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Firefox General Discussion Thread


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I made this thread so that everything related to firefox will be discussed here and keep the section clean.

I'll start by sharing an awesome add-on just like Skipscreen.

Illumitux: Skip limitations imposed by streaming plateforms. Its purpose is watching without restriction videos from MegaVideo, Veoh, MegaUpload, Rapidshare.

Tutorial/Demo: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ovaMwWzwf3I

It's still experimental but I haven't encountered any problems while using it or just by enabling it. It works with Megaupload, Skipscreen doesn't work with MU, and I've been watching Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta for 3 hours now without ever having that time limit notice.

Here are my add-ons :thumbsup:


Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page? Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them.

Adblock + Element Hiding Helper

Fight the text ads! Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier.
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Here are my add-ons for firefox 3.5.5:

For security:

adblock plus

better privacy

web of trust

Downloading tools:

down them all

easy youtube video downloader


all in one sidebar

chromifox companion

hide menu

stumble upon

For firefox theme I only use chromifox extreme

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I started a thread similar to this...THREAD .. It didn't go very far though..LOL

But I will copy my new extension list here..

A few of these changed because of some plugin changes actually, and usage.. so I no longer had the need for the extensions.. ( versions may not be exact but links are good.. copied over from another one )


1. AdblockPlus{1.1.1}.xpi -- Ads were yesterday!

2. BetterPrivacy{1.33}.xpi -- "Super-Cookie Safeguard"

3. Blackout{1.0}.xpi -- Read in the dark, black rules

4. BookmarkDuplicateDetector{1.0.1}.xpi -- Detects Duplicate Bookmarks when bookmarks are added.

5. BossKey{0.1.8}.xpi -- Add "Boss Key", Minimize/Close to tray and memory auto cleaning to Firefox.

6. CacheToggle{0.1}.xpi -- Status bar toggle button for the browser cache

7. Console{0.5}.xpi -- The next generation error console.

8. DownThemAllAntiContainer{0.6.2}.xpi -- Make the resources behind container pages easily downloadable.

9. DownThemAll{1.1.4}.xpi -- The mass downloader for Firefox.

10. FEBE{6.2}.xpi -- Backup your Firefox data

11. FasterfoxEladKarakoMod{3.1.0}.xpi -- Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.

12. FireFTP{1.0.5}.xpi -- FTP client for Mozilla Firefox.

13. ForecastbarEnhanced{0.9.6}.xpi -- Get international weather forecasts and radar images and display it in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable extension.

14. HideMenubar{1.0.20090705}.xpi -- Supports to hide your Mainmenu Toolbar automatically, you can press the ALT key to show it temporarily.

15. ImageTweak{0.18.1}.xpi -- Enhances the vision of direct images

16. JSView{2.0.5}.xpi -- View the source code of external javascripts. 17. JavaConsole{6.0.15}.xpi (global) -- (none)

18. LeetKey{1.4.3}.xpi -- Transforms typed or static text to L337, ROT13, BASE64, HEX, URL, BIN, Morse Code, DVORAK, Upper Case, Lower Case, DES.

19. Linkification{1.3.6}.xpi -- Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.

20. MRTechToolkit{}.xpi -- (Formerly Local Install) Extension, theme and other power tools for all users.

21. Microsoft.NETFrameworkAssistant{1.1}.xpi -- Adds ClickOnce support and the ability to report installed .NET versions to the web server.

22. OPIE{1.2.3}.xpi -- Import/Export extension preferences

23. SourceViewerTab{0.3.2009070701}.xpi -- Shows web page sources in tab.

24. TabMixPlus{}.xpi -- Tab browsing with an added boost.

25. UnitedStatesEnglishDictionary{3.0.3}.xpi -- English United States (en-US) spellchecking dictionary

26. WebDeveloper{1.1.8}.xpi -- Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.

27. autoHideStatusbar{0.4.3}.xpi -- auto-hide Firefox status-bar


  1. DivX Player Netscape Plugin: npDivxPlayerPlugin.dll - npdivxplayerplugin
  2. DivX Web Player: npdivx32.dll - DivX Web Player version
  3. Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla: npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll- Foxit Reader Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
  4. getPlusPlus for Adobe 16241: np_gp.dll- getplusplusadobe16241
  5. Google Talk Plugin: npgoogletalk.dll - Google Talk NPAPI Plugin
  6. HD View: nphdview.dll-
  7. Hulu Desktop: nphdplg.dll- The Hulu Desktop Plugin allows Hulu.com to integrate with the Hulu Desktop application.
  8. Java Deployment Toolkit npdeploytk.dll- NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java™ Deploy
  9. Java™ Platform SE 6 U17: npjp2.dll- Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_17 for Mozilla browsers
  10. MetaStream 3 Plugin: npViewpoint.dll- npViewpoint Plugin
  11. Microsoft Office Live Plug-in for Firefox: npOLW.dll- Office Live Update v1.4
  12. Microsoft SharedView Plugin: npsharedview.dll- npsharedview
  13. Microsoft® DRM: npdrmv2.dll- DRM Netscape Network Object
  14. Microsoft® DRM: npwmsdrm.dll- DRM Store Netscape Plugin
  15. Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin: np-mswmp.dll- np-mswmp
  16. Morgan Multimedia JPEG2000 Netscape/Mozilla PlugIn: npjp2.dll- JPEG2000 Plug-in
  17. Mozilla Default Plug-in: npnul32.dll- Default Plug-in
  18. Shockwave Flash: NPSWF32.dll- Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
  19. Shockwave for Director: np32dsw.dll- Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
  20. Silverlight Plug-In: npctrl.1.0.30401.0.dll- 3.0.40818.0
  21. Virtual Earth 3D 4.00090316005 plugin for Mozilla: npVE3D.dll- Virtual Earth 3D 4.00090316005 plugin for Mozilla
  22. Windows Genuine Advantage: npLegitCheckPlugin.dll- 1.9.0009.1
  23. Windows Live® Photo Gallery: NPWLPG.dll- NPWLPG
  24. Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library: npdsplay.dll- Npdsplay dll
  25. WPI Detector 1.1: NPWPIDetector.dll - wpidetector

All of these work well in 3.6 Beta.. about to test for 3.7 as well.. even though its still in Alpha...

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Chromifox Extreme 3.2.5 Yes

Also Yes Works with Firefox: 3.5 – 3.7a1pre :) woo hoo :rofl:

it really looks cool you guys :w00t:

You can use chromifox companion with it to really have the feel of chrome, and use all in one sidebar and hide menubar. :dance2:

This is how it should look like:


I use chromifox extreme carbon .... just to match the dark colored windowblinds theme I have. :)


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  1. DivX Player Netscape Plugin: npDivxPlayerPlugin.dll - npdivxplayerplugin
  2. DivX Web Player: npdivx32.dll - DivX Web Player version
  3. Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla: npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll- Foxit Reader Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
  4. getPlusPlus for Adobe 16241: np_gp.dll- getplusplusadobe16241
  5. Google Talk Plugin: npgoogletalk.dll - Google Talk NPAPI Plugin
  6. HD View: nphdview.dll-
  7. Hulu Desktop: nphdplg.dll- The Hulu Desktop Plugin allows Hulu.com to integrate with the Hulu Desktop application.
  8. Java Deployment Toolkit npdeploytk.dll- NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java™ Deploy
  9. Java™ Platform SE 6 U17: npjp2.dll- Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_17 for Mozilla browsers
  10. MetaStream 3 Plugin: npViewpoint.dll- npViewpoint Plugin
  11. Microsoft Office Live Plug-in for Firefox: npOLW.dll- Office Live Update v1.4
  12. Microsoft SharedView Plugin: npsharedview.dll- npsharedview
  13. Microsoft® DRM: npdrmv2.dll- DRM Netscape Network Object
  14. Microsoft® DRM: npwmsdrm.dll- DRM Store Netscape Plugin
  15. Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin: np-mswmp.dll- np-mswmp
  16. Morgan Multimedia JPEG2000 Netscape/Mozilla PlugIn: npjp2.dll- JPEG2000 Plug-in
  17. Mozilla Default Plug-in: npnul32.dll- Default Plug-in
  18. Shockwave Flash: NPSWF32.dll- Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
  19. Shockwave for Director: np32dsw.dll- Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
  20. Silverlight Plug-In: npctrl.1.0.30401.0.dll- 3.0.40818.0
  21. Virtual Earth 3D 4.00090316005 plugin for Mozilla: npVE3D.dll- Virtual Earth 3D 4.00090316005 plugin for Mozilla
  22. Windows Genuine Advantage: npLegitCheckPlugin.dll- 1.9.0009.1
  23. Windows Live® Photo Gallery: NPWLPG.dll- NPWLPG
  24. Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library: npdsplay.dll- Npdsplay dll
  25. WPI Detector 1.1: NPWPIDetector.dll - wpidetector

All of these work well in 3.6 Beta.. about to test for 3.7 as well.. even though its still in Alpha...

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I have 2GB and a 1.7 GHz Celeron.. not any problems with it.. Plus BossKey minimizes to 100 MB tops when activated...The only thing I run into is with my video card 64 MB...and the Processor.. but memory isn't bad.. and I monitor it in real-time with Samurize..

Thanks for the extension suggestion as well.. but I also use Mr Tech for several other mods of the browser as well..They ever work out the problem between updates and having the Extension Manager and Download Manager in the same window I will be happy..LOL .. Right now or whatever reason it won't retrieve updates proper with it, last I checked..I have my source viewer in the same window.. ( they are all supposed to act as tabs.. ) and would like to technically get them all that way..

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Oh, well have it installed to view the documents themselves that are linked instead of written into the page.. and it allows you to view them in your browser so.. I don't know about security. I have WebDeveloper which s great for that.. but JSView just extends that a little farther...Source Code viewing can help divulge information about 'how did they do that? OR even why is that page acting that way.. it can help in tracking down many issues.. when developing a page ..and overall this is just a list of what I have installed and have done so for awhile.. I have been thinking about doing a collections at the site..

As far as my Plugins being 'up to spec' I do quite thorough research as far as that is concerned.. a few of those work directly into the programs that I use.. and more than Likely I am going to have updates as son as they are up at their hone sites.. I never stated a problem.. and don't have one...There are a quite a few more out there but I don't really need them..There are probably one or two that actually might be used once every three months or so.. another that may not be used at all.. but they are there to serve their purpose and case no issues..

Sorry to freak everyone out with my Plugins..LOL..:lmao: .. BOO!..LOL

This is also one of the reasons I always suggest digging into your system and making sure everything is up to par, though.. old files hanging around can cause issues... So sometimes if you having a problem there is usually a reason.. and it can usually be tracked down..

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Just thought I'd ask it here.

Is there a good 'replacement' in regard to compatibility for Menu Mod / Menu Editor? As I know those 2 haven't really been updated recently... I prefer MenuMod over Menu Editor.

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I've tried that on my end (Desktop) and it works, was just asking for a possible alternative without the use of an additional add-on.

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Does that allow for editing the Context Menu's as well like Menu Mod?

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You know this would be a good thing for me too.. I had three addons.. Menu Editor..autoHideStatusbar, and Hide Menubar..put that into one.. and I would be good.. I got rid of Menu Editor .. wish I had not because now my Shortcut Keys have issues for targeting what I want.. and one of those up there has a cross-extension incompatibility issue.. or did have..I would like to hide all icons too..

I found one called Personal Menu.. when I was looking at the mods for changing FF over to Minefield UI.. Didn't really look too far into it though.

I guess when I have time I am going to have search everywhere..

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I gave Personal Menu a look, just not for me... As I would like to not only hide some of the menu items, but at the same time edit the Context Menu items as well.. And I don't want to have to install multiple add-on's whne I can just have it all in one (MenuMod)

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Does that allow for editing the Context Menu's as well like Menu Mod?

No, Maybe they'll get updated when 3.6 turns RC. BTW the "Show/Hide Entire Menu bar with F2" doesn't work on mine while Speed Dial was turned on.

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Shall give that a shot and see... as I know IDM CC 6.8 just came out and I tried with FF 3.6B3 and still no luck, so shall try that (Above) and see if anything.



SWEET, I think the above worked sicne I just installed 3.6 B 4, and it's working nicely.

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