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Cann't Login using Old IDs


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Same here, i logged in a few days ago but tonight I had to make a new profile. NBD been a member here for years, just good to be back on again

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First of all: everyone is (or was) excited to see nsaneforums online again. However that excitement is now replaced by frustration (again!):

-within 1 day the forum was offline again

-when it came back online again none of the old users were able to visit the site after logon

-more and more of us decided to post about it here:

-all of us expected some kind of explanation from staff but nothing; not on twitter and fb or in that topic or on FP of nsanedown


So what we want is this:

1-explanation from staff about what is REALLY happening? We just don't believe what's been told on FP of nsanedown

2-is nsaneforums hacked or not?

3-why not start rebuilding nsane from scratch?

4-if IPB is so buggy why not switch to SMF?


All we want from staff is a real explanation about what is happening; we don't want lies!


Please reply!!!!!

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2 hours ago, p4psb_bis said:

I totally agree with ex-Skunk1966.


Come on, tells us what is happening please


pls help us staff. THX

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How long will you try out THE IMPOSSIBLE  ?

PLEASE  :beg:  dump and leave all that old  :shit:  behind and start fresh, I mean absolutely from scratch.

Then there won't be any obstacles/excuses for adopting a NEW, BETTER, FORUM SOFTWARE ! 

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Do I need to repeat THE OBVIOUS ?   It's pretty borring ....

Ok, ok .... so:   THE SAME HERE !


Yet I don't wish to have this "emergency" account deleted after "issue is solved".

I simply don't trust any of those "fixes" as long as we are ruled by IPB :shit: .

Well, I would say, I almost expect simmilar problems in future and prefer to stay prepeared, just in case.

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Guest Please, hit your pause btn

With so many users on here, answering one question or giving an explanation, leads to 10 other questions, this wastes time... let admins focus, stop the conspiracy theories of hacks and crap, chill out with temp accounts or public access.


Some people really have no idea how much work is involved in creating a forum from scratch plus with the backend systems that this existing site has developed and added over many years - no doubt there would be the "why can't I do this or that anymore" type issues that show no respect to the tech people.


It disheartens me to read what i am reading, there is clearly a db issue with user accounts and we do not know how many people are able to access such sensitive data, therefore, it will take time for things to get back to normal, please give admins space to make sure things are done properly, after all, without the site, you already know how crappy "out there" is.

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The site is running by individuals this is not some big company that is required to give you answers and explanations. These people can close site and forum forever if they want. We should be happy its back and I know a site is running slow and they have problems with server and IPB forum. To move to another forum and server all that things requires money and time. This forum has huge database and migrating to another forum would require a lot of time and experienced people do do it. Admins and owners are busy in real life this was they site they created when they were young and passioned about it but now times pass people get busy in real life and problems.


Just accept how is it and hope for better :)

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Yes I seen this post  yesterday , why would you bother making up a new name for a site  that been down for 2 months  . Give them time to sort out the bugs  there fixing it they just got the site back online  . We were gone for 2 months  you can wait another 24 hours without  logging in .

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