to skip scan for incompatible software when installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012?

2) Under "Activate Kaspersky 2012 Using Key Files" section, change Activation Code to Internet compatible.


3) There are two more "Activate Kaspersky 2012 Using Key Files" sections.

They both list the following wrong Activation Code:


They should be edited to:


4) Kaspersky Trial Reset 2012 v2.3.0.41 by Elerium may be working.

Kaspersky 2012 Trial Resset v3.0.0.9 (Gold Edition) and/or the above may be updated to v3.1.0.1 at the release RU website.

I put together a collection of Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset BAT/REG Files. This is not my work, I do not take credit for any of the content. It's just a collection of all the BAT/REG files I could find. They're suppose to work with/for Kaspersky 2012, but haven't tested.

Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset BAT-REG Files

Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/

Sharecode: /files/1ZMLDVZR/Kaspersky_2012_Trial_Reset_Files_0.rar_links [?]

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