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Nsane site upgrade (1st Oct 2020)


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I only see 2 choices for Themes


No choice for light or dark. If I select Nsane it ends up in dark mode and IPS in light.


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9 hours ago, click-click said:

No choice for light or dark. If I select Nsane it ends up in dark mode and IPS in light.


Confused me for a while, but the thingy at the bottom left is to allow applying a Style to the current selected Theme.


There's 3 styles, each selectable by one of the three buttons across the top. From left to right Dark1, Light, Dark2 (my names) selected by clicking on the button to see the change and then optionally clicking the Tick to make it permanent.

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46 minutes ago, Mike1959 said:

Just curious to know if the defining line is by default or maybe the skin still needs tweaking ?




The theme uses the background image as also the forums background. Forums are long, so the background has to be repeated. Now what you are seeing is where the image ends and start over again. 

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2 minutes ago, mp68terr said:

Is there a way to change/remove the background?



Yes. It is possible to do that. 

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30 minutes ago, Matt said:

Yes. It is possible to do that.

Good, thanks.

It is likely possible Admin side, but is it also possible user side (then how, did not find so far)?

In point of fact, IMHO the background is kind of 'clear' for a dark theme. Clicking on the background image after clicking on the small moon icon does not do anything here. Wondering if there is a way for the user to simply remove it (all dark) or select another one.

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Dark mode is great, the background image doesn't bother me at all

Well done and thank you.



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I am not a fancy lover of black theme at all so I kebt the standard which fit me good enough. :)

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@Matt You've done a marvellous job with the upgrade and new theme.  I have a suggestion: It is useless having twice Twitter and Facebook button.


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52 minutes ago, sanjoa said:

@Matt You've done a marvellous job with the upgrade and new theme.  I have a suggestion: It is useless having twice Twitter and Facebook button.



The one on the right side is a sticky and stays always there. You can go to Facebook, Twitter, or contacting us wherever you are on the forums, so no need to go to the top or down to find contact us button because they are available wherever and whenever you need them.

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@sanjoa if you don't like to see them, there is a very small tiny arrow under them to hide and show them back whenever you need them too.

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@Matt First off, I'd like to congratulate you on a great job! I think you did a great service to the forum and gave it a breath of fresh air. I'm wondering if you're still working on the default theme design? I'm in the process of updating my nsane CSS style to reflect the update, and I'm using the default theme as a basis. I'm just curious if I'll have to catch up if an update is coming. 😁


My tinkering has led me to a suggestion or two. It appears to me that the upper navigation menu could do with a bit of retouching? The Leaderboard and Support buttons behaving the same as menu buttons bugs me for some reason. Perhaps you could introduce the same vertical dropdowns as in your modern themes? Also, you might consider using the same container width across all themes, just for consistency's sake?


Anyway, I'm not suggesting you change anything on my account, since I'll end up setting it all up the way I prefer, just thought I could chime in, as these minor points are really the only things that stick out in the default theme. Keep up your amazing work!

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6 minutes ago, Alanon said:

I'm wondering if you're still working on the default theme design?


I had to rebuild the theme yesterday because @ARMOUR reported a bug after the update, so as for now the answer is no I'm not working on the theme anymore.


8 minutes ago, Alanon said:

It appears to me that the upper navigation menu could do with a bit of retouching? The Leaderboard and Support buttons behaving the same as menu buttons bugs me for some reason.


Can you attach some screenshot in order to see what you are seeing.

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13 minutes ago, Matt said:


I had to rebuild the theme yesterday because @ARMOUR reported a bug after the update, so as for now the answer is no I'm not working on the theme anymore.

Can you attach some screenshot in order to see what you are seeing.


OK,  good to know! I'll get cracking of polishing my code up. 😁

Basically, the nsane.down link and the last two buttons act as if they have their own content menus that are going to pop up any minute, but that never happens. It's pretty insignificant all things considered, it's more of an issue for the anally retentive:





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9 hours ago, Alanon said:


OK,  good to know! I'll get cracking of polishing my code up. 😁

Basically, the nsane.down link and the last two buttons act as if they have their own content menus that are going to pop up any minute, but that never happens. It's pretty insignificant all things considered, it's more of an issue for the anally retentive:






This is not an issue. It is just how IPS now.

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4 hours ago, Matt said:

This is not an issue. It is just how IPS now.


Hello Matt, thanks for the forum update, the features and new appeareance are great.


Only one request, can you make wide-screen the IPS default theme?? Because I have a 1080p screen but it doesn't use all the width (unlike the Nsane dark theme)



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8 hours ago, Matt said:

This is not an issue. It is just how IPS now.


Yeah, figured as much. I just wasn't sure what you were working on in the default theme. Never hurts to ask, though. It's no big deal.

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