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new key will be valid only 1 day so 14.4 but i dont know for how many installation will worked maybe also 43 etc...

so when will be avaliable new key on this site hurry up register program and download latest basic update and DISABLE ALL UPDATES


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I was wondering if anyone is still on the old beta with a key that doesn't allow them to upgrade but the cow is still white and not red? If so, please PM me if you want to upgrade to the latest version. I want to do a little test to see if my workaround works.. I did it on my other PC and it was still able to munch ads even tho I'm still on the old Komputer Swiat reg with the latest beta.

Here's proof:

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:wtf: komp swiat is banned so how it work to you ? also updates are blocked

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you have 3982 because it's included into build 33116

if you were registred with Komputer SWAT or other key you can upgrade to last beta but DON'T try to make any update if you don't want a red caw

just upgrade and wait to futur beta in order to update ADV base

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:wtf: komp swiat is banned so how it work to you ? also updates are blocked

Simple, I never tried to update the advert list when it was banned and people were trying to get the latest list.

you have 3982 because it's included into build 33116

if you were registred with Komputer SWAT or other key you can upgrade to last beta but DON'T try to make any update if you don't want a red caw

just upgrade and wait to futur beta in order to update ADV base

Yes but sometimes it does not work to upgrade the program because there's a flaw on it. When you update to the latest beta with it, the program itself shows it has a white cow but simply doesn't block ads anymore when using a banned key.

I'm waiting for Admuncher to update its regular advert list to see if my workaround works.

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yes sept 8, 2010... I've been using it way longer than that with the Komputer Swiat license before it was banned. Maybe since around 08 i think.. :hehe:

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@lulz i also still have the komputer swiat licens and have the same version installed as you. works fine! i updatet via the beta exe from the website by just installing it over the old one


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@lulz i also still have the komputer swiat licens and have the same version installed as you. works fine! i updatet via the beta exe from the website by just installing it over the old one

Yea I can see that but sometimes updating over the old install doesn't always work. There's a flaw in it. Like I stated before, somtimes when you install over the top of the existing one; it will show a white cow but it wouldn't munch any ads.

On the side note, I tried updating the advert list but it didn't work. The advert list is coded into the Registration.dat. Once I copied and overwrite my old one, it gave me a red cow. So you can only update the program I guess from my work around.

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3992 ??? and update work and no red cow :s :s cos these key vit kalev is also banned

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Có phải của bạn k, tui thấy id giống.

Was it you k, I found the same id.

English Only

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