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Does anyone know if I can create a backup of Office Pro (retail) 2016 from my DESKTOP, and restore the backup to my LAPTOP and have Office Pro 2016 on both of my PCs?


THINK I have the retail version, I'm not sure how to check.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2015/8/7 at 1:24 PM, Kalju said:

NB! Before You will use MSActBackUp 1.0.8, be sure that Malwarebytes Anti Malware and the other anti-virus programs are completely switched off .
(Others AV I have not tested it, but MBAM blocks the job and the result is zero.)

I never had problem using MSActBackUp 1.0.8 to save/backup activation of an activated Windows with Malwarebytes Anti Malware Premium and Windows Defender on. After upgrading to Windows 10 Enterprise version 1511, build 10586 and the activation has not been successfully restored I was unable to select a product from the product list via by clicking on the product or the check box, and the Save Activation button is grey out. In another word, I had problem using MSActBackUp 1.0.8 to save/backup activation only if Windows is not activated. Another member palmpre3 had the same problem when upgrading to Windows 10 build 10586. He asked me "How do you backup with v1.0.8? the 'save activation' is grayed out. and nothing can be changed in the backup UI... :(". I don't know why and can only guess it maybe because Windows is deactivated and this tool required at least Windows is activated in order to save activation even if other product like Office is activated? Another problem with MSActBackUp 1.0.8 is that it sometimes failed to restore activation. You may find details at http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/249501-windows-10-rtm-activation-via-phone-or-kms/?do=findComment&comment=1028017.


Thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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On 2015/8/7 at 0:31 AM, november_ra1n said:

ABBA-Thank You For The Music http://stream.get-tune.net/file/1683861/Wjh6OU9pNTV6ZU5XUUI5NnpRTHFkZVJORWFkK0Q1eHRLL2RxZkdtVDVhRXRHTWM3MDVUWnBwLzE0T2hwTEljNnh5UmJmVG0xczlZTzBnOW9CVmhCaXltdW55TGRpd09IbldCNFJYV29zWG1zcENsU3NrSk14UDMrSGUyTGc2bnM/ABBA-Thank-You-For-the-Music_(get-tune.net).mp3









I have experienced problems with all these three methods case by case. The outcomes are so weird and confusing. I've posted the details at http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/249501-windows-10-rtm-activation-via-phone-or-kms/?do=findComment&comment=1028017. Maybe these methods needed to be updated to be compatible with Windows 10 Enterprise version 1511, build 10586? Or anybody can help us solve the problems there?

Thank you in advance and wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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7 minutes ago, vibranium said:

This could be a bug of Win10 enterprise. It sure doesn't look like a deliberate feature.

I think so too because its behaviors are so different from case to case and so weird. I never saw these weird behaviors before.

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On 2015/8/7 at 1:00 PM, GaMeOveR said:

MSActBackUp Portable by Ratiborus not work on my Windows 10 Pro.


I used Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager for backup [Office 2013 + Windows 10 Pro]

Hi GaMeOveR,


I can't find an option in Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager to backup activation of Windows or Office. Do I miss something? Can you please share a little detail with us about how to back activation of Windows or Office using Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager? A tutorial would be better.


Thank you and merry Christmas!

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Hey Guys,


I recently replaced my Internal HDD which had a windows 10 th2 activated using the windows 8.1 upgrade process.

After installing the new windows 10 th2 on my new installed SSD, activation fails with the below error:



"Activation failed because this device does not have a valid digital entitlement or product key. Error code:0x803F7001" 


to note that I took a backup before the migration using MSActBackup backup tool and I tried using the manual restore by replacing the spp file under C:\windows\system32 to no success.

Do you think the issue lies with the fact that the hardware changed on the notebook and also my old hdd is yet holding the windows 10 (not yet formated), could it be that the Digital Entitlement is getting info that the key is already used on another copy and yet activation exceeded.


PLEASE HELP me solve this issue and not end up buying a new copy of windows 10.

Windows 10 Activation.png

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If you have digital entitlement, upgrading to an SSD should mean that you still have the entitlement.


Try a fresh install on the SSD and remove the OS from the HDD. Why waste all that space with old files floating around, if you won't use them in a dual boot?



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On 12/26/2015 at 3:46 PM, vibranium said:

If you have digital entitlement, upgrading to an SSD should mean that you still have the entitlement.


Try a fresh install on the SSD and remove the OS from the HDD. Why waste all that space with old files floating around, if you won't use them in a dual boot?



Hey Man,


I already applied a fresh installation on the new SSD, however still windows is not activated and now I'm faced with the option to buy the copy from the store.

Do you think that I need to delete windows partition on my old HDD to get it activated ?



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I don't know why this glitch is happening. The OS on the second HDD shouldn't affect activation but like I said if it is not needed by not just delete it?


If that doesn't work follow loquillo's advice, installing Home instead of Ult.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When using MSActBackup (1.0.8), the SPP.HIV, WPA.HIV are missing in stored files. And of course, I can't restore the activation. I am on Windows 10 Enterprise 10240 MAK (-P9XR4). Any idea what could be the root cause? Other key (-2WF8R) on other PC has no problem backing up and restoring. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎2015‎年‎8‎月‎7‎日 at 3:31 PM, november_ra1n said:

Manual Backup/Restore Activation

Backup Activation:
1. Enable Show hidden files, folders and drivers to order to see and save all activation backup files

Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization

Then Checked Show hidden files, folders and drivers

2. Go to this location below and save entire spp folder in somewhere safe in your other hard drive, partition or usb stick DVD etc....


Restore Activation:
1. Reboot Windows in Safe mode and easiest way is by using msconfig via Run.


2. Choose the Boot tab and then Safe boot-Minimal, apply and restart when prompted reboot


3. Click Restart PC IN Safe mode


4. Take Ownership entire ssp folder -- You can also do it manually but it is easier download and install simple register file below.

Download Link of Take Ownership - Install & Uninstall .reg files:

Go to the Location C:\Windows\System32\spp --- right click entire folder --> Click to Take ownership.


5. After having Take Ownership you can now easily copy-paste & replace original ssp folder with your backup ssp folder.
6. Go to Run and use msconfig and choose Normal boot under General tab this time, apply and click restart when prompted
7. When restarted your Windows & Office will be activated.

Latest Testimonial: Tested on Virtual Machine Windows 10 Pro Retail x64 & Office 2013 Pro Plus both activated with MAK Keys By Phone successfully reinstall. Applied for Clean Installation & Upgrade.

november_ra1n 10 Aug 2015

Edited 2 Nov 2015 by november_ra1n

Hi,Mr. November-Ra1n! 2 questions about manual backup to you:first,


On ‎2015‎年‎8‎月‎7‎日 at 3:31 PM, november_ra1n said:

You can also do it manually but it is easier download and install simple register file below.

how manyally?

second,should the version of "take ownership" be changed with various languages,and if yes,how?

Expect your answer.Thanks!

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1 hour ago, ramouspeppy said:

why I can't push save activation button??
can someone hel me??


You need to delete Grace Period key there is an instruction how to delete that key in the topic.

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3 hours ago, november_ra1n said:


You need to delete Grace Period key there is an instruction how to delete that key in the topic.

I've been looking in this topic but  I am still not found how to delete  period key..

what should I delete, there is 3 key. . . 

I use kms auto lite to activated my office 2016. and I dont know how to delete it..


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28 minutes ago, ramouspeppy said:

I've been looking in this topic but  I am still not found how to delete  period key..

what should I delete, there is 3 key. . . 

I use kms auto lite to activated my office 2016. and I dont know how to delete it..


Delete the grace period key:
cmd (admin)
[x64 bit office on x64 bit Windows or x86 on x86]
[x86 bit office on x64 bit Windows]
*KEY-VALUE = Last five digit of Office Product Key

cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE

cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE


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On ‎2015‎年‎8‎月‎7‎日 at 3:31 PM, november_ra1n said:

4. Take Ownership entire ssp folder -- You can also do it manually but it is easier download and install simple register file below.

Hi,Mr. November-Ra1n! 2 questions about manual backup to you:first, how manyally?
second,should the version of "take ownership" be changed with various languages,and if yes,how?
Expect your answer.Thanks!
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3 minutes ago, secessionnnn said:
Hi,Mr. November-Ra1n! 2 questions about manual backup to you:first, how manyally?
second,should the version of "take ownership" be changed with various languages,and if yes,how?
Expect your answer.Thanks!


Regardless what language you have install activation files will be the same & ownership will not be effected , instruction is posted how to and tested working if you carefully follow.

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41 minutes ago, november_ra1n said:


Regardless what language you have install activation files will be the same & ownership will not be effected , instruction is posted how to and tested working if you carefully follow.

Gotcha.Thanks a lot,Novermber_ra1n!

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Mr. November_Ra1n,Under condition of repartition including C driver of drives of hard disk on the same computer, is it possible to restore both Windows 10 prefessional retail edition activation  and MS Office 2016 retail edition activation  which were saved/backed up with both manually method and Ratiburos? Thanks!

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4 hours ago, secessionnnn said:

Mr. November_Ra1n,Under condition of repartition including C driver of drivers of hard disk on the same computer, is it possible to restore both Windows 10 prefessional retail edition activation  and MS Office 2016 retail edition activation  which were saved/backed up with both manually method and Ratiburos? Thanks!


Yes you can restore activation in same PC in other partition with both methot.

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