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ESET v4 Fixes


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Didn't think to mention about filtering too.. I was noticing that PeerBlock was showing ESET in the blocked list again.. so if you updated the lists recently or was running the filters it may also have caused the problem.. Just an afterthought though.. and something to keep in mind..

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I'm using the box, mara-fix 1.3 but how do I know that it isn't malware ?!

It works great but you have to be careful these days... ;)

Thx... :)

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I'm using the box, mara-fix 1.3 but how do I know that it isn't malware ?!

It works great but you have to be careful these days... ;)

Thx... :)

Because it isn't. I explained this 1000 times. Please search before you post/ask.

Cheers ;)

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Please excuse me pal, you are right, I was lazy.. ;)

Just found this and read it so I guess it's safe...

Thanks for your reply.. :)

Cheers mate... :P

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Strange behavior with minodlogin Since last night it starts to run and run and run. When I woke up this morning it was still going. It just started up again and won't quit. Previously it would run for a few seconds and finish. Anyone else having this trouble?

Never mind, uninstalled and reinstalled it and seems ok now.

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Strange behavior with minodlogin Since last night it starts to run and run and run. When I woke up this morning it was still going. It just started up again and won't quit. Previously it would run for a few seconds and finish. Anyone else having this trouble?

Never mind, uninstalled and reinstalled it and seems ok now.


If you are using ESS that happens because MiNodLogin is looking for Licenses and it seems licenses provided by servers for ESS are missing.

You can use « TNOD Username Password Finder (32 & 64 bits) » already posted here. ( update on comment --» 1976 ).

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The servers are not missing. The licenses are missing, at least for Eset Smart. No problem for Eset Nod-licenses abound for it!!! -_-

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TNOD User & Password Finder --» Update --» v.

Inserts Username & Password in y/ AV ESET (or ESS ) just with one click.-( x86 & x64 ) - Nothing will be installed except the licenses.

Download :-


Site ............................................ mediafire.com

Sharecode ......................................................... /?khqbft4202yqg58




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why in the eset update site show me the diferent date of update...and in my eset is curent update?

any sugestion thanks...


box,mara-fix 1.3

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it`s a pitty you and box didn`t make a fix for v2...it would`ve been awesome! without dependency of trial servers etc...

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it`s a pitty you and box didn`t make a fix for v2...it would`ve been awesome! without dependency of trial servers etc...

There is a fix for Ver 2.. when it was a current version.. I used it forever.. it was simple as it could be.. simple registry hack... in FACT.. I beleive I actually kept a copy in archive ( don't ask me why ).. 2.70.32.. with it.. Fix ver.2.2.. I shredded all of version 3 ESET... and kept that and all of version 4 stuff thus far.. but its only current stuff..

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hope nsane dont mind me posting this:

FiX 2.2:

Site ............................................ mediafire.com

Sharecode ......................................................... /?7gkdydqbl23zq0i

FiX 3.0 Beta:

Site ............................................ mediafire.com

Sharecode ......................................................... /?1731wkdgr86mssk

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TNOD User & Password Finder --» Update --» v.

Inserts Username & Password in y/ AV ESET (or ESS ) just with one click.-( x86 & x64 ) - Nothing will be installed except the licenses.

Download :-


Site ............................................ mediafire.com

Sharecode ......................................................... /?khqbft4202yqg58




TNOD User & Password Finder v1.4.0.17

really work's thanks jofre


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it`s a pitty you and box didn`t make a fix for v2...it would`ve been awesome! without dependency of trial servers etc...

There is a fix for Ver 2.. when it was a current version.. I used it forever.. it was simple as it could be.. simple registry hack... in FACT.. I beleive I actually kept a copy in archive ( don't ask me why ).. 2.70.32.. with it.. Fix ver.2.2.. I shredded all of version 3 ESET... and kept that and all of version 4 stuff thus far.. but its only current stuff..

V2...have not tried it on Windows 7 x64...does it works ok?

Love this on XP then.

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I haven't run version 2 since version 3 came out.. about halfway through 3's lifespan I upgraded... was glitchy, and had problems with 3's settings... version 2 saved me so much before that, I was in... but it is missing quite a few aspects to the new security aspects.. like.. there is no Firewall, IDS or Advanced settings... It will download a file to your system for instance.. then scan it... so active file monitoring is in place.. I used to use this and BlackIce... then I was like why do I need a Firewall.. especially after having problems.. not long after BlackIce was discontinued and updates and support were getting to be real problems a long time before that.. before I had an understanding of HIDS/HIPS.. and other aspects of PC Security.. usually very lite on resources... though...

Endpoint.. I would not recommend it now.. with the advances since then which have taken place... and the level of protection that we have now with version 4 which is a much better product in my opinion..

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V2...have not tried it on Windows 7 x64...does it works ok?

Love this on XP then.

V2 does not work on (x64 bit) of Windows Se7en :)

However, it's a livewire on (x32 bit) and in fact, tested under extreme conditions - to be much more swifter and compatible than V3 and even V4. However, it gets beaten up in the malware 'cleaning' department. No wonder the V2 is still under production. :rockon:

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V2 does not work on (x64 bit) of Windows Se7en :)

That's a deal breaker for me with two Windows 7 Ultimate x64 systems.

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