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Welcome back Nsane


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Guest Best wishes from a guest

As a guest, I drop in and see what you`re all up to on a regular basis, so noticed when nsane was inaccessible for a while.


Glad to see things are getting back to normal - and my best wishes to the admin and staff having a very difficult time in certain parts of the world.

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This site is one of my favorites ( nr 1 Favorite !) , always got a lot of help of my comrades of this site ,and always gave me a good feeling if I could help another comrade with PC-problems .:D

I sincerely do hope everything will be OK soon.............:cheers:

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C.G.B. Spender

Thanks for your work on getting the site back up!


Also KAT didn;t get shut down because of FB page (though using FB is what gives you cancer), KAT got shut down because it's owner profited from re-uploading all the torrents to paid file locker services, at least that's what I heard and am prone to believe. Profit not going into the pocket of wealthy holywood sacks of human refuse is and will most likely remain the only reason to shut down torrent sites.


What makes me believe this is the fact that I've been using several other private / public torrent sites over the last years and they're still up with new content added regularly. See, as long as the owners of the site aren't profiting from it, they do basically free advertisement for holywood products and holywood aint gonna shut down free advertisement service.


Put up ad banners, "donation" or what not  and it's completely different story - you're sure to be shut down sooner or later. Which in the end is sort of good, because "true" "pirates" are about sharing, not profit (although historically that's exactly what pirates were about and that's why holywood and all the copyright trolls insist on using the pirate semantics).


Just my opinion anyway.

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  • Administrator

Looks like shought has fixed the FP database issue.


But still, incase the site is not working, do remember my previous post. For the issue to be fully fixed, it will take more 5-7 days I think.

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Would be nice to have some kind of communication "backup" site, where everyone would know what is going on in the background.


Or you guys know about such a place, were you talking with each other in some form while nsane was down? :) 


Its not too good to only have "F5 every hour" 'till it works again...

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God I missed nsane. I'm glad you guys are back, thank you DKT for your dedication. That said, you guys really need to update on Facebook when the forum is down. We'd worry a lot less that way :P

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Welcome back guys,its good to see you back.I even thought that for some reason south-east Europe been cut off!!!tried in Bulgaria and  Greece as well -no access.Now its OK.Nice,keep going folks!!!

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welcome back, now its time for beer :)


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