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uTorrent Makes Advertisement Unremovable in Latest Release


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This week a new version of uTorrent was released, one that is expected to disappoint a large subset of the clients' users. The latest release no longer includes a setting to disable the ad in the left corner of the app, an option that was made available in the client after a previous user revolt.


With roughly 150 million monthly users uTorrent has a massive user base. This means that when drastic changes are implemented, they are bound to disappoint quite a few people.

One of the biggest backlashes in recent history happened two years ago when BitTorrent Inc. announced its plan to make uTorrent ad-supported. This announcement led to a small user revolt.

The people complaining were mostly annoyed that there was be no option to disable the ads. Luckily for them, BitTorrent Inc. listened to the feedback and quickly decided that users would indeed get a chance to opt-out.

At the time BitTorrent Inc. CEO Eric Klinker said that the backlash made it clear that users should be given the choice.

“We’ve long contemplated an opt-out mechanism for the new offers and advertisements we will be experimenting with. Given all that’s been said here, we’ve decided to release the initial version with an opt-out mechanism, and we will provide them with ways to do so,” said BitTorrent CEO Eric Klinker.

From that moment uTorrent’s ads became optional, but turned on by default. Still, the company managed to generate billions of ad impressions per month. Five billion to be precise, according to information released last year.

The optional advertisements were a situation most users could live with, but right before the weekend uTorrent pushed through an unexpected and unannounced change. The latest stable release version 3.4.2, no longer gives users the opportunity to opt out from the banner ad in the lower left corner.

uTorrent with ads, there is no option to disable the bottom left ad


As can be seen below, the option “Show Plus Information” has been removed from the context menu. In addition the advanced setting “gui.show_plus_upsell,” which had the same functionality, has disappeared as well.

uTorrent stable 3.4.1 vs. 3.4.2


At this point it’s unclear why BitTorrent Inc. removed the opt-out. The change is not documented in the release notes, but several users were quick to pick it up and began asking questions.

The uTorrent development team hasn’t responded to the comments yet. Some users are nonetheless quick to draw their conclusions, much like two years ago.

“Just like the coming of the video killing the radio star, ads will kill uTorrent’s popularity,” one user comments in the forums.

While there is no longer an option to hide the uTorrent Plus house ad, people can prevent other ads from showing up there by going into the advanced settings. Setting offers.left_rail_offer_enabled to false should restrict the ads to the uTorrent Plus upsell.

There is no denying that the advertisements, in addition to the toolbars and other software that’s bundled with uTorrent, generate the majority of the revenue for BitTorrent Inc. Perhaps this latest change is an attempt to increase the revenue coming from the banner ads, which eventually goes to paying the company’s bills.

Whether this will be a wise decision in the long run remains to be seen.

Source: TorrentFreak

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Then its simple, Either use older versions of utorrent or use other alternatives like qbittorent.

utorrent will lose many users after this decison.

Definitely lost me! :lol: :P

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Well, have always been disabling the Sidebar (LHS panel) for 3 basic reasons:--

  • All pertinent information available on the Sidebar (LHS panel) is already present on the main GUI
  • Sidebar (LHS panel) occupies precious real-estate and trespasses on other vital statistics even on a 1920 screen.
  • The Sidebar (LHS panel) is the first location-of-choice for annoying advertisements and banners (past, present and future.)

For those who wish to disable the Sidebar (LHS panel):--

Options >> (un-tick) Sidebar.

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this is intersting @dcs i will follow your suggest then off line go to install the latest utorrent

Edited by iih1
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Those of you folks who like the Sidebar (LHS panel,) too dearly to hide it out of sight might want to downgrade to a previous version of your own choice - won't be surprised if some of you even decide to forsake uTorrent (can't really blame any of you.)

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this is my utorrent 3.4.2 (build 31515)

to remove Ads at (disables the banner ad which appears at the top right of your torrent list) and at the bottom left of utorrent

go to >>> options >>> Preference >>> Advanced and do this change the Value TRUE to FALSE

find "offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled"(disables the banner ad which appears at the top of your torrent list)

find "offers.left_rail_offer_enabled" sponsor on bottom left (Ads) on bottom left of utorrent
"gui.show_plus_upsell" (utorrent plus Ads show) seems they removed from Advanced setting or they change the name should be found

to removed utorrent plus offer If founded we should be able to remove that sponsor even from utorrent itself..if not annoying enough keep it a live.


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This may be old news but you can always make utorrent somewhat portable to bypass the additional crap at installation by putting {utorrent.exe and settings.dat}, rss.dat, current.btskin, customized bmp's in the directory of your choice.

Edited by Beasly
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i'm still using 1.6.1, since 8 years. no crashes, just running fine.

only one thing is missing there for me: it can't handle magnet URI. but i hardly need this anyway.

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I stick to 2.2.1 and stay away from 3.xx swarming with ads.

if you stick to 2.21 since long time ago it's not have ads ..no challange there update to 3.2.2

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Well, have always been disabling the Sidebar (LHS panel) for 3 basic reasons:--

  • All pertinent information available on the Sidebar (LHS panel) is already present on the main GUI
  • Sidebar (LHS panel) occupies precious real-estate and trespasses on other vital statistics even on a 1920 screen.
  • The Sidebar (LHS panel) is the first location-of-choice for annoying advertisements and banners (past, present and future.)

For those who wish to disable the Sidebar (LHS panel):--

Options >> (un-tick) Sidebar.

Now my utorrent like this, sidebar unthick it's you mean? thank you for sidebar un-thick..

and how to remove utorrent plus upgrade ads, it is ads also because we must pay for it. :rockon:


Now my utorrent like this, sidebar unthick it's you mean? OPTIONS UN-THICK SIDEBAR DONE


Edited by iih1
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Well, have always been disabling the Sidebar (LHS panel) for 3 basic reasons:--

  • All pertinent information available on the Sidebar (LHS panel) is already present on the main GUI
  • Sidebar (LHS panel) occupies precious real-estate and trespasses on other vital statistics even on a 1920 screen.
  • The Sidebar (LHS panel) is the first location-of-choice for annoying advertisements and banners (past, present and future.)

For those who wish to disable the Sidebar (LHS panel):--

Options >> (un-tick) Sidebar.

Now my utorrent like this, sidebar unthick it's you mean?

and how to remove utorrent plus upgrade ads it is ads also because we must pay for it


:rockon: Yes, absolutely!!!

This looks so much tasteful - without the Sidebar (LHS panel.)

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Hm, if I understand they let you hide the other ads but not Plus?

If someone cracked the app to access Plus (or at least enough to hide banner) we could probably be free of that.

$20 a year is absurd though. Should be able to just buy it once outright.

PS: I've been using the OS X version and they neglect that too much to be bothered to update that. Also used Transmission but I hate the UI so I may have to start using qBittorrent which has an ugly but familiar UI.

If you hate Transmission it's mean you have to hate me too. because i've posted on forum.

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i am using utorrent version 3.4.2 (build 31515) and have no ads anywhere in the windows. I always keep the sidebar disabled and since last very version also keeping "bundles" disabled.

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Hm, if I understand they let you hide the other ads but not Plus?

Have managed to hide all of it - check out post # 6 for the details.

But that is by hiding the sidebar, right?

If it only showed a Plus block in the sidebar I wouldn't find it too insufferable and if it bothers me I'd hide the sidebar too.

But if they make those banners unremovable I'm ditching them for qBittorrent.

If the Sidebar (LHS panel) is left enabled one has to suffer not only the Plus advertisement, but also others ads. as per their whims and fancies - check out the screenshot at the very first opening post.

The Sidebar (LHS panel) is the hotbed of the advertisements - there is no escaping that fact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . any more (am glad that my eyes found it most ugly, years ago - not missing it, at all.)

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Hm, if I understand they let you hide the other ads but not Plus?

If someone cracked the app to access Plus (or at least enough to hide banner) we could probably be free of that.

$20 a year is absurd though. Should be able to just buy it once outright.

PS: I've been using the OS X version and they neglect that too much to be bothered to update that. Also used Transmission but I hate the UI so I may have to start using qBittorrent which has an ugly but familiar UI.

If you hate Transmiision it's mean you have to hate me too. because i've posted here in forum transmission here you go http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/211190-transmission-qt-win-2821fast-easy-free-torrent-client-32-64bit/?hl=transmission#entry758842

No it doesn't. I can dislike the UI all I want without taking a shot at anyone.

If I understand, you ported it to Windows? I run OS X and multiple Windows in a VM so I could use the OS X version and have before.

The Transmission UI is just too simplistic for me. In uTorrent I can view lots of stats and info.

absolutely you're right about the transmission..just make posting that is my first post on this Forum..transmission UI

is too bland for me and do agree with you.

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The Sidebar (LHS panel) is the hotbed of the advertisements - there is no escaping that fact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . any more

Just a reminder for everybody, I am not running the version that is being discussed, here - my version is a more later one (check out the screenshot, again.)

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