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Mine is extremely light, but undoubtedly powerful.

Here is my setup:




Sandboxie (custom rules)

(A2, SAS, MBAM used rarely, on demand)

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Thats asking what the best combination of software is. I'm asking what you use to secure your computer.

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Comodo Internet Security




& should I also include:

Auslogics Boostspeed


simple set-up actually!

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Avira Premium Security Suite + Shadow Defender on my lappy

NIS2009 only on my desktop.

Invunerable to all attacks! ;)

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I use these:

Software: Norton Internet Security 2010 Beta

Website: Virustotal.com

Browser: Firefox with Adblock Plus (ABP)

Encryption: BitLocker To Go

Other: Software firewall built-in to my router

Other: Common Sense!

I haven't had a virus for many years... :win:


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ESET Nod32 AV only.

MBAM Full version.

Comodo Firewall.

On-demand - Microsoft Malicious Removal Tool and Norton.

Website scan - VirusTotal.

Gonna use sandboxie after sometime.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Eset v4 (AV)

Ad-Aware pro (AS and registry shield)

Outpost firewall pro

Spybot S&D for scaning

But I'm thinking to move from this setup to another more robust...(I made some leaktests and I'm not pleased with my setup against Rootkits) :think:

Pd: I also use Sandboxie but I don't think it's a security software...

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Router with firewall

CommView for monitoring Internet activity 

Norton 360


and me :battle:

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My new setup:

Malware Defender (custom rules...thanks demoneye)

Sandboxie (for starting pretty much EVERYTHING into sandbox)

Iobit 360 (on demand)

MBAM (on demand)


Host files changed

Random custom tweaks to my liking. haha

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I use my level 80 NOD32 Mage alone :battle:

Sometimes I bring out my level 2 MBAM Paladin for manual scans.

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I use my level 80 NOD32 Mage alone :battle:

Sometimes I bring out my level 2 MBAM Paladin for manual scans.

I'm using my SSJ Level 3 to battle the dark forces of malware :tooth:

May the force be with you. :D

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Uhm so far so good.. I haven't tested throwing anything at it but thus far I am surfing fine.. It IS VERY DETAILED in the activity between files.. almost like Comodo...took forever to update it..I am anxious to see if its as good as ESET is at detecting code.. The settings are a little different, but I mean I am an ESS person after all.. With two engines.. it performs like it is not even there.. Updating the first time a little intensive..but after that fine, and I have two more levels in which I can optimize the programs activity.. Plus I have a personal data safe which is cool...

Thus far I am totally :thumbsup: we will have to see though.. It scored higher than ESET...but a controlled environment is much different from mine..LOL..Funny thing is I almost ver got rid or ekern.exe..and half of ESS still resides in my system.. and I backed up my settings just in case..I must do a defrag now after the install, quick registry clean..

The UI for the popups could be a little better.. I loved ESET's, this one, especially with my minimal dark style is a little rough, well not rough..I think its the square buttons...

EDIT: I still have not made it all the way through the settings I still have to do a full scan, create a boot disc, check the tuner, and go through backup and see whats there..

EDIT2: Well IF I ever get past my first scan I will be doing good.. Let you know what it finds.. so far it has found a few things..Harmless stuff though..@ DLL's from Samurize ( CPUTemp.dll, and MBMTemp.dll both supposed to be used to monitor motherboard and CPU temperatures ) Several configs state that they have to have it, infected with a YahooSpy..something, and found a Generic Trojan that has never given me any issues..in FontExplorer.exe...I think that it is possible that this is a false positive.. because of the program activity..we will see if I can find it anywhere..

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ok its giving false positives,but all AVs have that problem.i think u should look into the Fontexplorer.exe thing,it looks suspicious.

Tell me if its light on resources,like how it affects the

system boot time and how unresponsive the system is when

its scanning compared to ESET and Norton.

To check the detection and removal rate u wll have to b patient

with the software,let it be there for a month or two...

after u have checked it out completely..lol...i wll also give it a try.. :D

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LOL.. so I am the guinea pig.. thats what I get for wondering why is nobody using it.. its at the to of the list..

Well, it FontExpert.exe, BTW..and I also picked up an EXE file in the HUD 1.8, 2.0, and Taboo versions for Rainmeter.. The exe is written to execute a file ( fileEXEC.exe ), and I have found that sloppy code and incorrect form will trip AV's.. This file, the two DLL's, and the cracked FontExpert.. were tampered with, written and packaged incorrectly ... and when it says. GENERIC.. its not a name.. its simply picking something up with advanced Heuristics..which if I am right actually scans the internal file code... so t gets tripped..The FontExpert thing I would love to change from it to a serial, but I don't think too many people believe in it.. I love it.. plus I think the problem may come form the interaction with Explorer.exe... You can temporarily enable disable fonts, and several other tasks that interact with sensitive areas of Windows..So Iam going to check the originl file before I make ANY assumptions either way.

Little update.. I am still SCANNING! I have had to restart thre times by pushing the power button my computer, for some reason when I went Deviantart.com last night and today it set off my Firewall..and cut connection.. I actually had to turn it off to get here..First it happened in FF3, then with Chrome, both times looking for a new icon for GDATA..for the main folder in my Start Menu.. I think this has to do with something I have set, two problems.. I had this happen when I first got ESET4.. so no biggy, but the issue is with this program they are called by like nicknames.. none of them make any sense.. I have to find out which ones represent ARP and DNS Poisoning .. and go fro there.. plus I am not to confident my firewall is obeying me.. like I want it to..This area may just fail it for me.. if this program WILL NOT pay attention to my settings.. then we have a big problem..and if its keeps adapting them.. I mean you can have good protection but some of it CAN be too much.. I mean even I can pull the plug on the lan and shut off my wireless card..Anyway the whole PC locks down when your under attack..not quite as smooth as ESET..but there may be a reason..

I want to make it through the scan ( reported to take 6 Hours ) this mean System files, a Rootkit check from hell.. which I tried initially going through each thing to check it out..( I aborted and went the whole thing ), and then the Virus Check.. with both A and B engines..I actually have advanced to 80% writing this.. ( not from 0 more like 67 or so )..( four scans in one )..One hour left.. So far 4 files..I know what they are..no big surprises...BUT they were never hit on by ESET. The system seems about the same as ESS.. as far as taxing your resources.. may even be a little lighter..if I was running with one engine it would be lighter..

Anyone has any advise on the firewall names and what they mean.. please by all means let me know..

One thing I do not like and I almost forgot,unless you whitelist a site, or set a maximum scanning size.. When you say hit a file server.. It will download the file and scan it, then you can download it.. tried this with Flash Video on Last.fm and Deposit Files both. So if you put it in the Whitelist it won't be scanned, unless you put it in a drive that has active monitoring.. I download to one that doesn't, and I usually have it monitor everything coming in..to keep things clean, or give me a chance on whether I want to be infected or not..LOL.. so anyway.. I didn't really like that part.. but I think I can make it work..It will still scan anything linked, or coming in contact with explorer.exe regardless..Oh yeah and when it detects an infection it gives you a page that says the page has been blocked by GDATA..It also installs a filter extension into Firefox..

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