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@dcs18 Do I need WFC to use this method? Would it work if I only use native w7 firewall?

Nope, you do not need WFC - you can use any firewall to accomplish the same results. :)

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ok i m gonna try it thanks for replying

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im gonna try this on outpost pro see if it work's,great work dcs18,sirri,and others for reporting more ip address

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My IDM blacklisted today, I use WFC but it doesnt work here. WFC configuration for IDM revert to default after reboot.

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Can't get it to work with windows8firewall control.

Have not yet had the opportunity to try out Windows 8 Firewall Control - hope someone else who has experience with the same can throw some light on configuration for this particular firewall. :(

My IDM blacklisted today, I use WFC but it doesnt work here. WFC configuration for IDM revert to default after reboot.

That is really strange - none of my Windows Firewall Control settings ever revert to default after a reboot. :unsure:

  • Are you using the latest Windows Firewall Control
  • Did you check out the 2 screenshots at the original post on the 2 rules that need to be applied?

Check out the IPs from the OP, reproduced below in Windows Firewall Control format, for you:--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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That is really strange - none of my Windows Firewall Control settings ever revert to default after a reboot. :unsure:

  • Are you using the latest Windows Firewall Control
  • Did you check out the 2 screenshots at the original post on the 2 rules that need to be applied?

Check out the IPs from the OP, reproduced below in Windows Firewall Control format, for you:--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Yes, Im using latest version of WFC and also I followed screenshots on OP.

Probably I incorrectly entered the IPs, because I put space after comma..

Just copy paste from you and so far so good. :D

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Probably I incorrectly entered the IPs, because I put space after comma..

Have appended the rules in horizontal format to the original post, too. :)

Just copy paste from you and so far so good. :D

Thanks for reporting back - glad your WFC is back to normal. :D

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IPs (To Be Blocked) in Vertical Format:--

Where to insert these?


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On Windows Firewall Control, you need to check the box which you highlighted above only if the Apply button is not activated.

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On Windows Firewall Control, you need to check the box which you highlighted above only if the Apply button is not activated.

I didn't find any facility in WFC to enter the IPs vertically. I entered the horizontal ones though.

After entering the IPs in horizontal format, for the first time I had the "Create" button and pressed that. Do I still need to check the box?

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On Windows Firewall Control, you need to check the box which you highlighted above only if the Apply button is not activated.

I didn't find any facility in WFC to enter the IPs vertically. I entered the horizontal ones though.

After entering the IPs in horizontal format, for the first time I had the "Create" button and pressed that. Do I still need to check the box?

Depending on your firewall, you have to use either vertical or horizontal IPs, not both - most firewalls support the horizontal format.

If you were able to Apply (create) the rule, you do not have to check the box - please report back whether your IDM is able to deactivate itself.

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What abut firewalls built in the av softs? Like I tried to make a rule in kaspersky pure 3 and I can't add the full list of the ip addresses from your list as that option in pure does not allow the addition of the last ip address in the list.

If I try to omit the last one and make an outbound rule then it says the ip address can't be resolved due to incorrectly specefied computer name.

So what to do?

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Can somebody who is already using the Kaspersky firewall please assist Levo with his query.

@ Levo

Personally, I have the highest regards for your firewall - am sure that there must be some way out - been quite a while (2 years) since I last tried out KIS. :)

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@dcs18, I've successfully registered IDM with net on. I never did thir dare in my life. However, IDM prompted to whitelist itself after the registration.

With the hosts method I was experiencing data corruption. I hope, this method won't let me have that bad experience.

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IDM seem to be holding it serial with these setting for outpost firewall pro 9.1



deleted all me host file entries and no more "IDM cannot check for updates because an important system file is damaged on your computer". if i try to check for updates :D

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I hope, this method won't let me have that bad experience.

Don't worry about it at all, there is a money-back guarantee that covers you with this tutorial - in case of a bad experience with this method you stand to receive 250% damages of the amount you actually paid.

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* Topic moved to Guides & Tutorials. "As requested." :)

Oh, yeah - was sure that either you or Bryan would be the one to do the honors. :)

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I don't understand the interest of this method over the hosts one...

could someone explain ?

>The hosts method was causing data corruption in between some random downloads. This isn't experienced by all users though.

> Using hosts method, you can not download IDM from their servers. Now with the firewall method, you can. Moreover, hosts method blocks a IP completely for your system where Firewall method blocks a IP for a particular element only and you can still get access to the IP by other means except by the particular element which has been isolated from using the IP.

P.S. - correct me if I'm wrong.

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I don't understand the interest of this method over the hosts one...

could someone explain ?

Apart from the 2 reasons that rudrax has pointed out, the hosts file entries for IDM generally contains a few IPs which in reality cannot be resolved by the hosts - it just does not have the capability to resolve IPs.

Here is the proof:-

Once your copy of IDM is deactivated, edit your hosts file with all possible anti-IDM entries and then, after that try activating it - IDM activation will fail if the internet connection is switched on.

Take your own example, when nothing worked for you and I helped you out with the hosts method - check out the most important part of my instructions at post # 77, reproduced and highlighted (in red) below:--

But could someone help me get rid of fake serial message ? how can I FULLY uninstall & clean IDM, and then install new version and use hosts method ??? :(

Check out whether the following works for you:--

  • Edit your hosts file with the entries suggested on this thread (leave out the IPs)
  • Ensure that the attribute of the hosts file is changed to Read-only
  • Fire up your IDM - let it complain about the fake serial
  • Switch off your internet connection (this is the important part)
  • Enter your registration details - click OK
  • IDM will advise you that it needs to restart
  • Post-restart, once IDM's registration is seen to stick - feel welcome to switch your internet connection back.
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