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How a public schoolgirl, 14, fell into the clutches of predatory gangs who forced her to become a sex slave


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How a public schoolgirl, 14, fell into the clutches of predatory gangs who forced her to become a sex slave

A girl who was abducted at the age of 14 and forced to work as a sex slave was yesterday praised for giving evidence which saw her abusers jailed.

The privately-educated teenager was picked up and plied with vodka and drugs, passed around groups of older men for sex and then forced to work as a prostitute.

Her ordeal highlights previously-aired fears that white schoolgirls are being groomed for underage sex by gangs of Asian men in northern England.

Former Labour MP Ann Cryer provoked a storm when she warned that the practice of arranged marriages helped tempt a criminal minority of Asian men into targeting young, white girls for sex.

After nine men were jailed over the sustained sexual abuse of their victim, Superintendent Paul Savill of Greater Manchester Police commended her bravery and said: 'This young girl has been through an absolutely horrifying ordeal.

'The level of abuse she has suffered is almost beyond belief. She has been treated like a commodity - beaten, threatened and sexually exploited.'

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was adopted as a baby by a professional, middle-class couple in Greater Manchester and educated at a private school.

She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexualised behaviour toward male pupils', a court heard, and after she twice ran away from home her adoptive parents reluctantly agreed that she be placed in care.

In February 2008 she was picked up in Rochdale by Asad Hassan, 27, who took her to a nightclub.

He and his friends Mohammed Basharat, 27, and Mohammed Atif, 28, then took her to a house where she was given vodka before all three men had sex with her.

The next morning, Hassan, who had given her his phone number, dropped her at a bus station and gave her cigarettes and money, but after being found by her mother she was taken back to the care home.

A week later she went missing again. She met restaurant worker Abdul Rob, 33, in Rochdale and he took her back to a flat where he gave her alcohol before having sex with her.

The following morning she rang Hassan - her initial abuser - and met him, Basharat and Atif who again all had sex with her.

She was then taken to another house in the Rochdale area where she was also abused by a group of men whom police have been unable to trace.


The next day, as police hunted for her, the girl took a bus to Manchester and drifted to the city's 'Curry Mile' in Rusholme, where she met Aftab Khan, 30, described by police as a 'nasty, exploitative individual'.

Khan, who was acquitted two years ago of having sex with an underage girl, lured her back to his house, gave her alcohol, cocaine and cannabis and offered her a bed for the night.

But between 3am and 4am Khan woke the youngster and told her: 'You're working for me now.'

He stabbed a door with a kitchen knife and threatened to harm her unless she complied.

Khan then forced her to work for five nights as a prostitute in Manchester.

The girl drank huge amounts of alcohol to blot out her ordeal and even tried to avoid wearing makeup to make herself look too young for sex, but her ploy failed.

On February 28 last year plain-clothed police officers patrolling the area stopped and questioned the girl as she looked for clients but, fearing Khan, she gave a false name and said she was 16.


The officers took the girl to a bus station so that she could go home. But she returned to Khan, who began to 'tout her round' groups of men, boasting that he had a girl who was available for sex.

He took her to a block of flats in Hulme where Mohammed Anwar Safi, 30, Ahmed Noorzai, 28, and Mohammed Khan, 25, were waiting.

Safi and Noorzai had sex with her but Mohammed Khan, who paid the money, said he thought she was 'too young'.

The following day the officers who had stopped the girl recognised her from a missing person appeal and suspected that Khan was holding her.

But by the time they got to his home, he had been tipped off and had sent the girl away with £5.

She returned to Rusholme where she met Najibullah Safi, 32, who plied her with drink and drugs before having sex with her.

Her ordeal finally ended when she left Safi's house and approached an Asian couple in a car.

Safi tried to drag her away but the woman passenger heard the girl claim she had been raped, and police were called.

In total she is thought to have fallen victim to at least three predatory gangs.

Campaigners say many similar cases go unpunished because the victims refuse to make formal complaints.

However the 14-year-old bravely identified her abusers and gave compelling evidence against them in court, and now nine have been jailed for a variety of offences.

Aftab Khan was jailed for seven years and his friend Abid Khaliq for eight months; Najibullah Safi, Atif, Hassan and Basharat for two years; Mohammed Khan for four years; Mohammed Anwar Safi for 31 months and Noorzai for four years.

In the final case at Manchester Crown Court this week, a judge ordered Rob to be found not guilty after accepting he could reasonably have believed the girl's claims to be over 16.

Yesterday the victim, now 17, condemned her abusers.

'These people exploit young girls,' she said.

'They feed them drugs and alcohol and tell them they love them.

'i know because it happened to me and it has changed my life enormously.'

Martin Narey of Barnardo's said his charity worked with at least 1,000 vulnerable girls a year who had been preyed on in this way.

But he said said there was no evidence of a racial element to such abuse.

'Those who exploit children in this awful way come from all races,' he added.

Sorry once again for bringing up such article to this board, but it really shook/sickened me :mellow:

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I'm speechless. They should have got a more worse punishment. -_-

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Hmm. There is something in this article, repeated a few times, that intrigues me. She has been given money, alcohol and drugs. Then she fucked the guys that gave her the stuff. She was inappropriately sexual even to other kids her age, she ran from home to have it her way.

She was like what? 14 at the time? Now, I will ask you who read this, when did you had sex the first time? I was just 14 myself and it was a wonderful experience I will never forget. Did I feel to young? Hell no! Did I wanted even more sex? Hell yes!!! I got more&more preoccupied with sex since 11-ish years old, I was just ripe for the taking at 14, I guess. Now we are grown ups (some of us at least), we have kids of our own, and this numbers scare us to death. But please reconsider these facts, looking through the eyes of your former 14 years old self... 

My humble (and probably very unpopular soon to be) opinion is that the girl (girls of course are maturing even faster then boys) was sexually active already, and when she was considered a freak for trying to have sex with boys her age, she just went for guys she knew will give her what she wanted - a mature lifestyle, an adventure, fun, clubs, drugs and booze. You surely went through this period also, huh? Things got out of control and she got scared as hell, being a prisoner and all, and she wanted to be a kid again, and probably cursed herself for wanting to be a woman too soon. 

These all could have been avoided, if she would have been allowed a boyfriend from school, kissing and stuff, maybe more, and kept under close (but discreet) supervision... but no, the school made her the devil as she exhibited 'inappropriate sexualised behaviour toward male pupils'.

I'm not going to discuss her abusers... there is a court of law for that. 

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Hmm. There is something in this article, repeated a few times, that intrigues me. She has been given money, alcohol and drugs. Then she fucked the guys that gave her the stuff. She was inappropriately sexual even to other kids her age, she ran from home to have it her way.

She was like what? 14 at the time? Now, I will ask you who read this, when did you had sex the first time? I was just 14 myself and it was a wonderful experience I will never forget. Did I feel to young? Hell no! Did I wanted even more sex? Hell yes!!! I got more&more preoccupied with sex since 11-ish years old, I was just ripe for the taking at 14, I guess. Now we are grown ups (some of us at least), we have kids of our own, and this numbers scare us to death. But please reconsider these facts, looking through the eyes of your former 14 years old self... 

My humble (and probably very unpopular soon to be) opinion is that the girl (girls of course are maturing even faster then boys) was sexually active already, and when she was considered a freak for trying to have sex with boys her age, she just went for guys she knew will give her what she wanted - a mature lifestyle, an adventure, fun, clubs, drugs and booze. You surely went through this period also, huh? Things got out of control and she got scared as hell, being a prisoner and all, and she wanted to be a kid again, and probably cursed herself for wanting to be a woman too soon. 

These all could have been avoided, if she would have been allowed a boyfriend from school, kissing and stuff, maybe more, and kept under close (but discreet) supervision... but no, the school made her the devil as she exhibited 'inappropriate sexualised behaviour toward male pupils'.

I'm not going to discuss her abusers... there is a court of law for that. 

Very well said.

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I had sex at 16 and thinking back, damn I was young. I could barely grasp the concept of sex lol. It was partly her fault too, yes she was abused but she initiated it by contacting them, a very sly ploy to blame it entirely on the men.

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after reading the story i found that asian is code word for muslims from asia and not far eastern ones. what is england's problem of hiding the actually facts of the case? and the time for these evil bas!@#ders is crazy. come on kidnapping, drinking, drugs underage sex, threats of violence. this is a mafia type of crimes. these scum would gotten 100 plus years in the usa. and kick out of the country if on visa or illegal after servicing the time

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Lets not target any race here. You can call them normal people living in UK just like anyone else. ;)

Note: I'll close the topic if the topic gets over-heated.

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Lets not target any race here. You can call them normal people living in UK just like anyone else. ;)

Note: I'll close the topic if the topic gets over-heated.

i know what i thought it was interesting that bbc didnt or should i say hide that fact. they are very PCing around the subject. when i say the word "asian" i thought far eastern kind. until i say the name and photos. any back on the subject why these bad guys didnt get a longer and harder time for their crimes? they are going to be right out and doing the samething again. is england that soft on crimes these days?

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Quote from the article itself:

"Martin Narey of Barnardo's said his charity worked with at least 1,000 vulnerable girls a year who had been preyed on in this way.

But he said said there was no evidence of a racial element to such abuse.

'Those who exploit children in this awful way come from all races,' he added."

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I won't talk about the abuse part, but from what I've read it's partially the School's and the Girl's fault....and the other part is prob the boys at her school, I mean take a look at this shit

She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexuality behavior toward male pupils'

What the f**k is this shit? Don't tell me the ones who actually reported this, where the boys themselves? (who in their right state of mind would do that? I'd understand if it was an all boys school, and the abuser was a boy...but a girl? gimme a fkin break)

Hell, if I were in their place, I'd tap that ass as soon as it was presented to me.

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I won't talk about the abuse part, but from what I've read it's partially the School's and the Girl's fault....and the other part is prob the boys at her school, I mean take a look at this shit

She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexuality behavior toward male pupils'

What the f**k is this shit? Don't tell me the ones who actually reported this, where the boys themselves? (who in their right state of mind would do that? I'd understand if it was an all boys school, and the abuser was a boy...but a girl? gimme a fkin break)

Hell, if I were in their place, I'd tap that ass as soon as it was presented to me.

I was thinking the same thing lol, I can imagine it: "umm, teacher, that girl sexually abused me." :frusty: .

On a more serious note, sad that such men take advantage of a 14 year-old girl who cannot yet make proper decisions about her actions.

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I won't talk about the abuse part, but from what I've read it's partially the School's and the Girl's fault....and the other part is prob the boys at her school, I mean take a look at this shit

She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexuality behavior toward male pupils'

What the f**k is this shit? Don't tell me the ones who actually reported this, where the boys themselves? (who in their right state of mind would do that? I'd understand if it was an all boys school, and the abuser was a boy...but a girl? gimme a fkin break)

Hell, if I were in their place, I'd tap that ass as soon as it was presented to me.

guess england is raising gay white boys now.

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I won't talk about the abuse part, but from what I've read it's partially the School's and the Girl's fault....and the other part is prob the boys at her school, I mean take a look at this shit

She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexuality behavior toward male pupils'

What the f**k is this shit? Don't tell me the ones who actually reported this, where the boys themselves? (who in their right state of mind would do that? I'd understand if it was an all boys school, and the abuser was a boy...but a girl? gimme a fkin break)

Hell, if I were in their place, I'd tap that ass as soon as it was presented to me.

Sex with a minor is bad Marik :P I know you meant that in present tense. That 14 year old booty is too tempting for you -D

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Sex with a minor is bad Marik :P I know you meant that in present tense. That 14 year old booty is too tempting for you -D

:o....Actually I was referring if I was in the guy's place (14 years old)....I don't really look at 14 year old girls in that way :P.....A Pedobear I am not :lmao:

but you do get a +1 to ur rep, for making me laugh for 5 seconds

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Well for a starters story shook me up for the same reasons:

Both "the girl" and them grown man are total scum to end up having such behavior in 21'st century.

Regarding boys having her reported- fair play, I believe that they acted smarter, than a choice of ending up having sex with an ugly slut and a sexual offender record.

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Look at them greasy asian men. She must have been either REALLY F'in drunk or knocked out. Theres no way I would even walk near these types of uglies let alone even stare at them.

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I'm shocked.

Exactly because we are living in the 21st century that behaviour should be of no special surprise. It comes with the MTV and other media the kids were fed. The girl is still a girl, delinquent or not, at 14, or 17. "Ugly slut"? Can you post some pictures so we have an opinion, too? I understand you did not have sexual desires at her age, and that's fine, but that also means that you do not fully understand those who just want to have sex. Even at 14. Sexual behaviour at that age is a NORMAL PHYSIOLOGIC appearance - trust me, I have a medic diploma. The boys acted contrary to anything that a little man is supposed to do. If they felt in danger of abuse (damn... by a girl) they should have had dignity, and protect her by talking directly to the parents. This "kids talking" to the school officials about others has very bad connotations in my country, it's not even encouraged by most professors.

And "greasy asian men". And "uglies". Do you know you're insulting lots of our members? Do you understand, that what seem to be ugly for white USA, it could be beautiful and manly for... let's say Asia, I won't go into countries. I see nine mugshots there, of some men. Did you saw the mugshots of your favourite stars when caught by police? Ummm... some of them are really "beautiful".

To be honest, you two guys are among the very old members of the site that I have much respect for, please tell me that's not really how you think.

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I'm shocked.

Exactly because we are living in the 21st century that behaviour should be of no special surprise. It comes with the MTV and other media the kids were fed. The girl is still a girl, delinquent or not, at 14, or 17. "Ugly slut"? Can you post some pictures so we have an opinion, too? I understand you did not have sexual desires at her age, and that's fine, but that also means that you do not fully understand those who just want to have sex. Even at 14. Sexual behaviour at that age is a NORMAL PHYSIOLOGIC appearance - trust me, I have a medic diploma. The boys acted contrary to anything that a little man is supposed to do. If they felt in danger of abuse (damn... by a girl) they should have had dignity, and protect her by talking directly to the parents. This "kids talking" to the school officials about others has very bad connotations in my country, it's not even encouraged by most professors.

And "greasy asian men". And "uglies". Do you know you're insulting lots of our members? Do you understand, that what seem to be ugly for white USA, it could be beautiful and manly for... let's say Asia, I won't go into countries. I see nine mugshots there, of some men. Did you saw the mugshots of your favourite stars when caught by police? Ummm... some of them are really "beautiful".

To be honest, you two guys are among the very old members of the site that I have much respect for, please tell me that's not really how you think.

Dude! I wish I could argue- cant! just as to say further more about 14 year old terorising boys- I have seen simmillar examples myself in shock and horror, though imagine one of those pestering you, at the same time she's going in rounds with your dads age men...

regarding asian... hmhmhm not sure weather it is of main significance as that they are asian, but scum of earth none the less and in this instance whilst hearing very allien culture "honour killings" etc to discover such degrads acting as it is described, begs the question: "what human could fall so low?

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Human depravity has no limits in depth and no specific face. Everyone of us is capable of  great scientific discovery or kindness that could save millions... but also brutal intolerance, racism, cruelty beyond any decency.

While in school, few girls approximately my age (14), were into older guys - not 30... but more like 18-ish. I remember being somehow jealous (usually these girls were the ones that looked really good), and was eager to grow up faster, so I can also have access to these pretty ones. That was a time of innocence though. When I grew up to 18 or so, the girls would skip the age argument all together, they became interested in (how much) money (you had) instead...

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they became interested in (how much) money (you had) instead...

another explanation to why such happens

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And "greasy asian men". And "uglies". Do you know you're insulting lots of our members? Do you understand, that what seem to be ugly for white USA, it could be beautiful and manly for... let's say Asia, I won't go into countries. I see nine mugshots there, of some men. Did you saw the mugshots of your favourite stars when caught by police? Ummm... some of them are really "beautiful".

understand they where not what we consider asian. they where middle eastern. the middle east lands are actually from africa. it was the dang british during its empire time that declare them asian lands. these are gang mafia type immigrates that are scum. they are going to do it again. they are criminals. when you are an immigrate and go to live in a new land you adopt it. these people do not adopt it. this is the main problem in europe and usa be it legal or illegal immigrates. and both deal in sex trade of minors. the way to contorl it is limit immigration, enforce the laws, get rid of the socialist handouts that favor it.

it doesnt matter if a girl is horny that is not an excuse to do what they did. remeber there is no asking for it excuse. ei female dressing sluty so men rape them. the men are still guilty

*** note we all know what relgion they where born into. lets keep that out of it so this thread not close please. thank you.

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Actually, they could well be from Asia - India, or Pakistan, or Bangladesh etc. Or Iran. Or Iraq. So they are middle-easterners only in the extended understanding of the term. You are wrong about Africa & Middle East, as only Egypt is from the African continent. Also, there is nothing bad in being from Africa... or Asia... or somewhere else. Good or bad people come from everywhere. 

The immigrants. Gang members are recruited from all races and countries, yes? Criminals could be both native brits and immigrants, yes? Native Europeans also deal drugs and women, yes? The immigrants are NOT to blame. It is the human wickedness that is in us all.

The country adoption you speak of. If you were to go to Nepal on a hefty paid job, would you adopt their behaviour? Or would you proudly carry on the legacy of your culture? 

This is a deal between the country and the immigrants: they get better pay checks, the country that accepts them gets cheap work force. Simple as that. They don't come to adopt ANYTHING. They only come for the money, so stop fantasizing that Western culture is so cool everyone needs to be part of it.

One thing: why do you think in some countries women have to cover themselves? Maybe to not provoke the animal inside the man, which we all know it's hidden, but present?

As for politics, I DO NOT CARE. All are exactly the same, and all are bad.

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no i am not. middle east lands where from africa just as india was originally from africa.

immigrant be it legal or illegal do briing in a lot more in crime with them. they will prey on their own race too.

some european countries allow their former colony civ to go to their country freely. this has not gone well for those nations.

if u go to another land (be it any freaken lands) to live you should adopt it not force them to change to your ways. learn the language, if in france become a french etc. if you do know you will be looked down and 3rd classed. fine example is the jewish people in europe. they kept to themselves. and what happen?

you do have a war coming in europe and its going to be nasty. side note. in the usa we have a possible war coming too. its going to be clean house of progressives.

women cover because they are forced too. its called control. its also a mistransalution in the quran. but thats another subject all together. would prefer this stay off relgion. as iraq former president saddam said women are for babies and boys & men are for pleasure.

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They are UK citizens, thats all, it ends there. Doesn't matter from where they came from or anything else.

This is my final warning. Keep the religion, race and the state out of it, otherwise I'll close the thread.

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