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update with license blacklist work fine.

AM check license > cow red ( registrion.dat is reset )> AM is trial ( red or white can update ), then AM add advertlist to license.dat . But AM not check registrion again to server . So we have Registrion.dat older + license.dat update.

if murray fix check license again after update , that will not work . :unsure:

But the older version of software it will work without any problem.:)

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But the older version of software it will work without any problem. :)

May be 4.93 final :lol: or next build , or no

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Is this backup-thing doable on Win7x64?


i also menage doing this for test only coz i see NO point stay with no update AM

Hi demoneye, please read my post carefully. I specifically said that you can update. But every time you do, you need to go through the whole process of replacing the files once again.

Since this is no AV, updating once a month is good enough. And even if you wanna do it every week, the whole copy/pasting process takes less than a minute anyways.

Can you guide me? I'm having a hard time doing it myself. :|

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i helped supremo phantom :showoff: now he has white cow adv list 4012 without any run as date or somehing

so if you dont know it install t. viewer i got to do it

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i think that it will be work also in final version or another betas :D

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Supremo Phantom

Thanks dany... i finally got the hang of it.. I had my steps mixed up but eventually got it working. Thanks for showing how to go about it.

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Brian Clegg

i cant get it to work and i have replaced the files with my backup ones.it goes white but then after a minuit or so turns red

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