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not for all :) may be only 32bit

No the program runs fine. Usermode check goes fine. Kernelmode returns error (incomplete).
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BTW, does anybody realize that Jilad still updates without any hassle whatsoever? No tricks, no copy/pasting of files, nothing whatsoever. It probably wont, after this post, but what the heck? We'll keep getting new solutions anyways :)

LOL! :hehe: These dumba$$es from down under can't even blacklist a damn key properly. Now do it right murray!!!

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^[Error: Failed loading spoofer] - Win 7 X64.

not for all :) may be only 32bit

win 7 x32. => dump :unsure:
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oke.. i will testing on windows 7 , please update new version for pbd . may be work :rolleyes:

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Run as administrator.Then it will work.:)

PBD work on vista but only if you will run as administrator.:)

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Brian Clegg


so whats this Jilad

BTW, does anybody realize that Jilad still updates without any hassle whatsoever? No tricks, no copy/pasting of files, nothing whatsoever. It probably wont, after this post, but what the heck? We'll keep getting new solutions anyways :)

LOL! :hehe: These dumba$$es from down under can't even blacklist a damn key properly. Now do it right murray!!!

Edited by calguyhunk, 52 minutes ago.

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oke.. i will testing on windows 7 , please update new version for pbd . may be work :rolleyes:

Work but blue screen.
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not work for me W7 home prem 32b

0.2 - error blue screen - nothing press start snoofing but not work

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come back to xp > get trial > backup > again windows 7 , paste backup . may be work ;) try if you want :D

:lol: everyone back to XP

Lol :lol:

i think if you update , cow will red and No check update adverlist > trial forever . :thumbsup:

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Calguyhunk so whats this Jilad

It was a leaked code a few days back that was apparently blocked by the AM devs but to my surprise, it did update earlier today.

Btw, any relation to Nick? :P

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:lol: everyone back to XP

LOL :rofl:

come back to xp > get trial > backup > again windows 7 , paste backup . may be work ;) try if you want :D

Yeah, if we were in a mental asylum, we'd do just that :P

But really, backup files from a different OS won't help. The app has it's bases covered there at least.

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i think 1 key can active >100PC. i ever see 147 install :wtf:

They charge a high price, but you can actually install it on your entire family's PC'S and all your aunties' too :P

Actually, the wording itself is left intentionally ambiguous. "Simultaneous Installations". Now, who's gonna monitor that? It doesn't have an Adobe Creative Suite like "Deactivate on this PC" feature. You can genuinely get 10 friends together and get a one year license for $15 from the Komputer Swiat discount page.

That's just a buck fifty a year ~(Posted Image75). Anybody who can afford a Windows PC (this is a PC app) costing upwards of $300, can definitely afford that much, methinks.

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All software makers who know they have a good product, make it intentionally easy to patch/hack/crack their software just to make it more widely used.

Case in point Bill gates saying that he'll rather people used pirated Windows than genuine Linux. The damn thing became this big preicisely because of that. Without the pirated cheap floppy disks, Win 95 wouldn't have been the success that it did become for obvious reasons.The rest of course is history.

Today, WinRAR, IDM and a whole host of leading software makers in their respective categories make it intentionally embarrassingly easy to use their software without paying them, just to expand their market and drive competition away.

These AM guys are prolly just not getting that at the moment. I suppose they're waiting for somebody to come up with an open source or at least free product which is gonna send 'em running to save their rears.

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On windows , first key windows , then program if you install them ( for soft need license )... you need more $ . For your country , purchase a license very easy . on my country the payment is difficult . buy online not popular, not easy and habit use free ^_^ i want buy a license admuncher but sellers give offer price very high.

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:lol: :P back to backup and normal daily update to 3996 working still great with code

vicky s and also Huy Tran maybe work also with Olis Jilad vit k@lev but i dont use these 2 codes

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lol legal win i have all xp, vista win7 i just buy blank CD for 0.35 EUR and 0.55 for DVD

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lol legal win i have all xp, vista win7 i just buy blank CD for 0.35 EUR and 0.55 for DVD

XP-Win7 : download ISO from internet .

xp : volume license ( no update )

w7 : OEM license with SLIC

if you is student IT , MS give you a account MSNAA. no need buy key.

why you not buy a license adm pre ? :lol:

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On windows , first key windows , then program if you install them ( for soft need license )... you need more $ . For your country , purchase a license very easy . on my country the payment is difficult . buy online not popular, not easy and habit use free ^_^ i want buy a license admuncher but sellers give offer price very high.

Actually, that's the problem with us. As you rightly mentioned, we're habituated to using free software :P

Supporting the smaller devs who genuinely make catagory leading products is not a bad idea at all if one can afford it. And online purchases on trustworthy sites should not be a problem in Vietnam either with a credit card or something. The only question is, do you trust the site concerned with your cc info?

Till a few years back, it wasn't the norm in India either, but over the last few years, it has pretty much become de rigueur with sites like Flipkart and the like.

lol legal win i have all xp, vista win7 i just buy blank CD for 0.35 EUR and 0.55 for DVD

Well here it's 0.60 Euros for a blank Sony DVD±RW and half of that for a Sony DVD±R. Lesser yet for the Chinese ones. I suppose the MPAA and RIAA are gonna ban those DVD's too, and sue Sony for aiding and abetting piracy? :wtf: - WTF Link
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MPAA and RIAA only on US ,Euro, and another country , not for all country . special china,other countries of asia.

torrent is number one :lol:

usually CD-DVD produced from china, because very cheap. with $0.35 i have a Sony DVD+R. more key software-windows -account technet-account download , sellers buy with cc hack then sell they = 30-50% the actual value.

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Was running the Crack admuncher 4.91 for quite awhile however AVG internet Security on Update today listed it as a VIRUS tried to add as an exception but PC crashed. until a new serial is posted running (adfender 1.50), almost as good as Ad Muncher really fast on Win 7 64 Bit and free, it's been a hassle as Admuncher now is hard to use without paying.

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can someone confirm if i can use a single license on 3 computers?

if that is possible, i will purchase the life time license right away!

thank you guys

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