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Forum Upgrade Bugs


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If you guys have some CSS tweaks for any of the themes I'd be happy to take a look at them and see whether I can include them ;) 


I'm not a graphic designer, but I try my best. 

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2 hours ago, dcs18 said:

The flag that I had opted for, was working — now, it has stopped working. :think:


On your profile it says 'Country: Nothing Selected'. Hence no flag shows.

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Just now, shought said:
2 hours ago, dcs18 said:

The flag that I had opted for, was working — now, it has stopped working. :think:

On your profile it says 'Country: Nothing Selected'. Hence no flag shows.

My bad.

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14 minutes ago, shought said:

If you guys have some CSS tweaks for any of the themes I'd be happy to take a look at them and see whether I can include them ;) 


I'm not a graphic designer, but I try my best. 

this is by no means finished, just a few minutes of tinkering so there might be some overlapping classes and some things that look odd, but it shows the idea. posted because i have to run now.

  .ipsNavBar_primary,.ipsPagination,.ipsButton,.ipsButton_medium,.ipsButton_fullWidth,.ipsButton_important,.ipsButton_like,.ipsButton_alternate,.ipsButtonBar {
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(#444444, #181818) !important;


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13 minutes ago, VileTouch said:

this is by no means finished, just a few minutes of tinkering so there might be some overlapping classes and some things that look odd, but it shows the idea. posted because i have to run now.

  .ipsNavBar_primary,.ipsPagination,.ipsButton,.ipsButton_medium,.ipsButton_fullWidth,.ipsButton_important,.ipsButton_like,.ipsButton_alternate,.ipsButtonBar {
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(#444444, #181818) !important;



Thanks, this looks nice, made some changes to the Dark theme ;)

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23 minutes ago, VileTouch said:

this is by no means finished, just a few minutes of tinkering so there might be some overlapping classes and some things that look odd, but it shows the idea. posted because i have to run now.

  .ipsNavBar_primary,.ipsPagination,.ipsButton,.ipsButton_medium,.ipsButton_fullWidth,.ipsButton_important,.ipsButton_like,.ipsButton_alternate,.ipsButtonBar {
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(#444444, #181818) !important;


Screenshot/s please (whenever you find the time) — if possible.

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4 minutes ago, hihello said:

Missing features:

  1. There is no option to edit Member title in profile settings.

Account Settings >> Edit Profile ;)

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4 hours ago, dcs18 said:

Screenshot/s please (whenever you find the time) — if possible.





these were to show the effects of a slight gradient on certain elements of the style. though i see shought used even better colors already.


so here's the same gradient  (with the current colors) compatible with every browser. (just drop it in the appropriate class group)

background: #2d2d2d; /* Old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #2d2d2d 0%, #212121 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #2d2d2d 0%,#212121 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #2d2d2d 0%,#212121 100%); /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#2d2d2d', endColorstr='#212121',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */




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12 minutes ago, hihello said:
28 minutes ago, dcs18 said:
35 minutes ago, hihello said:

Missing features:

  1. There is no option to edit Member title in profile settings.
  2. Popular Tags sidebar is missing.

Account Settings >> Edit Profile ;)

Not present.

Thought you were referring to the following:—

    <<C o n f i g u r a t o r>>

        The Perfectionist

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3 minutes ago, VileTouch said:




these were to show the effects of a slight gradient on certain elements of the style. though i see shought used even better colors already.


so here's the same gradient  (with the current colors) compatible with every browser. (just drop it in the appropriate class group)

background: #2d2d2d; /* Old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #2d2d2d 0%, #212121 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #2d2d2d 0%,#212121 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #2d2d2d 0%,#212121 100%); /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#2d2d2d', endColorstr='#212121',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */


Oh yes, nice — was hoping to have a closer look at the results of the gradient part only (I like it.)

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6 minutes ago, dcs18 said:


Thought you were referring to the following:—

    <<C o n f i g u r a t o r>>

        The Perfectionist


Yes, I was referring to the same thing.

Can you post the screenshot of that setting?

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9 minutes ago, hihello said:
16 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Thought you were referring to the following:—

    <<C o n f i g u r a t o r>>

        The Perfectionist

Yes, I was referring to the same thing.

Can you post the screenshot of that setting?

For a full screen view, click the following image and then click Full Size (at the bottom-left-hand side corner):—


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1) Premise: before forum upgrade there was not this problem.


Now if i enable this: QYHvqBk.png?1


all javascript functions don't work anymore like Notifications, etc..


2) where is the preview button?

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25 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

For a full screen view, click the following image and then click Full Size (at the bottom-left-hand side corner):—








I had removed the member title (left blank) in my profile before the forum was upgraded.That must have caused this.





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I fixed the favicon issue today.


I've changed the rules regarding editing of member titles.


I will look into restoring the post preview functionality, I understand it can be helpful and it doesn't use much if any server resources.

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1 minute ago, shought said:

I fixed the favicon issue today.


I've changed the rules regarding editing of member titles.


I will look into restoring the post preview functionality, I understand it can be helpful and it doesn't use much if any server resources.


Can you look to this please?


1) Premise: before forum upgrade there was not this problem.


Now if i enable this: 



all javascript functions don't work anymore like Notifications, etc..

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It is easy - site icon is needed upload to the root folder on the server and not use the upload system.

If use upload system, then all files will get new name, but all browser looks for favicon.ico, which usually located in root folder.

For example: 

usually it is 
<link rel='shortcut icon' href='http://www.nsaneforums.com/favicon.ico'>
or simply
<link rel='shortcut icon' href='favicon.ico'>
But here it is:
<link rel='shortcut icon' href='http://www.nsaneforums.com/uploads/monthly_2015_12/favicon.ico.160820f6b48380dfdab14bcbb10429cc.ico'>

And the error is very easy to correct.

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11 minutes ago, jamesDDI said:


Can you look to this please?

all javascript functions don't work anymore like Notifications, etc..


You can't really expect IPS or nsane.forums to support experimental features, can you? If you enable experimental features and this breaks our website, you shouldn't enable experimental features...


5 minutes ago, Kalju said:

It is easy - site icon is needed upload to the root folder on the server and not use the upload system.

If use upload system, then all files will get new name, but all browser looks for favicon.ico, which usually located in root folder.


It is now in both locations, that should work for all scenario's ;)

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41 minutes ago, shought said:

I've changed the rules regarding editing of member titles.


What is the new rule regarding member title?

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