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Microsoft Addresses Windows 10 Privacy Claims with New Prompts in Build 10568


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Users are now notified when files could be sent to Microsoft

The privacy issue in Windows 10 is still far from being resolved, but Microsoft is apparently looking into methods to involve users more in the way their data is collected and sent to the company, so build 10568, which has recently got leaked, comes with some changes in this regard.

As Twitter user @gus33000 has spotted, now, when you download some files and Windows Defender is running on your system (this means that you didn’t disable its service and no third-party security app was installed), the operating system prompts you to send file information to Microsoft for scanning.

Previously, malware data detected by Windows Defender was submitted automatically to Microsoft to help protect other Windows 10 systems, so the company might be working on some changes that would let users decide if they want to send this information or not.

Options to disable automatic sample submission and configure Windows Defender in Windows 10 are already available in the Settings screen, but this is the first time such prompts show up, which clearly gives users more control over their files.

No private data sent to Microsoft

Terry Myerson, head of the Windows division at Microsoft, explained in late September that, while Windows 10 indeed sent some information to the company, none of these details were actually personal.

Error data, anonymous device ID and type are indeed submitted for further analyzing, but names, email addresses, and account IDs stay right there on your PC.

“We collect a limited amount of information to help us provide a secure and reliable experience. Our enterprise feature updates later this year will enable enterprise customers the option to disable this telemetry, but we strongly recommend against this,” Myerson went on to say.

For the moment, Microsoft is still tweaking privacy settings in Windows 10, so expect more changes to occur in the coming builds before the next big update for the OS sees daylight in November.


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That I can find they have not addressed these very issues that were added to windows 7/8.1 shortly after the release of windows 10. And the fact I don't trust a word that comes out of any microsoft spokesman anymore means research will need to be done to see if what they say is true. I don't believe that they needed 58 different connections if they were just sampling the little bit of data they are now claiming they were getting. They are trying to spin everything now because people aren't buying their BS they have been spewing about how great the new windows 10 is supposed to be.

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This is why when you install Winblows 10 currently you make sure to do a clean install, use Custom settings to turn off all data sending applications, go Settings>Privacy and change the setting to BASIC for sending information to M$ and then use a program like Shutup10 or WinTweaker 10 and disable Cortana and all data sending and telemetry privacy settings via the app and turn off Windows Defender. Then reboot and install an A/V suite of your choice (with Defenfer Off).

Also use Powershell (admin) to remove all un-necessary apps that bloat the system that are not needed. Just leave Windows Store for stability purposes. Then you have a clean O/S with privacy and bloatware removed.

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The only way you could get information that doesnt come from microsoft spokesperson is leaks from wzor that information is not concrete by itself where else you going to get this research hack into microsoft servers and find out yourself onlly way and I dont think you can or can you.

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