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Windows 10 has an undocumented certificate pinning feature


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After getting to play with Windows 10 for a few hours, something unexpected caught my attention.


Hey, there's some new stuff in there - a third, undocumented CTL!
Googling for 'PinRulesEncodedCtl' turned up nothing at all. The first few bytes of the binary data (30 82 .. .. 06 09 2a 86 48) looked familiar though: it was probably ASN.1 encoded data, just like the other two well-documented CTLs. That meant I could probably just feed the blob into my existing tools for quick and painless decoding.


Success! We get a nice list of 152 Microsoft-owned domains.


Subject Identifier: .files-df.1drv.com
Subject Identifier: .files.1drv.com
Subject Identifier: .aadrm.com
Subject Identifier: .afx.ms
Subject Identifier: .akadns.net
Subject Identifier: .aspnetcdn.com
Subject Identifier: .azure-int.net
Subject Identifier: .azure-mobile.net
Subject Identifier: .azure.com
Subject Identifier: .cloudapp.azure.com
Subject Identifier: azure.com
Subject Identifier: .azure.net
Subject Identifier: .cloudapp.azure.net
Subject Identifier: .azureedge.net
Subject Identifier: .azurewebsites.net
Subject Identifier: .bing-exp.com
Subject Identifier: .bing-int.com
Subject Identifier: .bing.com
Subject Identifier: bing.com
Subject Identifier: download.cortana.cn.bing.com
Subject Identifier: .bing.net
Subject Identifier: .ceipmsn.com
Subject Identifier: .cloudapp.net
Subject Identifier: .codeplex.com
Subject Identifier: .discoverbing.com
Subject Identifier: .getmicrosoftkey.com
Subject Identifier: .gfx-int.ms
Subject Identifier: gfx-int.ms
Subject Identifier: .gfx.ms
Subject Identifier: .healthvault-ppe.co.uk
Subject Identifier: .healthvault-ppe.com
Subject Identifier: healthvault-ppe.com
Subject Identifier: .healthvault.co.uk
Subject Identifier: .healthvault.com
Subject Identifier: .hotmail-int.com
Subject Identifier: hotmail.co.uk
Subject Identifier: .hotmail.com
Subject Identifier: hotmail.com
Subject Identifier: iespdytst
Subject Identifier: ieta-wa-24
Subject Identifier: .live-int.com
Subject Identifier: .live-int.net
Subject Identifier: .live-partner.com
Subject Identifier: .live-ppe.net
Subject Identifier: .live.com
Subject Identifier: .live.fi
Subject Identifier: live.fi
Subject Identifier: .live.net
Subject Identifier: .livefilestore-int.com
Subject Identifier: .livefilestore.com
Subject Identifier: .livemeeting.com
Subject Identifier: .lync.com
Subject Identifier: .mesh.com
Subject Identifier: .mgmt.live
Subject Identifier: .microsoft-int.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: .redmond.corp.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: download.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: iespdytst.redmond.corp.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: powerusers-staging.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: powerusers.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: watson.telemetry.microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoft.com.au
Subject Identifier: .microsoft.com.tr
Subject Identifier: .microsoft.fr
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline-int.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline-p-int.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline-p.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline-p.net
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftonline.net
Subject Identifier: .microsoftprime.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftstore.com
Subject Identifier: za.microsoftstore.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftstore.com.br
Subject Identifier: .microsoftstore.com.cn
Subject Identifier: .microsoftstore.com.hk
Subject Identifier: .microsofttranslator.com
Subject Identifier: .microsoftvirtualacademy.com
Subject Identifier: .modern.ie
Subject Identifier: modern.ie
Subject Identifier: .msads.net
Subject Identifier: .vo.msecnd.net
Subject Identifier: .msgamestudios.com
Subject Identifier: .msn-int.com
Subject Identifier: .msn.cn
Subject Identifier: .msn.co.jp
Subject Identifier: .msn.com
Subject Identifier: .msn.com.cn
Subject Identifier: .msocdn.com
Subject Identifier: .firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com
Subject Identifier: .office-int.com
Subject Identifier: office-int.com
Subject Identifier: .office-int.net
Subject Identifier: .office.com
Subject Identifier: office.com
Subject Identifier: .office.net
Subject Identifier: .office365.com
Subject Identifier: .officeppe.com
Subject Identifier: .officeppe.net
Subject Identifier: .onedrive.com
Subject Identifier: onedrive.com
Subject Identifier: .onenote.com
Subject Identifier: onenote.com
Subject Identifier: .onenote.net
Subject Identifier: outlook-int.com
Subject Identifier: .outlook.com
Subject Identifier: 003-1-d.outlook.com
Subject Identifier: 003-1-d.prod.outlook.com
Subject Identifier: outlook.com
Subject Identifier: pod71084-pri.outlook.com
Subject Identifier: pod71084.outlook.com
Subject Identifier: .pfx.ms
Subject Identifier: .s-microsoft.com
Subject Identifier: .s-msft.com
Subject Identifier: .s-msn.com
Subject Identifier: .sfx-df.ms
Subject Identifier: .sfx-int.ms
Subject Identifier: .sfx.ms
Subject Identifier: .sharepoint.com
Subject Identifier: .sharepointonline.com
Subject Identifier: .skype.com
Subject Identifier: community-stage.skype.com
Subject Identifier: .skype.net
Subject Identifier: .skypeassets.com
Subject Identifier: .sqlazurelabs.com
Subject Identifier: .surface.com
Subject Identifier: .syncxp.net
Subject Identifier: .trouter.io
Subject Identifier: .virtualearth.net
Subject Identifier: .visualstudio.com
Subject Identifier: visualstudio.com
Subject Identifier: .windows-int.net
Subject Identifier: .windows.com
Subject Identifier: insidersurveys.windows.com
Subject Identifier: www.insidersurveys.windows.com
Subject Identifier: .windows.net
Subject Identifier: .windowsazure.com
Subject Identifier: .windowsmedia.com
Subject Identifier: .windowsphone-int.com
Subject Identifier: .windowsphone-int.net
Subject Identifier: .windowsphone.com
Subject Identifier: .windowsphone.net
Subject Identifier: .windowssearch.com
Subject Identifier: .windowsstore.com
Subject Identifier: .wlxrs.com
Subject Identifier: .xbox.com
Subject Identifier: .xboxlive.com
Subject Identifier: .zune.net


Also, the lastsync timestamp (2016-09-24 14:22:44 UTC) shows that this list is being regularly updated.

So this very much looks like evidence of an active system-wide certificate pinning mechanism protecting against MITM attacks on high-value Microsoft domains. Which, per se, is a good thing! Some official documentation would be nice, though.


Edit 1 (2016-09-24): This seems to be - at least partially - related to Telemetry, as briefly mentioned at the only page I could find: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/itpro/windows/manage/configure-windows-telemetry-in-your-organization


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